Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Quick check in sexual urges from emperor zp are no freaking joke. They kicked in yesterday and I can’t focus at all. The urge for release is truly unbearable.I’m trying to get a handle on these urges but it’s not easy. I saw 3 women in yoga pants today and i was overcome with lust like I never have been before


What would be the recommended sub/stack to do all StarkZP can do, but without the celebrity status?

I’m thinking Emperor+QL, but what other ideas are there?

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Emperor + QL / Limitless + Daredevil (for verbal fluency)

I’ve been stacking Emperor and Daredevil and it feels like Stark but more productive, masculine, and confident.


but he’d maybe miss the innovative trait

What is this energy blueprint stuff

The terms ’energy’ or ‘energetic blueprint’ as used in that quote do not need to be reified or imagined as an actual physical (or paraphysical) substance.

A quiet garden has a particular energy or feel that’s different from the energy or feel of a crowded football stadium before the game.

In the same way, each of the archetypes of the zodiacal and astrological stable has its own feel and dynamics.

As do also the various archetypes of the subliminal programs here.

Getting a feel for all of these archetypes can help with developing an intuitive sense (or analytical sense) of how they might combine and interact, harmoniously or otherwise.


I am really curious on Saints answer regarding how to find the right sub for oneself.

Astrology might certainly help with that, although this gave room for A LOT of discussion in the purpose thread :wink:

Like, for example, my placements (Mars in Pisces) tell me that I don’t come into direct contact with the public. Then Saturn in the 12th house, these usually do not achieve recognition for their abilities.

Then I run Stark because I FEEL like I want the fame.

Could it be external validation that I am seeking there? Or just because it fits my current business (YT / Blog, need the “fame”)

Will Stark then focus on the empire and alpha without the fame?

Rhetorical question, because I know it does. Noticeable results already from this.


Kidding, as much as I understand that ZP brings you home to yourself, idk how this inspired action only works on who I truly am…

Your mind will manifest “fame” in a way that best fits who you are. For example, being popular on a forum that you own. :wink:


To everyone who ran Emperor ZP and/or GLM ZP, and have partners (you too @SaintSovereign):

Which title made them more “submissive” to you?

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My question is:

How does Emperor attract if everyone out in the world seems intimidated by me? :joy::thinking:

What do you mean by submissive?

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The intimidation isn’t something that everyone will feel.
The thing is, people get intimidated because of the power and status aura that shoots out of you, making insecure people feel intimidated, and let’s face, most people in today’s society are insecure, so they’re bound to get intimidated in the presence of an Emperor, and that same thing attracts really quality women.

More respectful, “obedient”, and much more attracted to you.


I see. Thanks for the clarification.


Thanks, makes sense!

I was thinking it was a bad thing, but along my long walk I was trying to think of a way that I can give a positive spin on this that leads to me getting what I want and what I prefer.

I wish there was a way I can experience what they experience when coming in contact with me, my presence and vibe, just so I can understand it better.


are dangerous.

Well, it’s obviously working.

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Been running Emperor since its ZP version was launched (and Q version before that starting at beginning of ZP preview).

  1. The endurance on this sub when it comes to work is unmatched. Work has been extraordinarily busy these past few weeks, yet I’m able to put in longgg strenuous hours and remain incredibly effective throughout the week. Even sitting here on Friday at the end of the work week I’m still eagerly looking for things to do to check off my to-do.

  2. My level of financial responsibility has never been better. Remember from a previous post where I stated that one of my credit cards ended the January pay cycle with a negative balance? Well, as we approach the end of February, this card still retains that same negative balance - meaning I did not use it one time this month. My other card has only scratched the surface of what I used to spend. I’d say 80% of my credit card bill will be from groceries. all that extra money I’m accruing? Being funneled into savings, investments, and aggressively paying off loans.


I’m missing emperor ZP right now.

From my 21 day run two months ago, in hindsight I loved the sheer confidence, masculinity, deeper voice, waking up early everyday, and workout intensity.

I also feel it has some great physical shifting as my face always looked “strong” on it


What do you do for work?

Outside sales for a med tech company

Cool. Thank you.