Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

have any of you running this program noticed massive increase in horniness/sex drive?

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Me hahhaa, Ambition and sex drive through the roof!


have you seen a similar increase in horniness/sex drive from any other product?

or khan stands out as being by far the best for this for you?

also, is the high sex drive on khan something you feel all day while awake or it comes and goes throughout the day?

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Nah, I must say on my first loop of Khan St1 I was at least 2x more horny than on Stark, Ps, Emperor, Wanted… Name it.

Also take notes I’ve been fasting a lot to boost my hormones when I eat again.

But to be honest I’m sure it’s khan because I was still fasting when I started it! And my libido was high as fuck (still is!!) !!


I’m not surprised that Khan ZP is sending your libido through the roof. I have this on Khan Q as well.

Yesterday was the superbowl, I watched it, I was very chill and had a good bodylanguage on it!

Today the day started strong with me going to the gym, not caring about seeing girls or not. The more the day advance, the more I am thinking about my past mistakes with woman… To the point where I am living regret… I am a little bit sad and anxious.


Most likely Khan TB working on you…


Recon my friend
Something deep is healing within you
By the way, could you give me some tips on fasting?
When to start, what to do? Drink?eat?

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Bro u aint got any journals on this sub
So A quick question
Are u using st1 solo?
And if yes, do you think it helps you keep going on with your life? I mean do you have enough productivity and confidence on it to sieze the day?
And did you suffer from anxiety before, if yes, is st1 solo helping you to overcome it?

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Yeah, the first thing to manage is hunger and energy.

My first tip for anyone who would want to start fasting would be to lower their carb intake. You need to spend some time making sure your body can use fat as fuel with no problem before starting a fast. Which means you could do max 150-100 grams of carbs per day for a few weeks before dropping carbs completely.

Then, once you are low carb or Keto, then you should not feel hunger :slight_smile: which will make it easy to not eat for a long period of time!

Hunger is what I struggle the most with, I would recomment checking out the web, regarding fasting, you need to make sure to have enough salt and potassium if you want to have energy!


Nah I haven’t started a journal :sweat_smile:

I am using Khan St1 Solo. I do feel like it helps me going with my life, but I must say that the high libido can be distracting and maybe work is not my number 1 priority :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes I did have problems with anxiety, I do feel it’s working on it as I had much lower social anxiety yesterday and I hadn’t drank any alcohol or anything. I was just doing my thing. I still need to assess the situation as I am still only one week in!


bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie
These are high carb foods, u wanna add some more?

Do you feel the anxiety is from recon?

Any comments on khan st1 solo helping with anxiety?

Definitly. I think St1 will break the patterns in your mind that causes anxiety!


Thanks alot
Sorry for this much questions
But how long is the recon
Have you noticed anxiety vanishing nearly completely when you listened to it just now, like half an hour after listening to two loops, how do you feel?:thinking:

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Usually I have a few hours of anxiety about 5 hours after my loops. Then, at night it gets better. And the next day anxiety is gone. It’s not the end of the world, I find ZP recon less harsh than Qv2 recon!

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Thanks for your precious time
Last question :grimacing::grimacing:
What u think about stark+GLM
Will it give you the dominance which u have on khan or what?:thinking:

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It would probably help, but I can’t know for sure as I haven’t ran godlike masculinity ZP nor Stark and GLM at the same time.

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Now that I’m FINALLY running Khan from the beginning (ST1/Total Breakdown), I’m reading the sales page yet again.

This part jumps out at me: “…you will be manifesting women who desire to know you and be taken by you” (bolding is mine).

That part just screams primal power to me. UNLIMITED Primal POWAH :slight_smile: