Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

I’m thinking of running that stack for for the first half of the year.


My stack is Emperor ZP and Rich ZP. I was thinking to add HOM, once it is out in ZP format. HOM makes more sense because Emperor does have all the elements of Mogul. HOM will bring something different and will add more value. Just my 2 cents.


Yes. I do agree. Im losing weight without working out.

And I’m starting to love my body again. Which I haven’t in a long long time. Self esteem, Self image is increasing.


Going back to this.

My ex just walked in and specifically said:

‘You look like you’ve lost weight.’

I’ve been working out for two weeks.



Was this confirmed ? ZP is just the emperor core so a stripped down version ?
I just started reading this thread so if I find the answer I’ll edit this comment

A more cohesive version of Emperor


Thanks man :muscle::heart:

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You’re welcome

Saint @SaintSovereign i kinda have the same question, im running Emperor mainly for its work ethic and and motivation when it comes to improving my life overall (music side also to put more work into the studio and try harder and smarter)

, but the goals seem they focus a lot on wealth and are very around them. im also interested in the wealth aspect and in investing and im gonna start in the stock market very soon. But theyre not my number 1 priority

Im running for that cause:

But my main target with emperor is to build a better work ethic , better consistent discipline in every field that im interested in, success in the field of music
(not fame idc about that) just focusing on on mastering my craft and express myself (STACKING IT WITH RM OF COURSE :sunglasses:)

Considering everything emperor has to offer, does it still improve overall life success and whatever you choose to focus on? Or its mainly to focus on wealth and cooperation and making your own business and company and such?

OR can be consciously guided to whatever success you focus on your life and it will serve you.

cuz i read once by you that da vinci stack would be Emperor + RM :eyes:


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lol i always drift out of the point now let me reframe in a shorter easier Question,

if someone’s goals are overall success and discipline and work ethic in any field of life (not just wealth) that he chooses consciously guided (including Wealth interests but theyre not the main driver to his goals) ,

is Emperor the right fit for that?


Ok finally i will eat green eggs and ham.

I read so many amazing things about emperor zp i am abandoning my custom emperor for now.

Today i i begin emperor zp…hahaha


You got awesome results

Do you have your own journal?

My experiences so far first week of emperor zp


Your vibe has changed since you started Emperor :slight_smile:


I think Ascension ZP - whenever it comes out- will be a more appropriate answer for a middling teen.


I’ve literally just stopped Emperor to start my Stark journey, but I know Emperor will bloom so the vibe will still be there but I have noticed what you mean.

Can you point out things you’ve noticed? Would love to see your view.


I am using Stark and emperor zp for 6(with gaps ofc)days and emperor since it’s release. I dropped emperor for 3-4 days to test stark alone . But I would say after stacking them I am literally my perfect me./if not I will be soon.
I was more determined, focused and motivated.
On stark it helped me to gain Interests in different things and especially my textbooks lol but there was lack of reality bending confidence of emperor and somewhat God like feeling of emperor. On emperor i need to push myself very hard to study or complete something important. Now it’s like i am same on both in my words as well in my actions.
Stark = skills I desire with let go type vibe, its “i can do everything” confident
Emperor = deep improvement in maturity, mental clarity, reality bending confidence etc …



You’re more assertive.

You’ve also become more direct and sure in your directness.

You seem to have had your sense of purpose narrowed and refocused in a direction you like.

There’s more but it would be musing.


Yea @Brandon I’ve noticed some of that too as well as you being less fearless in general it seems.


@Psiklou inner circle is present in Emperor ZP, Stark ZP, Mogul ZP and Chosen.