Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity: The Commander (Now Available!)

Perfect thank you!

And what about for this @SaintSovereign : For job offer/interview success which one would be better GLM: The commander or Genesis?

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If you haven’t run any alpha titles, start with 30s. If you have a good sense of how you would handle increased power, go longer.


Out of the two? Commander if you’re sure you won’t come across too dominant. That’s exactly what would happen to me if I ran it.


how can u start with 30s? dont you have to listen to the full script at least once?


That’s perfect thank you. My plan was my custom with Stark and Index Gate and stack it with Commander so I will write my results here to show it affected me. Hope it helps :slight_smile:


Microloops aren’t a new concept here. We’ve been talking about it for quite some time. @Billions made a nice thread about it, others have talked about their experiences: 30s Microloop Discussion Thread

Don’t worry about how it works, just try it.

  1. How much of the GLM script (a modified version of it) made it into this title?
  1. Is there a version of Fearsome in this scripting?
    2.1 protection regarding manipulation and people who want to harm you?

  2. I have run a lot of titles but I noticed that my girlfriend has the utmost pleasure during sex when I run Chosen. It is probably a mix between the aura (piercing eyes) and the trustworthiness that relaxes her so deeply. Personal guess how this title would stack up to that?


And now I’ve got really HypeSovereign’ed! :slight_smile:

actually really interesting to think of that for sales.

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Does the OG Commander count as alpha sub?

Yes it does as it contained plenty of scripting aimed at building up your internal power and its sense.


This looks fantastic

This is perfect for securing investors and may be the perfect addition for my sales roles as well, the power, leadership, and relatability

@SaintSovereign will this title work effectively over phone calls?

and would this synergize better with EOG Stage 3 or HOM for overall financial success through direct verbal and in person influence?


While I won’t run that title since I doubt I can stay happily employed with a status upgrade like this, I love what you guys did here. No added romance, no added money scripting, just pure focus on one thing.

Maybe I will try this out in the future, who knows.

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I must have the answer to these questions

I mean… OF COURSE it’ll work for sales calls, phone sales is devoid of appearance and purely a reflection of your inner beliefs about yourself, that’s all you can hear.

I would love to know if it’d stack better with EOG3 or with HOM for overall success tho.

HOM + GLM:Co thoughts @SaintSovereign ?

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Such as debt collection?

well, debt collection is certainly a type of phone call, although I don’t think Az does that.

If you’ve run HoM for awhile, there’s probably no issue. If not, expect recon – but really good results over time either way.

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Ehhh… maybe. Many of the titles we’re remaking from scratch now never received the love they deserved and weren’t quite “full featured.” Now, they are proper, full titles in their own right. So, it did have a lot of alpha scripting, but it wasn’t on the level of something like Emperor. Depending on how long you used it + what results you got, you might be alright. That being said, you can always use 30s - 3 minute micro loops to get a feel of what to expect.


It’s not Fearsome, it’s new scripting to protect from manipulation, people who want to harm you and those with negative intentions. It’s expressed through the aura itself and as part of your mindset. Still, remain careful.

This has a laser focus on “raw power” rather than the blend of positivity and and power that Chosen has. If I had to guess – and it’s just a guess – I’d imagine sex would feel much more primal and have a “nail her to the bed” type of feeling. But, YMMV.