Main Disc. Thread - Executive ZP

Full major title I believe.

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@SaintSovereign how ‘dense’ would you describe the new executive zp? Of course it will be lighter than emperor stark etc, but is it still one of the lightest sub?

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(I’d asked a similar question.)


Good to know. But this might be a bit different for the executive, according to this.

Sounds like they added quite a bit, or even changed it completely.

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That’s fair.

Let’s see what @SaintSovereign says.



Definitely let us know. I’m contemplating adding this to supplement my current custom. I’ve already got 2 cores though so I don’t want to push it.


I will for sure . I can’t wait to read the objectives. I am familiar with what Executive Function is so this will be fascinating. I ran two loops last night. Taking today off


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It’ll happen when it happens


Ugh my 5 day washout just began. As someone with ADHD, I really struggle with executive function, so I am really excited by this one.

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My good lad, any chance Limitless Executive will be receiving a similar ZP treatment?

I had a terrific day today.

My house sits on 20 acres of woodland, so it normally requires a lot of maintenance. But this last winter was particularly bad, and I have more cleanup work than the previous 4 winters combined. It’s a bit overwhelming honestly, it’s probably 3 months worth of weekends. I’ve been procrastinating all month about starting the cleanup.

I’m only running 2 subs this cycle, so it was easy to slot this one in as well. I ran 1 loop this morning and didn’t feel much at first, but after an hour or so I felt a mild push to do something so I went out and started on some minor tasks. But the more I worked the more motivated and energized I felt, and I started tackling larger and harder jobs. Also, in the past if a major hurdle came up I’d push it off until another day, but today when one came up I started working on it immediately, and when I finished I got back to the cleanup work without hesitation. It generally just felt really enjoyable.

And now that I’ve finished the outdoor work for the day, I keep finding stuff to do inside. Very nice.

Ok it’s just the first loop, but it’s a great start.


I had a good day too. For the most part. Got everything done I told my wife I was going to do.
Time to watch hockey



thank you for this detailed and practical review.

how do your results with Executive ZP so far compare with your results in the past with Executive Ultima?

what type of results did you get in the past with the executive ultima?

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I didn’t run it often but when I did I managed to get everything I wanted to done by noon that day.
Now that Executive is focused on Executive Function I will hopefully be able to prioritize tasks easier and initiate action.
Not very detailed I apologize.


why did you not use a product that gave you such good results often?

I had no meaningful results with Executive Ultima.

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