Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Amazing story! I’m very intrigued by your way of life. Do start a journal, I’ll definitely read it! :smiley:


Sunday morning 11:18
2 loops of Khan st 1 - check
Let’s go

Update : 5 hours later

I was laying in the hamoc waiting what will happen. The first time I lisen to st1 the action started 20 min after the last loop( witch is unusual for me, normally I feel the effects right away) so it happen today.

I feel like an elevator is going down, I am in it and I wait with curiosity where I end up. I did not expect to arrive in my underworld. I see how I am still stuck in some underworld places, so I searched for myself there, I saw me kneeling down and my head point into the ground but this time I am not under a mountain of black teer quite the opposite. I saw how light flows trough my whole body and instead of blood I have thick light that travels to me. Intuitive I hit myself on the back and screamed : STAND UP NOW

I did very slow but I stood up and then sadness that felt like ingrained in myself was jumping into my awareness.

Ohhh baby not this time

I grabbed the whole sad state and ripped it out of me–bye bye no more cry
Then immediately I turned back to my centimeter for centimeter standing up version and said: the world is no more sad, now stand up and have fun.

3 min later I felt I am back in the elevator and going up. I layd in my hammock and no I have the feeling of a couple of construction workers start to clean my foundation Core.

This was Funn to expirience
Yesterday I slept only 5 hours so I was going back to bed and slept another 5 hours.

I stood up 40 min ago I feel Reborn no more inferior

This Sub Rocks

Amazing feedback @Tobyone and your only running total breakdown :slight_smile: Imagine how the next stage will evolve you.

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Yes, it feels like it’s changing me deeply from within. I’m excited for stage 3, the action stage. But first I’m planning on doing two 21 days of Total Breakdown before moving on :slight_smile:

Edit: the amount of horniness on Khan is insane, just as I remember on St4 on Q and Qv2, but not this much on TB.


@GoldenTiger you are stacking stark and khan stage 1 ? do you feel that the total breakdown is overwriting the effects of stark ?. This was one of my original concerns of running healing stages with major subs.

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No no, I just tryed to stack a couple of things with St1, first there was rebirth, I also tryed limitless, and yesterday I did St1 + St4… Which gave me recon hahaha

At this point, even if I want to get back productive as fuck (and need to!!), I think I’ll focus on just keeping St1 (maybe running executive since it’s light and is designed to make me act).


Thanks my plan of attack will probably be khan stage 4 and stark.


Many social barriers , most of it self imposed , prevent me from creating wealth pathways,

Can khan stage 1 stacked with Mogul help me in this regard?

Well it looks like that WhiteTiger is the only person to have tested khan stage 1 with another product or stage and he hit recon.

Perhaps it might be better you just run stage 1 breakdown for now ?. Of course you could always test and comeback with your feedback.

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Whilst I know you’re talking about the person above, I personally think @GoldenTiger should stick to Stage 1 only too.

I initially recommended Rebirth with it but after Saint posting something the other day about sticking with Stage 1 only my mind has changed.


What do you guys feel regarding productivity on Khan? How has it been? Have you experienced any office conflict with boss? How good is the wealth part going?
Please share some thoughts folks, thanks.

I feel powerful most of the time.
I get along very well with people.
I’m not any less productive…
just not extra motivated, perhaps.
Stage 1.


Thanks. Will be doing that. Wanted is also on the list tho :eyes:

Update : 5 hours later

I was laying in the hamoc waiting what will happen. The first time I lisen to st1 the action started 20 min after the last loop( witch is unusual for me, normally I feel the effects right away) so it happen today.

I feel like an elevator is going down, I am in it and I wait with curiosity where I end up. I did not expect to arrive in my underworld. I see how I am still stuck in some underworld places, so I searched for myself there, I saw me kneeling down and my head point into the ground but this time I am not under a mountain of black teer quite the opposite. I saw how light flows trough my whole body and instead of blood I have thick light that travels to me. Intuitive I hit myself on the back and screamed : STAND UP NOW

I did very slow but I stood up and then sadness that felt like ingrained in myself was jumping into my awareness.

Ohhh baby not this time

I grabbed the whole sad state and ripped it out of me–bye bye no more cry
Then immediately I turned back to my centimeter for centimeter standing up version and said: the world is no more sad, now stand up and have fun.

3 min later I felt I am back in the elevator and going up. I layd in my hammock and now I have the feeling of a couple of construction workers start to clean my foundation Core.

This was Funn to expirience
Yesterday I slept only 5 hours so I was going back to bed and slept another 5 hours.

I stood up 40 min ago I feel Reborn no more inferior

My whole life I wondered how does it feel to be a Normal human being without this constant pull into the abiss

Now I start to know

This Sub Rocks


Found it. This was the quote that made me skeptical of physical shifting technology being updated in Khan ZP.


Does it have any physical shifting text in the script? No, but…

When attitudes, beliefs, emotions and behavior change, it effects our physical appearance.


If you need status/willpower/whatever to get over the barriers, I’d use Ascended Mogul. As for Khan…I think EoG Stage 1 would work better as it’s more wealth-focused. Even if you run the Q version until ZP is out, I think you’d benefit.

Unless you are wanting to use Khan for the status boost, which I think would work also. Though I’d try out Khan4 to see how that helps or not.


Who’s listening to khan st2 zp, any observations or results?

Yes Palpatine, you have identified correctly Whatever to get over the barrier is of utmost importance.

The reason for starting Khan was to crumble these self-imposed barriers. is my understanding wrong?

What if I stack ascended Mogul with Khan?

Should work I think

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