Main Disc. Thread - Heartsong

When I made my custom people recommended I use PSIT over Love Bomb.

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Anyone end up meeting (and dating, etc) someone completely new on this? Plan on running this next year


Jup here.
From the outside she was way out of my league
But from the energetic value standpoint she is absurdly lower than what I expect and not even close to my league.
Very quickly I realised:every women who generates her own healthy energy and gives this to me is right for me.Not in a depleting way, but in a mature healthy way. The value for women changed from looks good and I want to have sex/relationships to, how she is to me is her value

I even had sex with a women who where fat, but had such a lovely vibe towards me that I thought : I can not imagine having a hard one but let’s try it.
To my surprise it was very very good, she loved it and shared it the whole time with me. I ended up being super Sensual to her.

That was funny and very new

To make it simple: if she have a warm vibe and is willing to share her warmth she is right for me.

Because I have no problem to share a good vibe

On the other hand I know what is really rejecting me :point_down:

Every woman who believes that someone is responsible for her has given her power away and is a vampire sonner or later.

On a scale from 0 to 10 a women who thinks or let’s say blindly believes that someone is responsible for her well-being has already lost her self esteem generating motor. She does not generate her well being, she needs it from someone else. (multiple sources, all the time, children are such a good source of fresh energy :wink:)
You end up getting time with someone who needs you to fill them up, only to leave you the moment you depleted yourself for nothing in return.

So on a scale from 0-10 you get a minus 1-4 with this kind of women.
And that i reject.


I’ve been using Heartsong the past week 1-2 loops max per odd day on

My intentions is to meet a nice, beautiful and hot asian girl as they are my type

Anyways just last night I got randomly messaged on whatsapp by a cute asian chick and we’ve been chatting ever since. Her english seems passible but not fully fluent. Gonna see where this goes

But if it goes nowhere that was a pretty impressive manifestation all things considered in the span of just a week. I’ll continue running and report back here


Even though I’m still a few months away from using this, the prospect of it excites me. Especially when I get to use it at max power.

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This is a good pairing. :wink:


Jesus christ the healing in this title is soooo strong. I have a custom with things like sanguine, joie de vivre, carpe diem and a bunch of other modules that have basically nullified any kind of recon… untill i ran a loop of heartsong. Heartsong is an absolute beast and that should not be understated. I really dont think heartsong should be stacked to much, it seems to overpower even some of the most powerfull subs to some extend.

Personally, ill be slowly pushing it in extremelyyy carefully, starting with a single loop every week, possibly even every 2 weeks.


I’ll be curious to follow your journey with Heartsong. My line of thinking is that if there’s a lot of recon, then that’s an area in your life that’s been kind of blocked or stuffed up. So when that starts flowing that could potentially level up all other areas of your life as well. That’s the interesting thing about healing, it’s not always a linear thing. Almost like the body’s fascial system, someone has a foot pain and the real problem could be in another area of the body because it’s like a web. You pull over here and there’s a compensation over there etc.


It’s very powerful

And I like it that way, even if it’s dragging me trough very unpleasant emotions. But after every loop I feel soo good


Like DR, it’s possible that the healing in HS might hit just about everyone.

As they say in Adlerian Psychology…



It’s funny that with Heartsong I expirience some unpleasant emotional release in my heart and later I hear a melody in my heart.

Its beautiful


That’s wild. It’s called heartsong and you hear a melody in your heart…

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Jup it’s gentle and slow

Very beautiful

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It is weird, my relationship has improved with my girlfriend a lot, without a doubt, but there is an underlying awareness and desire that I can perceive growing that is a different type of girl I find attractive.

So, fuck knows what will happen with this


I definitely agree with this, i also am definitely able to believe that my lack of luck in this aspect of life could be impacting some other aspects of my life in some negative way as well. Im interested to see how it will look like ones the healing truly gets integrated.

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I think about this title a lot…


Heartsong is no joke holy fucking shit lol.
I think i started listening friday and sudenly saturday night this beautiful 20 year old girl added me on facebook and she is so my type, everything we just sync so magically. I felt something when i saw her request like she was special in someway and couldn’t put my finger on it but tonight i can tell she is def a manifestation from heartsong.


Didn’t go through the whole thread, is anyone stacking Heartstrong or has a custom with Heartstrong core -with AM, Emperor or any Alpha/finance related subs/cores? If so how is the blend?

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Just outta nowhere? That’s hard to believe…


She said I popped up on recommended and I looked cute and she felt some kinda pull when she clicked on my profile
I got a date sometime this week with her
Talked on the phone for a few hours