Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

It’s interesting how we forget how subs changed us in the past.
Do you think it might be recon that made you write the original post?
Or is it just ZP that makes the change so smooth that you think it was always that way?

The results were not tangible on St2-4 as I explained here:

I’m not in recon anymore. Thank you :blush:
It’s looks like the reason was that people’s got colourful results on KB whilst mine were not so.

ZP makes shifts smooth indeed yet I can discern even the tiniest ones. I went through KB St2-4 without any complaint, even though I couldn’t discern any tangible shifts, as I was aware that changes of this kind may be difficult to grasp for someone who has no experience in energy cultivation. Looking backward I can only say that those three stages helped me keep my libido at bay more effectively.

That’s one of the reasons journaling is encouraged.

In my case it’s not about forgetting, I just noticed little to no results on St2-4, and St4 contains St1 or at least its core.

I’m rummaging through my journals and I found this:
More on St1:



Every time I run KB3 I feel energies coursing throughout my body and I take a piss really frequently for a couple of hours after the listening.

Also stage 3:

KB makes me truly desire women in the sense of ravishing them (not in a violent way, naturally) and that’s a huge shift since for whole my life it would be more like worshiping them that had some unnecessary and not entirely pleasant consequences.


When it comes to KB, I’ve just started running st4 and it seems to be balancing all the features the previous stages offer yet, I suspect its effect is latent (as it was with st3) and I’m going to see more of it at work with time.

More on St4:

KB (St4) keeps my energy levels high yet I think I would need to engage in some kind of energy cultivation practice to make the most of it, and I’m not really interested in that. I’ll run it for around one more month and then I’ll evaluate my progress and reconsider using this program for a longer time.

I guess that’s all what I wrote about my KB run.

Yeah, quite a lot happened. :blush:

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I haven’t done any journaling.

Intellectually I know that I’ve changed a lot during these years.

But I do not remember how I was before.

To me it feels like I was always like this. Which of course is not true. I’ve just forgotten how I was in the past.

Good riddance :stuck_out_tongue:


Have notified admins.


Mmm not sure honestly. Look at last 50 or so LB thread (and not only that one) , everyone having recon, bad dreams etc…
I remember that zp started with the idea that it would have reduce recon, but now I see taking about is just take your shits to the surface (than It’s up to you how you face it)

Oh yeah, I forgot that it’s not so smooth for everyone. I’ve been building myself up gradually with some experimentation periods in between but essentially the growth is gradual. Here’s what I mean:

My listening schedule is intense and my stacks dense yet I can run them with ease.

It’s an organic process, where you need to be brutally honest with yourself and go through the essentials. IMO most of people should go through Sanguine and LB thoroughly first. Really. Lack (or low levels) of self-love and self-regulation are the most common psychological issues that sabotage our growth.

Now take a look at those people around, especially when they’re in recon, how they display lack (or low levels) of those two aforementioned “qualities”. Especially, when they’re trying to upset others. I’ve experienced those attempts on here countless times, at some point I even decided to leave SC for this reason as I don’t tolerate disgraceful behavior, yet I know my presence here is necessary. It’s not about me it’s about the cause.

@NatureDad @Furkan @Lichtenauer I salute you.


Back when I was a Network Marketing company, this one guy always encouraged people to go to the company meetings.

“Either you need the meeting or the meeting needs you.”



I’ve run KB2 for one cycle now. I’ve run a full loop on the last day of my cycle without headache.

Today I was kinda exhausted after a stressful day at work. Could be KB2, or LB or just work.

Is it enough to move on to stage 3?

Or should I keep it for another cycle?

Is it recon that I want to move to stage 3?

I mean I will re run the whole KB anyways in the future.

I just want to feel this big energy boost from stage 3.

But the exhaustion and the impuls to move to stage three might be prove that I need another cycle of Stage 2.

Please state your opinion.

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Full loops or micro loops?

Rest for 1 to 4 days without running any programs.

Once you’re not tired or exhausted, revisit the question.

‘Do I want another round of KB2 or do I want to move on to KB3?’

Either way can work fine. And no matter what you do now, it’s still going to go deeper when you go through the program the next time around.

But yes, I’d say that more than playing the stage again or advancing, the state you described indicates that it may be a good time for a little break.


Throughout the cycle I did any length from 3 min to full loop, slowly advancing. On my last day I did a full loop.

I just finished a cycle. Today is my second rest day. So I have 4 days (including today, just got up) until I need to make a decision.

In a short reflection I noticed that both decisions are fear based. Fear of moving on to early without getting the proper preparation for stage 3 and not getting the desired results.
On the otherhand fear of “wasting” another month on stage 2 when I could already experience the magnificence of stage 3. Fomo you could say.


I usally give at least 2 cycles per stage for multistagers.

But it is also true that I dont see it as a waste of time

I think these subs can deepen indefinitely

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Fire has repeated this countless times: the sub grows with you, meaning the more you grow on the sub the better results you get. There’s no limit to it. You can run a sub for a decade and still grow on it.


Makes me think of Emperor Hoppa.
Pure consistency.


Not only this, Emperor was highly aligned with the kind of action @Hoppa would take on a daily basis ANYWAY as an entrepreneur and employer. I’m not sure how it went on the sex and romance front for him, though :wink: Privacy, I suppose.

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From now I can just feel how much I need, instead of being strict about how much. I do know after 7 minutes I get major recon on Khan Black.


I’m happily married. With a kid.

The three years they were stuck in China because of Covid I concentrated on the business. I had zero interest in romance (or drama).

They’ve been here now for little over year and a half.

My wife can’t keep her hands off me.

Buuuut… It’s a distraction. So much so, that it often annoys me.

I’m so keyed in to my goals, that I’d rather be working on them than doing anything else.


Nice! I still prefer to base myself on my direct experience

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On day 3 of my rest period, I feel more like moving on to stage 3.

I need to do a lot in the upcoming cycle, like getting a serious job, bring peace to my family, so a lot of negotiating, do a lot around the house so I can focus more on the new job once I landed one, etc.

The energy from stage 3 is probably what I need,
Firing up GM and the Love aura from LB.


I did. And some people handle their reconciliation better than others.

What is it about your presence that you think is necessary for this forum?

What cause?