Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Feel free to join him. Back on topic, everyone.


Me neither but I saw he had improved himself and now he has yet another opportunity to improve and come back to us as a new shiny and even more superior being. I’m sure that Emperor is going to help him deal with whatever he has to face. God bless him.

You guys have to remember that transgression from a “mouse” to Emperor is not an easy feat and requires of us a lot of patience and dedication to taking proper action. It’s advisable to do solid healing and build stronger foundations before jumping on the board.


I think it could be that we get caught up in the world of marketing and “experts” so we end up modeling what we like and what resonates with us. I know the type of copy and find it entertaining to read sometimes. It’s just that I think we get caught up in wanting to be the expert for somebody rather than allowing them their own experiences.

Though a lot of people just want to be told what to do and that’s why patience and doing that inner work and healing is so foundational and necessary especially in my life. It really is that nobody’s coming to save us and ideally we learn to become our own heros, our own best friends and from that place we can be the friend or guiding voice for those who are not yet so far along in their personal journeys. Yet only when asked, we can’t force ourselves on other people, those days are coming to an end.

Was it here in the forums that I saw that the meek aren’t weak and helpless and shy, the meek are those who have a sword on their person and know how to use it but don’t need to?

Being respectful and getting rid of any sense of entitlement is certainly ideal in many people’s worldview including mine. I know when I first started on the inner path and taking responsibility for my life and the way I feel etc, I found it kind of hard to relate to people anymore because the masses have naturally been taught to be argumentative and confrontational and to them it’s normal and noble to be that way. One of the things I saw a few years ago was that if it’s unnecessary humans are probably the absolute masters at it lol. Not that that’s a bad thing either. Learning to take a step back and check thyself before one wrecks thyself would be foundational stuff in an ideal world.


The day we stop learning is the day we begin to die. I’ve heard this saying since I was young and I can now see a new layer of subtlety to this.

The day we decide that we are superior to others in any way is the day we shut ourselves off to one of the greatest potentials we have for self-growth; the mirror that is our outer reality.

If we’ve got it fixed in our mind that our world-view is leagues ahead of anyone else’s, one, nobody can (and ideally, shouldn’t attempt to) change that. I’ve been studying concepts of how the mind can become a closed system and the superiority complex can be an example of one way this happens.

On a personal level it’s difficult to realize/remember in a world where everyone has their opinions and ideas of what should be, what is wrong, why that isn’t right… But each and every one of our perspectives is almost entirely subjective.

So me saying that I, Sage, have a superior mindset because of x, y and z is like saying that I, Sage, have better taste buds because I can eat anything and be content while others complain about the smallest inconveniences.

I’ve been calling people Goldilocks quite a bit lately…

This isn’t to derail from the Emperor thread necessarily or to get my two cents in. But it is worth considering;

How do I hold my sense of self above others? Is this truly serving me and/or them?

If I think I’m better than others, what gives me that idea? Is that the only way I could see this? And so on.


The only thing that matters is how you compare to your past self, not how you compare to others (or how others compare to you, to shift the perspective a bit).

Am I as wealthy as some of the people I know? Nope… Am I doing better financially than some of the people I know? Yep… Do either of those things really matter in regards to my self-worth as a human? NOPE.

Am I doing better than I was 1 year ago? 2 years ago? 5 years ago? Yes. THAT is what matters to me.


This is just outstanding growth and really exemplifies how amazing ZP is.

I don’t think people understand how amazing this is and how much of a privilege it is be a member here and witness the growth of others. This isn’t just “self-development” guys… this is 100x deeper than that and what makes Subliminal Club so amazing.

We are literally transforming into the next level of ourselves and constantly becoming better.
You can’t experience this type of deep growth by reading self-help books all day long and this is why ZP is so next level.

These type of introspective shifts in self are when things start getting interesting in terms of manifestation because new doors are opened. I believe Invictus was using a custom with WANTED in it and I would say that his result is strongly similar to how WANTED can manifest, as it makes you more attractive out of your own congruence and authenticity. That authenticity is what creates depth, character and most of all charisma that can mesmerize women. The ego-inflation was probably getting in the way of stepping into a new level of Wantedness, as not only is not aligned with the congruence of a coquette, but it can be a detriment in attracting women especially those with high status. No one gets to run from ZP and that’s what makes it so great because it ensures that we all get results.

When people use subliminals from youtube and other companies, they can’t replicate these types of deep inner changes.

Nobody can hold a candle to ZP. Take pride in knowing what you have access to and take pride in the endless growth that awaits you.

Anyways, what Invictus went through reminded me of Emperor so I’m using it as inspiration for this post. Thanks @invictus

If anyone also feels prone to ego inflation of a similar kind that he went through or any variation of it, I recommend running Emperor for a long time.

Emperor will wring that out of you as if you are a wet towel.

The reason why it does that is very simple.

When it comes to places like internet, forums, reddit and video games etc.
Whatever perceived status you have in these places has ZERO translation into the real world. Having the validation of a bunch of strangers online poses an obstacle to your success in real life because it decreases your motivation and tricks your mind into being fulfilled.

You could be the “LeBron James” in your video game and feel like a complete badass but that growing divergence between your video game reputation and real-life reputation can not only disconnect you in a delusional way. It can drive you to play even more since it’s easier to achieve your desired status there than in real life.

Essentially what’s happening, is that your Maslow needs are being hacked.

That is a HUGE obstacle to what Emperor sets out to accomplish, which is high status, sexual abundance and financial freedom in the real world.

Emperor will smack you upside the head, straighten you out and strengthen your sense of self congruently, to the point where you’re nearly immune to ego-inflation.

Some people are going to be skeptical of what I’m saying and go “what you are talking about… how can you have no ego?”

That’s not what I’m saying.

What I’m saying is that the strong sense of self that Emperor develops in you is the complete opposite of an ego-inflated sense of self. The Emperor mindset will do its best to protect you from that type of ego-inflation because it sees it as a threat towards maximum growth. If you’re able to allow your ego to easily get inflated, then it will negatively affect your desire to achieve more in real life areas (wealth, sex, status, social life, relationships, self-development, etc.)

Getting attention, praise, likes and validation from strangers online is all f*cking useless if you aren’t able to translate that into money, sex and increased status in real life. If you are a youtuber and are getting millions of views then that’s different because you’re actually able to turn that into something beneficial and profitable to your life. If you have social media and are getting likes from people you know, who are in close circles with you, then you can leverage the social proof for networking.

That’s the type of mindset Emperor gives you. It’s all high ROI/maximum growth and that’s all you see. It’s very alien compared to how the average person perceives but it’s what allows you to take control of your life and really get everything rolling. You’ll only be focused on the pathways to real life cultivation of money, wealth, status, sex, women, skills, social life, relationships, etc. Even when you buy a product from a company, you’ll try to contribute to them so that they can become higher value themselves and provide higher value to you. Everything becomes a high value and high standard exchange.

Now here’s the thing…
For those thinking that “oh I’m not getting much attention like that anyways”… not so fast.
Everything that I’ve mentioned above doesn’t just extend to validation in the online realm.
It applies to any type of interaction where your Maslow needs are being tapped into.

This includes stuff like the sense of belonging, connection, sociability, rapport, etc.
Emperor will have you cut all of that nonsense out, as again… you’re getting fulfillment in a superficial realm. You will get in, do your due diligence and get out. You will create real relationships and rapport with people in real life that can actually develop into something and not with strangers on the internet that you’ll probably never meet. The ROI of the latter will be so absurdly low it won’t even exist as a viable option of expression in your thought process.

Emperor will push your ass into the real game of life and you have no choice but to succeed and enjoy all of it.

If anyone using Emperor doesn’t like some aspect of it whether that’s socially, mentally or whatever…
They are basically settling for mediocrity and don’t want to be super alpha.

If you are one of these people, don’t blame Subliminal Club or the subliminal… just be honest and say that you’re not ready to enter your new life of being a badass.
It’s okay.

Go read the description for Emperor like 20 times and really understand the gravity of what the end goal is. This is not no trivial shit. This is completely resetting you, growing you and moving you into the badass dream life that you’ve always wanted AND deserve. ZP makes things so easy for people and they will take Emperor for granted, not knowing that all they have to do is stay consistent and every aspect of their life will get better.

Imagine if some couch potato who was addicted to eating 4 meals of McDonalds and drinking 5L of coke everyday started to use Emperor Fitness and went:
“Gee guys… I don’t know if I like how this subliminal is making me feel. It’s trying to make me healthy and push me to workout… that’s not my style or fitting to my personality.

When people use Emperor and have any type of qualm or disagreement with it and how it’s changing them… this is the equivalent of what they’re doing.

No f***ing shit things are going to change… have you guys seen the end goals and objectives?
If anyone thought it was going to be all daisies and dandelions, then it’s time to get real and start cracking down on life.

If you don’t know what to do to get better in life and feel aimless… just pull out a piece of paper and write down in order a list of things you can do that will add to your life. Anything that comes to mind, it doesn’t matter. You have all the answers already, you just need to act on them.

I have some epic words of encouragement for those that need a push.

Soften your grip on the reins of mediocrity… such tightness is unnecessary.
Let the others meander in uncertainty…
Allow the madness of your ambition to overtake you… and mercilessly collide with all that stands in the way. To dominate is to breathe, to grow is to live.

“What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing?
In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change.
Change is life. Stagnation is death.
If you don’t change, you die. It’s that simple. It’s that scary.”
― Leonard Sweet

If you don’t change you die…
Stagnation is death.

Now look out into the real world and tell me what you see?
Are the masses vibrant, liberated and full of life? Or are they sedated and stagnated?
If stagnation is death… it’s funny how those that are stagnated appear as if they’re walking zombies.
It gives a whole new perspective to the concept of life force energy and the depletion of it.
Don’t piss away your energy, sharpen your focus.
Grow like an absolute animal and dominate.
You don’t need permission…
You never did.

These ZP subliminals are powerful and will manifest new opportunities into your life.

No more excuses.

When those opportunities arise in your life, I invite you to pull the trigger… with the same f*cking finger you use to press play on your subliminals.

Be willing to take relentless action and everything will align itself.

Cheers to your infinite potential and endless positive growth.


Ayyy what a beautiful post yet again.

As for this:

If you continued reading the journal, like right after that post, I asked RV about my custom being a bit late, do you know why? Or what the content was?


To further add on to what you said, Emperor alone will do exactly what you said it would, hence why I started it before you even mentioned it (great minds think alike :wink:), but adding in Chosen with it, is just the perfect icing on the top, because one of the virtues it provides is humility, and without humility, we can always fall back in the ego’s trap.

Once again, beautiful post.


Truth, spoken.


Interesting, I’ve been working on my final work up for my Sage custom, and decided to take a little breather to see if inspiration would come from a different source. I then noticed this notification.

I missed this module each and every time I’ve scanned the module catalogue, somehow. It fits perfectly. Thanks!


Yes, meek has been hopelessly badly translated for ages. If you know what the ancient Greeks considered “meek,” you’d think differently of the usage of the word. (Using “you” as a general word here).

This, I’ve been in the self-improvement sphere for years, but the subs give you insight that would take 3-4 years within 3-4 months. Which is INSANE growth. As you said, I can only imagine what we all will be like 3 years with ZP!

Plus, self-improvement often just puts another layer of superiority on top, “I’m working on myself, you’re not!”
ZP breaks you down first, and THEN you build on that!


If I remember correctly, Subliminal Club started around 3 years ago right? I was thinking the other day. It’s mighty impressive that they came from starting from scratch - with some scraps @Palpatine - and a few years later came out with something so different, like ZP.

Mighty impressive, indeed.


4 years ago in 2018. I was one of their first customers.


I wrote a post in the feedback hub, see if you know what is the problem
I got informed that it is done from the website
Tell me if you know any solutions

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Support ticket.

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It’s solved

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This is the stack I want to try. How did it go?

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Is nobody running Emperor?
Any interesting stories?


I’ve got it in my custom. Stacking with Khan and Wanted. More assertive with me lady. Less likely to try and “nice guy” my way out of confrontations with her. Trying to be gradual with it, though.

Gotta at least give her a chance to adjust :slight_smile:


Khan and Emperor seems like an interesting mix

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I bought Khan a couple years back, and a girl I knew, she was into me, and I was into her. We gave actual consideration to being together (long story that will never see the light of day on a public forum).

I bought Khan, and I told her about it, and she’s all “You’re already MY Khan. You don’t need that stuff” so I put off running it. I realize now that was some sort of manipulation tactic on her part, even if she didn’t do it consciously.

I’m running it now, regardless what any woman says or thinks :slight_smile:
Emperor is just a no-brainer because of my Empire ambitions.