Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

seems sex mastery is next for ZP.

was hoping for sanguine or the executive especially since diamond ZP kind of makes sex mastery ZP less urgent/necessary.

I think sanguine and the executive target much more important areas of life that none of the current ZP really address directly.

But on the other hand Diamond ZP already addresses the same area as sex mastery,

just posting this as a suggestion for a more thoughtful and purposeful ZP release schedule going forward.

I didnt log in, I signed up with the exact same name and email I use here.

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Got it done. Thank you, @anon2351792 and @Brandon.

Have put in a title request for the Jet-setter / nomad lifestyle in the “Product and Module Request” section. Do upvote :pray:


I did upvote it, I would love to have a title like that…

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Thanks, bro. It’s much needed especially in this day and age

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Well, the notion of density has changed with Zero Point. It’s very much a personal experience now. Some scripts are still much shorter or longer than others, and they pretty much directly correlate to the Qv2 versions. For example, Mind’s Eye is still pretty short compared to the other tracks.


ew, Dont tell me you’re a sylas main

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No no, I was watching a stream highlight before playing, and I rarely ever play Sylas, but because I saw him in the stream, I was like why not, ended up with a kda of 7/1/2, the match only lasted 15:40 mins because they surrendered :stuck_out_tongue:


@Brandon i have noticed your writing style changes when you are on stark. You become hyper intelligent and more artistic with your chosen words.


My writing style has definitely changed with Emperor. I’m more blunt. With Stark I’m more fun and exciting. I can’t wait to mix both in a ZP custom.


More ZP oddities for me. I couldn’t tell if it was a dream or somewhere in between. But last night my head was buzzing or vibrating with what felt like words and phrases. Possibly hypnagogic stuff. But sounded like crowd chatter. Like I could get a glimpse of the running script of zp working its magic behind the scenes. Very odd sensation. I’ve also noticed when I get relaxed and don’t have any obligations for a period of time my body will start buzzing with energy. I have to let it happen though, for some reason I suppress it.


Figured I’d ask her if anyone else is doing reduced listening? I’m taking 2 rest days in between instead of one. I don’t know if this is long term yet. I’m definitely getting the urge to switch back to every other day.


This friday Im completing the first 21 days with Spartan ZP and since yesterday Im thinking about adding a 2nd day for rest, like you are doing.
After the washout Im gonna do it.

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I started listening to Spartan this 21 days cycle, so far listened two times but had no abnormal urges to go work out or be insanely almighty on training. I go regularly to the gym btw.


Hallo Community.

I have a Emperor Custom and I want to lisen to Primal Seduction Zp.

Is this a problem?

I ask because SaintSovereign said don’t mix the same Titel in Zp and Qv2.

Sex Mastery is in both titles included.

Thank you for your help

For me its been one of the fastest acting subs… I just cant stop working out and Im enjoying it very much. I didnt work out regularly before and my attitude was one of avoidance.

You are a lucky guy :), maybe for me, it is not that visible since I am working out regularly. But two times is maybe quite small, so no worries.

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If I remember correctly he said that in the context of someone using the store version Qv2 and the same title in ZP. Like using Sex Mastery Qv2 and Sex Mastery ZP.

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SM is INCLUDED in both. But overall that recommendation is about mixing the ZP and Q of the same overall title.

Emperor and PS should be fine together


Yeah if you work out regularly and you have only listened 2 times, I guess theres not too much to notice yet.