Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

What’s in your custom?

I’ve tryed the first version of it which doesn’t contain Khan. Now I’m putting Khan in it since everything is doing great with stacking Khan and my custom. I also removed ARES which was a healing module just to make sure my mind is not spending energy toward healing and is spending my energy toward action.

Khan St4
Alexander’s Play
Stress Displacement
SPS: Endocrine System
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Joie de Vivre
Inner Gasoline
Carpe Diem Ascended
Productivity Unleashed
Machine : Action
Natural Winner
Furious Ascent
Fusion Optimized


Nice custom
Wish you allot of fun

Today’s my listening day and I listened to Khan stage 4 zp. Before I started I was feeling demotivated and depressed because I haven’t had sex in ages. But after reading what @friday said about khan being a sub that makes you to be the man you want to be and its not only about sex, I felt better because whereas I haven’t had results in my sex life, I’ve gotten better with my interactions with people especially girls, before I wouldn’t be able to speak my mind at times but lately I’ve been more confident in speaking my mind.
I also noticed after listening to Khan by 12:15am, I couldn’t sleep again and started coding and doing all the work I’ve been procrastinating.
I’ve also learnt that rather than focus on getting laid, I’d rather focus on building my self to be that ideal man and along the way, ill get what ever it is my heart desires. Removing excess potential is the key to using any subliminal product.
I was meant to listen to ql today but since khan is working so well today, I’ll leave it till the evening before I sleep

I also noticed clarity of purpose in my life , i also discovered a new passion, all on Khan.


does Khan ZP already have the improved ZP scripting with the anti-recon?

I am running St1 and not feeling much, I can’t identify if anything is coming from ST1, am I doing something wrong? any recommendations? Current stack Stark + Khan ST1 + Wanted

Maybe expectations too high? I’ve been reading other user’s posts on how it deconstructs you, makes you feel like new man, etc. But I do not feel like that.



I’m running khan st4 and Wanted and I have a feeling wanted has slowed results. Haven’t gotten much results in the sexual aspect but I noticed mindset change. I feel this particular combo, wanted and khan takes patience for results to start coming in, maybe you just have to be patient, keep taking actions and learning with time you won’t notice when you get all that you desire

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The fewer different products you use, the faster you will see results. I started with Khan stage 1. I immediately felt a difference. I feel solid, I no longer have anxiety about speaking in front of a lot of people, I don’t care what people think of me even more than before, and other results…

When I added primal ZP it felt like the results stopped. I listened to Khan ST1 one day, then the second day rest, third day Primal ZP, then rest. I found that to be too much. The best is with 2 days of rest between each subliminal. And the results started to reappear.


Lots of the people who saw quicker results were only running Khan.

I was running Khan st1, Ascension, Love Bomb, Sanguine and Primal.

Khan st1 was ultra dominant in this cycle, actually it was so profoundly dominant that I had to use other titles to balance it out.

:grin: Over 1 year of only Dragon Reborn showed its magic

Now stage 2 shows slowly and powerfully its magic too.
I have to stay a little longer on st 2 because I am running 2 customs at the same time

But Khan is so powerfull that sometimes I get a little scared (the good sort of scared)


I have Ethereal Presence included in my custom.

For a long time I could not identify what this module was doing for me. I think it was 2 months after I started the custom when I realized that one of my relationships has been dreamlike. I have meet this specific type of girl and it is as if she came straight out of a dream, creating a feeling of ethereal wistfulness in me.

I was already joking inside my mind that this module backfired, and instead of charming the girls around me, the aura bewitched myself.

NOW something really INTERESTING happened.

I have upgraded Wanted Wanted to ZP — all modules are the same, so Ethereal
Presence is also included.

Yesterday, I have run my second loop.

TODAY this specific girl texts me…



I could not believe it

And that is what I am saying for a long time. Ever since running ZP titles, my surroundings / the people around me actively REFLECT back to me that I am executing the subliminals perfectly. It is not for example that I think I feel so wanted, but it is actually people telling me “OH wow you are so wanted”, “you must have a pile of women waiting in line for you”, basically directly quoting the script for me lol. It is a whole other level of manifesting and SHAPING REALITY.


Bro that is impressive as shit, I’m happy for you. I have also had pretty amazing results and seen very nice shit on here, one more recently which includes another user I’ve met in real life :wink:

ZP definitly is something. The girl I am seeing right now keeps saying to me she’s not totally straigth… So like, Well see if we plan something but you know sometime she tell me she finds other girls cute and stuff.

ZP can really change life. I can’t wait to start something like Rich ZP :wink:


What do you mean?


If your sex life was non-existent maybe you should have started with Ascension and later PS for some months before jumping to Khan.

Maybe i’m wrong but otherwise you will hit a lot of recon.

This :point_up_2:
Then every time this happens I tell myself : she’s allready liking my dick in her imagination.she makes herself ready for me

If they drop their head I tell myself : she lost a drop and is looking down to find it or hold it tight so she does not loose more.

Then I think
Thank you for this compliment


Just have fun


:joy: I dunno if we can share such intimate details but it made me lol.

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I’ve had a different experience, Khan made me go from someone who doesn’t get laid to someone who gets laid.

Just run it for longer. Reconciliation, as long as it’s not stonewalling or unbearable is only your mind shedding it’s old skin.

Now that I am back on Khan, I feel it in my body that I am the type of guy to get laid.


I am considering taking a hiatus from the username „friday“. In a strange way, I feel limited defining myself in any shape or form to the digital identity I have created around my self.


What part exactly do you clash?

“Friday” is created and molded by you in a continuous process of growth.

Maybe you should try “fry” as a username.