Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

My partner has been getting women flirting or hitting on him and these women are really loud about it, so that everyone around can hear them and see that my partner is getting this type of attention from them.

At the gym, these women said “he is so cute”.
Some girls said “hello handsome”.
Then at the store this woman said something in French to her niece. Then she went up to my partner and said “I was just telling my niece that we should take you home”.

He started going to the gym with me about two weeks ago (sub related), and has been getting fast results. His face looks really good lately, he started getting the facial changes as soon as he got emperor.

He’s on Emperor, Chosen and Love Bomb.



Here’s tones detected across all of my writing from last week. That week was my first week back from vacation, but I was still running my stack (though focused on the vacation). The stack was Emperor, Chosen, Mind’s Eye.


What program are you using to detect tone?




I see. Thank you.


Same. Moi aussi.

Hey family long time no see lol

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What are your thoughts on the above reported results that Qv2 Emperor had a more intense productive vibe to it compared to ZP Emperor’s more subtle productive vibe?

Why do you think that could be?

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Took a week washout and ran Emperor ZP this week.

Honestly - really don’t know what to make there’s a lot of good and a lot of meeh.

ZP is so much more of an internal, subtle -mental process.

Its less pure force and then get in action, but I am coming to new conclusions that lead to new actions, nothing has landed or made the difference yet, but gaining confidence slowly in really hitting chosen goals.

I realize I have no trust in my ability to hit goals or produce results anymore. So I am consciously focusing on internal growth and building that muscle.

My mind doesn’t automatically think like Emperor the way it did on Q and QV2 but I do feel the strength.

My mind is more looking how I can actually become the Emperor, it’s questioning.
It’s odd because part of me ‘feels’ like Emperor and then I still notice my normal ‘weaker’ thought process

I do see ZP, like all subs, kick in more when I take new paths/choices but the process to getting to that new path is very subtle

As far as Emperor effects.

  1. The respect, and power on ZP is NO WHERE NEAR what I was getting on other versions.
    Like I felt like a god among men, the weight my moves and word carried on previous versions was insane. Not even close on ZP so far. In fact I experience what I consider subtle-to over disrespect- people ignoring me, not fully listening, treating me in patronizing ways, on EQ and EQ2 those were impossible.

  2. The drive and productivity is way down as well, but it’s still smarter - I’m really questioning and looking at the high value activities and engagements both for quality of life and financial/career future. Although I do procrastinate less and feel less resistance to taking certain actions. And at the same time I have way more resistance to certain actions- in relation to dealing and working with others or things that seem like a waste of time but are also needed.

  3. Attraction and interest from woman is very high -but I can sometimes feel anxious in relating in a way I did not on previous versions ever feel.

  4. Finances and career- I’m less and less interested in my job and gaining an independence from it mentally but performing sub-par/ bare minimum, finances have not improved but feel slightly better/indifferent about the situation while at the same time more and more commitment and inspired to take new actions and do things differently- (none of this is particularly new though). Having moments of seeing what I really want and what life could be like. Very slowly it seems like I am laying the internal foundation to really have a shift in this area.

  5. Learning to set choices and let things go to have other things

  6. Physical I feel better and more energetic when running this sub, more pushed to work out and take care of myself.

  7. Focus goes in and out -at times there seems to be a strong ability to zone in- but it’s doesn’t have the intelligence , confidence, ease, and lack of self doubt behind it from previous versions so far.

  8. Really learning it’s an internal growth and willingness that will lead to new external results.


  1. Day of running can get angry, argumentative
  2. Wanting to say fuck everything -internal disposition.
  3. Really seeing where I feel and may be perceived as low status-both in other’s eye and in my own view-strong anger at the discrepancies between my self image and how I am related to that doesn’t fit that.
  4. Strong dissonance between where I am at and where I want to be- frustration and at a loss at times from trying to get ‘there’ using the way of being/thinking/actions I have now-and being at a loss for what to do differently.

I’ve become a little jaded and high bar-in assessing sub results-so I’m going to try to consciously be open to ascribing more changes and value to subs. In the past I experienced so much profound change and results everywhere.

All in all I find Emperor ZP really shifting me to ‘become’ and make the real changes consciously more than another other over the top internal and external -effects/results. I love this on one hand and on the other really like the overt stuff as well.


If I’m recalling correctly (and I’m pretty sure I am), on Qv2, you were having recon that was so bad that you were about to abandon SubClub products permanently. Now, you’re undergoing a much more personal, more authentic process with minimal recon.

It seems we have a short memory in the subliminal field. People forget just how much the product has improved.

What are your thoughts about the above reported results stating the exact opposite – that it turned them into a productivity powerhouse.

It’s the individual’s response to the title, not the title itself. With ZP, it’s about being real with yourself and choosing the stack that ACTUALLY fits you and your goals. As I was saying during the testing, you can’t lie to Zero Point. The inspired action is generated from within. If you’re not inspired, you may not be as interested in the sub’s goals as you think you are.


Very interesting.


It’s a really great quote to remind us how to decide titles and stacks.

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You are recalling correctly, I was having a very difficult time and it turned out to be particular custom that was causing the majority of the difficulty. I did also state a few times how powerful and obvious the external effects and results were for QV2 on multiple subs. The recon didn’t negate this.

absolutely - and to be clear- I would take ZP/ minimal recon over QV2/ more challenging recon- any day.

the ‘meeh’ and tone of this post was intended to be more neutral, than anything else.

In reporting my experience, I notice some things that were very obvious and strong in previous versions of Emperor that currently seem less obvious/strong or extremely different in Emperor ZP. And there are things I prefer about Emperor ZP as well as new things that weren’t in previous versions.

Overall I consider less listening time, authentic steady growth, and less recon great advances and I’ll say I greatly actively appreciate that.


That is the reason why after thinking about it for a long time. I decided to go with only 4 subs this year : Ascended Mogul, EoG, Emperor and Mind’s Eye.
I’m dropping Chosen and CFW for this year, even though I loved running them. After my next washout I’ll running Ascended Mogul + EoG + Mind’s Eye. I’ll replace Ascended Mogul with Emperor sometime in summer or fall.
I feel like that is the stack that I need right. I never though of using Mind’s Eye but after think about it, I need to clearly see where I’m going this year.
Ascended Mogul (or Emperor) + EoG + Mind’s Eye intuitively feel like what I need right now and for the rest of the year.


this is very very interesting and my gut says its correct.

but then what are your thoughts on this?

no one wants to be disrespected.

so why are several people reporting getting disrespected on emperor ZP?

your above statement would imply that some part of them wants this disrespect?

surely that is not what you are saying?

what am i missing?

can you please clarify?

i think your answer to this would help a lot of people.


i do NOT want to comment until i have had a chance to test ZP products in nightclubs.

but i can tell you that this “effortlessness” that you talk about is NOT always optimal.

for example, i want tension to be there in seduction/sex scenarios.

its hard to explain but its stylistic thing.

some guys like everything to flow and be chill in a seduction.

but for me i have found the best sexual experience when there is tension.

and that same tension is why some people say Emperor intimidated people.

honestly, its really hard to explain what i mean and maybe none of this makes sense to anyone reading.

But i just want to make the point that some people think everything super chill, relaxed and effortless is ALWAYS a good thing but that is incorrect for seduction/sex because tension is very useful in that department and by definition tension can NOT exist if everything is chill and effortless

when my area finally reopens and i can finally test ZP products in nightclubs i will probably be able to explain this better.


It’s not from me. It’s from here : Community Created Article: How is ZP "better" than Qv2? - Subliminal Club Support Hub

Yeah, I can relate to how @Azriel stated that:

I had a very similar experience with Chosen and CFW, wherein I was not feeling particularly productive, but my internal monologue and value-system around what tasks were worth doing definitely shifted towards questioning old habits and trying to “work smarter.”

This is very interesting, and I am glad we had this back-and-forth during a washout from my previous stack, as I now need to very seriously consider what my goals are and how my upcoming stack will address these goals.

For example, I want to feel a divine level of productivity and associated work output, which I now see must be generated from within with ZP, so Emperor may not be the best choice because I don’t care much for the possible romantic and alpha results, only wealth building. That is my focus. To become a man capable of working my ass off to build a business to generate wealth for my family, I want nothing else from my subs.

With that in mind, Emperor seems like overkill.
Would simply Mogul do the job?
Perhaps paired with Mind’s Eye (for that manifestation & pattern recognition effects) and Love Bomb (for self-love & acceptance load balancing).


He went to another city and was approached by three different women the next day. They were asking him personal questions to try to get to know him better.

I’m not jealous and I feel happy for him to be getting this kind of attention. He’s also getting more respect at the gym from the top body builder who overheard the women saying that he’s cute.