Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

I love it but the way you are telling the story conveys to me that you think what happened is something unique (which it is not anymore for you). @GoldenTiger you have to keep in mind that THIS IS YOUR NEW NORMAL NOW. You are now longer enchanted or impressed if something like this happens because is just the NATURAL EFFECT you have on people from now on. You are no longer your old self, you have changed, transformed and are now a Khan, attracting, seducing and arousing girl just from being yourself. Let go of all old perceived notions of what is possible as you are now ready to enter a new phase of your life.


This happens to you all the time
…As Usual

Two weeks ago it wasn’t :wink:

Thats why I’m thinking Khan is the most transformative alpha male subliminal on here. In a freaking snap of a finger you can grow.

And Khan will bring me there, I still have to let go of lots of past failures money wise, socially wise.

Girls are just a fun few hours a week through all that growth.

Are you on Khan my man? :eyes:


Yes :slight_smile:


What’s your current results with it?

When I made my post, I was just paraphrasing a coach who says when something great happens to you, state out loud AS USUAL. This will help cement it and keep it happening.

I’m doing a lot of healing (physical) along with Khan III & Wanted so I don’t have any stories like yours to add at the moment.


Ohhhh ok ok I should start doing that :joy: As usual!

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Yeah it’s fun talking to yourself that way. No matter how incredible or outlandish… as usual. And of course that happened… that’s the least I can expect!

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Can be Khan compared to Emperor regarding working ethic, productivity, and intelligence?


Khan is the shit… the only question is are you man enough to handle it?


For the moment, not at all, but I would say Khan the reason not it because of the size of the script.

You are exposed to a lot less “productivity” and “discipline” script when you listen to a loop of Khan because of the length of it.


@GoldenTiger @friday and all

For how long did you run Khan before it really started manifesting?

Khan manifested from day 1 for me


Same as friday it starts from day 1.

Except the first time I ran it in 2019, my dog died and grandfather died like two weeks apart… It took a while to build me back up :eyes:

But eventually everything started manifesting.


Does Khan still have the mogul scripting in it? or is it only a little bit of wealth scripting now?


Khan Multistage: Build an Empire, Manifest Endless Wealth, Become the Alpha Male, Have Unlimited Sex Subliminal

what are your thoughts? :smiley:


Does Khan have physical shifting similar to Emperor?

I don’t see it in objectives:
Body Language & Voice.

But there’s also…

General masculinity boost, including confidence, power, strength, invincibility etc.

Excited to see any differences in the refreshed Khan reports here :wink:

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I can’t say specifically but I’ve run zp custom with Wanted & Khan III (which has basically the anti-recon & balance benefits just added to store titles / minus 320kbps) and I do feel more inner power than I did on Qv2.

I’m a hard gainer and I never seemed to gain it before lol