Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Would 3 cycles per stage be unnecessary? I’m a fucked up ***** so I need a lot of reprogramming.

Or just take the fast track and own you’re a fucked up ***** and slay the world.

For those who went from zero to hero with Khan, did you have religious, monogamy imprinting from childhood and to what extent? Is Khan optimal for moving passed that or would Primal, DR, Ascension, etc do it?

I believe the current recommendation for multi stage programs is:

From the Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1):

"You can switch stages at each washout period, which is around 21 days. Do not start play lawyer games with that statement, start listening today or tomorrow knowing that you have 5 days left before a washout, and then switch to the next stage.

EDIT: That being said, yes, we do recommend running each stage for 2 periods, around 45 days. Keep in mind that there’s much less exposure time on ZP."


I moved to ST2 after only 21 days…am I good na

Posture & especially shoulder behind…Khan, I salute you

Khan ST2 after one loop

I didn’t have monogamy printing as a kid and actually live in the same culture as you, one where a man who gets laid is powerful

EVEN On khan my scope never went over 2-3 women at a time more than anything because that’s enough when they’re just perfect for you

And still I hated part of me that wasn’t with 10

I’ve come to realise after a long time that it was just a mental block since I’m perfectly happy with a small intimate harem than getting tons of first night lays with randoms, there isn’t something wrong with me other than the fact I believed I have to be literally devouring everything that moves to be what OTHER men call alpha, its cool to ask the child inside me what the big boss move is and I’m naturally more a nomad who enjoys deep experiences

Keep in mind that I began running wanted after a long time with Khan so a lot of my new mindset is coming from the zp power of self realisation

Ultimately you will do what you want to do and what you find best for you even on just khan


Same, it’s also the time, like I also have fwb and I am not very very close I can see them once per month maybe. And when meeting a new girl, I am closer of course because of novelty.

Same, I noticed it strongly during Khan St2 reprogramming!


This was a fantastic summary of exactly what Khan is intended to do


It would be a great choice, 3 months each stage.

Yes, run less titles/loops.

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Is anybody here running khan st2?

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I finished my run of St2.

It’s a transformation, @Invictus has been a witness of how I changed on Khan St2.


Can you share anything about how you’ve changed?


I’m not him, but I can tell you that he changed a lot in terms of how he comes off, as well as how he talks.

There’s this sense of nonchalance that started coming off of him, and he became wittier and a bit intimidating to joke with.

But the most obvious thing to me was how much action he seemed to be taking, like @GoldenTiger started doing more in the real world, making plans with girls and hitting them up more, without the fear he had back when ZP preview first started (I would rather him talk about this himself since it’s not nice to talk about other’s issues, whether current or past ones), and now that I think about it, I haven’t played with him the entirety of his st2 run :exploding_head:


Did you run just one cycle for st2?

I see. Thank you for the elaboration.


Just came out of my fwb’s house, very dominant sex.

I saw a girl yesterday, another one today…

I now have two fwb to have fun with :wink:

To be honest, I feel freer from the constraint of the world.


Oh yeah, my sex archetype is very dominant. (I played diamond to enhance my arousal since it’s still a little slow).

Basically I am able to make girls very comfortable sexually with me very fast. I believe this is in part because of diamond which enchance pleasure for both parties.

Khan makes me dominant in bed. Ordering girls around, grabbing them. I’m more primal. Also, I drop a few jokes/teases during break from sex to keep the embiance smooth. Khan really shines because of it’s type of humor which is very high status. Ex. : Yesterday night (friday), I sent an scientific article for my friend to read. He anwser me something like “Scientific articles on a friday night??”. Ans then he pursue by telling me he is writing a deal agreement with one of his future business partner and wanted me to look at it this weekend. And I just anwsered : “Love the critique of me reading scientific article on a friday night by the guy who is still working” (but in french the way I said it was more stylish. In english I would of probably wrote something like this as a reply to him telling me he is working : “Woah, and you find me wierd for reading science shit on a friday night :eyes:

Really dry humor, it was a damn good point and a funny way to bring it.


Also, I’ve had direct compliments :

Yesterday : What did I do to meet a guy who fucks and talk like you. (or something, I don’t remember if she said so well in her sentence).

Another exemple of tease : The girl I saw tonight finished her day of study and her roommate was still focused on studying while we were having sex. She told me she had trouble to focus today because she was horny. Eventually in the conversation I was able to tease her by plugging “Right now in your appartment you guys are two people, one girl who is studying and one who should be studying”

I’ve had others, but like… At this point I think results are coming. Right now I’m focused on my presentation so I’m not meeting new girls.