Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

What is his loop schedule?

Thank you

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Shit testing. People are shit testing the ones running EZP to figure out whether or not the value they bring is actually legitimate.


He runs all three subs once every other day. He told me this morning that he listened to his three subs twice (instead of once) on the days when the women approached him. Not trying to get people to do this on here, but this was something he shared with me after I had already wrote about his results. He didn’t feel tired or anything.


Wow so he has not got any recon or anything so far, damn you are a lucky girl :grin:

Can you let us know if he does experience recon? If that was me I would be experiencing some weird recon the next day and my external reality and the people in it would be acting strange LOL.

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Yeah, Of course I’ll keep an eye out for recon, and will write about it if he experiences anything unusual. I wouldn’t have posted about those results he got if I had known that he doubled up. :slight_smile: But found out a little too late, great question @Upwards . :slight_smile:


Uh oh, what have you done :joy:

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I want to amend I decided to take an extra day off this week -so the third day off running Emperor ZP- many of the stronger Emperor effects kicked in.
My whole vibe and presence shifted and I have that weight of the world effect.
Zero anxiety around the hottest woman again
My face looks super masculine, my emotional control and power felt at an all-time high. This all kicked in when I decided to travel for the weekend. And am consciously choosing to prioritize my own needs over work concerns while still being responsible.

Productivity is still low- but my theory now is that’s because on Emperor ZP I can’t ‘will’ things that are disconnected from my desire and/or a worthwhile context for my life.

I’m seeing now I’ve started to create a new context and relationship with work that is making me both more independent from it, clearer and more comfortable on what I don’t like, clearer on how I need to ‘create’ myself and my work in a way that causes high performance and or feeds potential, and slowly I am also getting clearer on work outside of this job, as well as what I won’t tolerate inside this job but dealing with it skillfully.

I also think journaling my experience, even if noting stuff that’s not ideal/sub-par -i.e. just getting it out(subjectively noting not commenting on the objective nature of the sub) frees me up and helps me move through the alchemical/transformative process.

I am holding off on any larger picture assessment of Emperor ZP overall while I continue to run this and perhaps another cycle-but I will continue to report my experience- ups and downs, ups, and ups lol etc in the interim.

not in my experience-at least during recon or when this happens this disrespect is not ‘alpha’ face off- its indifference and minimizing/ lack of engagement in my presence overall. This is especially true with service professionals, doctors, dentists, I used to get above and beyond royal treatment-when I have these experience I am fighting for the basics etc. With people I know on a casual level, it’s more patronizing, condescending - it’s not always the case.

I did not experience any of this today, I did experience more respect overall.



This is what I don’t quite understand, how do we run ZP titles to meet goals we want or know are important but may have little to no natural proclivity/ inspiration towards?

I don’t know if deep down I am a profoundly enterprising, highly capable, entrepreneur who just has to much crud in the way maybe that’s just not my thing if I am being authentic, and it’s just a fear of lack of money/survival issue.

Either way, I cognitively know I’d like to develop independent income streams, improve my finances, ultimately generate real wealth, I feel every time I improve this area my life get’s way better.

But I do struggle with the day-to-day actions to make this a reality, either by putting energy in the wrong path, doubts, lack of clarity etc, lack of sense of particular skills, self-worth, excuses etc. (Of course there are times this is not the case but overall trajectory)

My previous run on Emperor/ customs has been fantastic for improving finances despite my lack of new action. Through drive with current pathways.

I did improve my income greatly since starting sub club subs-(4x for almost a year+ and then back to 2-2.5x from starting point) so something worked in the manifestation and work department but this was almost in spite of my lack of new action, this was mostly inside of pure hard work at current work and then negotiating hard.

Getting myself to take consistent inspired action in this area towards what I’d actually want (or think I want) to create financially/career-wise has been very difficult for me. Or establishing new pathways- new work, my own business, being able to leave current work has been the sticking point. Perhaps EOG stage 1? Perhaps stick with Emperor ZP- as I do feel internal growth around looking at this and with previous versions I just drove harder with current pathways, but now seem more open to steering in new directiosn. Any recommendations in general or with using ZP to meet these goals?

At the risk of sounding silly- can ZP/subs change/ transform things to meet objective goals/criteria even when that might not ‘fit’ who I’ve been/ my models/ more natural self-expression?

My best experience with subs- is when it feels like I am both a different human being -like I am outside of myself/ can’t believe who I am/ have become- yet more myself/true self than ever.

I know I asked both a general question about subs/ZP and a personal question in regards to which subs to use for these goals. Any thoughts feedback are much appreciated.


To add to this…
How do we meet a subs goals if ZP is only going to allow the truth to prevail. What if deep down i am not capable of being and success and making money?

What if deep down in my identity i cant align with a subs goals…will that make running the subliminal pointless?


I am seeing this as a fear of mine lately-without reacting to it. Perhaps part of Emperor ZP healing

I also want to make sure I am aligning with own potential.

On a funny related note: I’m in energy medicine school. And they talk about not everyone, having the energetic blueprint to create/make money- but people who don’t have the energetic blueprint to do so have the energetic blueprint to partner or receive from those who do lol


Thanks brother!
Will send you my banking details.



I’m so empowered by this comment cause
That would mean I’m someone who does have that capacity- and that’s all I really want to know and experience :joy:


Mars in Capricorn + Jupiter in Taurus = You definitely have a Money Making Energetic Blueprint

Though it may be somewhat conservative and boring.

You should try out EOG.

Combine it with something that helps with your Pisces nature. Maybe Alchemist, if you wanna be overkill.

:+1:t2: :wink:


I’ve been running Emperor ZP for over a month now,

I interact with a lot of people on a daily basis and I’ve never attracted any disrespect or “shit testing” from other people.

Everything has been cordial and respectful.

Men don’t see alpha males as threats and they’re not disrespectful towards them,

It’s actually the opposite.

They will feel safe and at ease with you, in a trusting way.

Other men will want to be in your social circle since you’re having unlimited sex and all the women are after you, and also because you’ll naturally elevate everything and everyone around them.

As you begin to embody your ideal self, you’ll automatically become a natural secure leader that breathes social proof, sexual abundance and high status.

Aggression from these subs is probably an increase in testosterone combined with recon (impulsiveness, low emotional stability) as well as insecurities of masculinity rising to the surface.

Real dominance is essentially frame strength and has nothing to do with “putting people in their place” or overtly towering over people physically or verbally.

Emperor ZP can be swingy in the beginning but as you settle in, stick to it and stay consistent, pretty much everything in your life will get better.


Good advice and observations! Especially that Alchemist-Pisces connection. I can vouch for that.


Is anyone using Limitless ZP with Emperor ZP? If so, how is your experience?

Thank you.

@Simon can you recommend a website which provides such interpretations?


It’s kind of what most of the basic Astrology sites, books, and youtube channels are about.

Even google will answer “Planet in Sign” or “Planet in House” type of queries.


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I have not noticed any shit testing from my wife or my family. If anything I have noticed a lot more respect coming from others.

I never viewed the need for “dominance” but I have noticed a lot more self control and finding little ways to get more personal freedom back. If something doesn’t bring me joy and it’s not something I need to do, I cut it out. I also noticed a more willing to stand in when conflict arises and no longer the end to avoid it at all costs and usually it ends up better than if I avoided it. At work I don’t back down at the first sign of disagreement, I calmy state my views and work to persuade people.

I am huge on freedom and hate it when others control me so I definently do not want to dominate and impose my will onto them.

Unless we are competing or it’s a us vs them situation. If that’s the case I strategize and manipulate the situation to the best of my ability, and if necessary be ruthless and drive my point home in a way that cannot be ignored.


yeah :slight_smile: lol
you remembered :slight_smile:

boo lol

Can’t I just make it in a fun way with my Pisces nature

EOG ZP stage 1 coming soon (poor khan may have to wait )

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