Main Disc. Thread - Khan ZP

Does Khan still have the mogul scripting in it? or is it only a little bit of wealth scripting now?


Khan Multistage: Build an Empire, Manifest Endless Wealth, Become the Alpha Male, Have Unlimited Sex Subliminal

what are your thoughts? :smiley:


Does Khan have physical shifting similar to Emperor?

I don’t see it in objectives:
Body Language & Voice.

But there’s also…

General masculinity boost, including confidence, power, strength, invincibility etc.

Excited to see any differences in the refreshed Khan reports here :wink:

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I can’t say specifically but I’ve run zp custom with Wanted & Khan III (which has basically the anti-recon & balance benefits just added to store titles / minus 320kbps) and I do feel more inner power than I did on Qv2.

I’m a hard gainer and I never seemed to gain it before lol


One way Khan has changed my life and made me money is through my status and connecting with people. One of the secrets to making money is through connections hence the saying “Your network is your networth”. Unlike when I was in emperor, now I don’t really need to do much to make money but I could delegate the duties to well competent people. Khan has helped in that aspect without me even knowing it.


Man is St1 kicking my ass, got through my first cycle and one more to go. it is literally making me question everything. I can’t wait to get out of this funk though.

Question for the community if I have a conflicting belief that I have no answer for currently, will st1 help me decide or come up with my own answer?


Khan total breakdown removes all obstacles related to Khan’s goals. If the conflict plays a role there will also be a solution.


Well then I better buckle up, this is deep conflict :upside_down_face:


Well if there is no solution via total breakdown its maybe more a conflict to solve for dragon reborn or any other healing sub. You will experience it :wink:

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Try Elixir Supercharger, it helps.


It can do that lol

Try writing down what you’re questioning, it might help.

When I use breakdown/healing type of subs, I find that writing stuff down about what’s rising up and being challenged helps


Would you please enter a support ticket for this? (I think there are others who might want to know, too.)

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I just had this epiphany, I’ve been running now khan st1,wanted and S&S second cycle and I was wondering even though I have had alot of girls from my past reach out to me I just don’t see the point in interacting with them, like why should I? I see nothing that’s going to happen between us anymore and we aren’t friends so why I’m I really interacting with you, I thought I was being social and being nice but I really have no obligation to, they only reach out when they want attention.


Same thing happened while I was in Khan stage 1. I got rid of a few girls who were only in it for one or two things and I did so without regrets. Especially one certain girl who was leading me on yet was just there for her own selfish gains


I’m not running Khan but this is so good for me to see just with my current stack.


Do any of the stages of Khan contain any wealth scripting in them?

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It’s also a wealth sub, so yes


Ayy lovely, Thank you!

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