Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

zp is really strong 3 cycles really drills

10 months of stage 2 will be colossal


Hey bro! Just out of curiosity, how long have you done khan stage 1?

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Colossus Khan


Thanks bro, that’s exactly what I’m shooting for!

I did stage 1 for 4 months. First 3 months I ran stage 1 solo. Then the last month I ran it with regeneration.

My 2nd cycle of Khan st1 started 3 days ago.
This is fantastic, the washout was very effective and necessary.

This time I feel I get powerful, really powerful from the inside. It feels like my Core strength is increasing massively.

My ability to demolish hindrances is Effortless.
I generate Power in myself

Let’s go


Started second cycle of stage one and I can confirm this is true

Still waiting to see if there are any hidden traumas that might reveal this time


Your physical core, energetic core, something else?

Good results related to women?

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My foundation and that’s affecting everything

To what extent can Khan be used for social empire-building?

Most here focus on the drive it provides to seduce women.

Let’s say your goal is to create a large social circle. Benefits of this include A) knowing a lot of women B) knowing a lot of people for business purposes C) having high status and loyalty with the people.

Khan appears to do all this simultaneously. The Total Action description focuses on women, but also mentions manifesting wealth opportunities.

If your focus is to first strictly build a social empire, would there be reason to run Khan? My vision assumes one can manifest the most women and wealth if they have connections from providing value to others, e.g., in the form of social and romantic opportunities. So the question is, if you want to focus on social empire while setting women and business on the backburner, would Khan be of benefit?

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It has to say something to you that a lot of people on Khan put great emphasis on seduction.

Khan is a very unbridled and primal man, there is nothing you cant do with this program such as creating large social circles and attracting women through it. But to do it “your own comfortable way” on khan wont work because it will draw upon your primal masculinity to achieve your social and wealth goals.

so if you dont mind that or want that do it, but if you have a peeve for being in and out with women and showing your own primal side then it will take some time.

generally life falls into place nicely on this program once u fully accept yourself and are comfortable being a man


Seems like a good point. I personally have been inhibited toward approaching stranger women directly and know how I’ve attracted women in the past so I want to do what I know will work for me. I’m open to more “manly” ways of getting women but have doubts about whether the subs will work for me. Also, it’s confusing about which subs to choose since there are more than a handful related to seduction and people say “don’t run Khan if you haven’t run A, B, C, D, …”

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i dislike approaching women too, it’s not a program that makes u “hate yourself” like it makes u sound, it will just push u towards finding your private sex life in a way you PERSONALLY LOVE.

whatever that is

i dont know what people say about khan much but what i know is that i ran only khan with EF as my first ever program, and others i know who ran khan didnt need a very intricate pre quisite.

Khan takes time, that’s it

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That would be good but I’ve already done some work aiming for this. For periods of time, making my life all about finding women was rather depressing. It seems I need some kind of enjoyable circumstances to show/feel status, value, etc. Like I said, I’m open to other possibilities, but I struggle with whether Khan would fix this aspect.

only one way to find out

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That leaves the question of why Khan and not a bunch of other subs which promise the same result

I see. Thank you for clarifying.

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Because Khan can help make you “the man who has it all.”

I dont know… its up to you in the end man i aint Khan’s salesperson.

@unusualfellow yes there’s certainly an aspect of khan getting “the dream” and it’s coming realer to me the more i run it, an unquenchable spirit

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