Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I still have the urge to hit the gym again. Badly.

Man, am I hungry on Khan St1 & Wanted! Like ravenous! I keep going to the grocery store & getting more food lol I’m a health nut and slender so it doesn’t matter but I definitely need the additional energy.


I filled a big cauldron with spaghetti and I guess it had an overload of spaghetti :joy::joy:
So the spaghetti is fucked, guess what I found, meat!!!
I found meat and it is cooking
My stepmom (my dad has two wives) left the house a few days ago and I never opened the freezer to see the meat until now😂

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Who’s stacking Stark with Khan here?

For now I’m running Khan on it’s own.


Amazing. How do you think Khan ST1 + Stark + Mogul would be together?
or Stark + PSZP + Mogul (sorry for this, else would have to do another post for it lol)

I think it would be great, but I’ll be honest… Khan needs a lot of space, I would recommand smaller subs while you run it.

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now you can feel how she was when getting the validation from you…remember that feeling

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I agree with WhiteTiger, I think the 2nd stack would work much better as well.


Khan/wanted/primal first week;

I feel like a god. Point blank simple. Iron frame control to the point where my mind is naturally operating from the standpoint where everything I do is cash money sex because I’m the one doing it. I feel very Tyler Darden esque; insanely at ease with total strangers and it feels like the inner world/subjective experience of others shines like a bright light around me and I can polish myself in their eyes to match the badass version of myself in my head to appear in their mirror. Basically iron frame control but not solipilistic; I’m VERY aware of the realities of others and how I appear to them……and in control fo how their reality interacts with mine in the moment so I can adjust any situation to go the way I want it to go.

I’m not being forceful or aggressive at all like I thought khan might be. I’m seeing now that dominance as a concept is being implemented through my natural more laidback nature and with the wanted/primal connection I’m communicating mainly through the non verbal level and just using words as a hypnotizing tool; create emotions, stir feelings, etc

I engage in a creative discipline and this week my performance was the smoothest its ever been thanks to that inherent inability to worry about making a mistake or second guessing myself in anything. I’m the most interesting person to me; theres no need to get in the way of what I’m doing naturally.

Last but not least it has set my seduction game into overdrive; walk around deeply expecting every girl to lust for you and even the ones that don’t at first will start to fall in your frame- I’m seeing it happen daily. The thing is its not a tactic; on a very deep level of my being it just feels natural for every girl to want me like its a natural result of my identity….more so then ever what I have loved about this week is that its been the REALLY hot girls who seem to respond to me the most-this is the biggest baseline difference and I have been running subclub seduction tilts exclusively for almost a year now I think. Adding khan this week has gotten me top tier IG model looking girls chasing me. Granted this is alongside a lot of conscious mind restructuring to support such a reality as well as running wanted qv2 to wanted zp constantly and consistently for almost a year now but I just feel khan in the deepest parts of my mind giving this insatiable lust for success, sex and self mastery alongside the complete self acceptance and self confidence that allows you to fulfill that lust…


What stage of khan are you running?

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Khan ST4. Definitely makes me wanna follow suit as I advance through the program…

I’ve been so grounded on Khan. St1 probably has my favorite healing modules. I AM to remove that imposter syndrome is a need for Me.

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For fasting on subs you all should consider following DarkPhilosopher’s journal and my journal because we’re undertaking a multi-day fast. It will be interesting to see how subs process.

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Nice, I’ve done 40-48hrs fast on stark


Am running Total Breakdown and WANTED too and boy are they a good combo for a good appetite lol.


Listened to Khan st2 Zp. So far I feel so good and the all of a sudden I have the urge to jog in the morning


Update on my progress of Khan:

All in all 3 loops of Total Breakdown, and today before hitting the bars 1 loop of Total Reprogramming for the lols today.

Short backstory is that I just hit a medium sized city in Sweden after 6 months of living alone on a small cabin of 20 square meters in the middle of a forest surrounded by horses with minimal social interactions with other human beings. And to sum it up also what I realized, no real interactions in groups of people(in-group bias) of any kind since I started sublimnals back in October 2020(quit my last job a month prior to this). So that means I have had almost no outer signs of manifestations since I started using sublimnals on the regular back in the Q era.

So today I went out to a an irish bar in the central part of the town. Also I’m an expert in being in out-group bias through out my adult life, almost never belonged to any crowd, never felt like I belonged anywhere.

I was just sitting just digging the music on my own when a lady who sat with her boyfriend approached me, and she was mesmerized by me. I invited the guy and we chatted for a while, and she was touching me and openly showing interest. After that I helped her wing up a random woman to our table for they were looking to have a threeway with another woman. I was amused by it and she took my FB before I left them to pursue that thing they wanted, which ofc was a FFM and not a MMF lol(the woman they left with openly touched and flirted with me ealier that evening.)

After that several guys and girls approached me as I danced and said the same thing, that there was something special about me. And atm I am homeless just staying at a hostel, so my story goes, I just came into town after having spent 6 month in nature around horses. Not your every day story…

Had some really deep talk with some dudes, and also being offered to rent houses and apartments across several minor towns in Sweden from different people. Mind you I never asked, they just suggested it.

After closing I went to a fast food place to have something to eat. Immediately I became friends with threee different security guards at the place, and them approaching me several times joking and doing fist bumps. People at this place were quite drunk, and I just talked to everyone but not really engaging fully because I really did not feel compelled to go for more.

Outside I walked past several police cars and I just looked at them, and I had this smile from ear to ear(most definately from Chosen), and they looked so confused how someone could look so happy and free in his expressions… No one ever does this, it was quite obvious lol. I have always found it quite hilarious to mess around with these norms most live by in society.

But also this can be tricky as I remember one time back in the days in Cambodia, when I joked with a local military officer about them having a big party with the 1 dollar they took for every stamp in the passport on entering their country. They looked at me with contempt holding their M16 rifles on their chests and almost pointing it at me(lol, there are limits…)

I used to work for 2 years at Sweden’s biggest international airport, so to me authority in the form of police and security has become a no thing to me, I don’t even react to it, I just became friends with them with my big mouth(I got away with some crazy shit because of this back then.)

Finally home after dancing to music from my earbuds, I saw that I had apparently 5 new friend requests from people I met in the bar, and I don’t remembering having exchanged it, I was just having fun.

Lastly, I remeber having locked eyes with countless women during the night with ease, and just sharing brief moments of intense male to female stares without flinching.

I have been slacking a bit last couple of days, but I do plan to start a new jounal with my Khan jounal in the ZP… I must say that this new technology works differnetly compared to the ealier builds.


same here…a sign of higher mental activity. The brain wants more energy to process.