Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

don’t really understand what means “turning state of mind into reality”. could you tell me more about this?

It means shaping the world, my reality to my will. It means creating a narrative and wielding it to compel mens heart and mind to follow your narrative.

It means creating a scenario in my mind and using my will to make or force it into reality
Taking action with sure certainty that everything will fall In line, pieces fall into place, reality becomes my playground because my will is so strong it bends reality, everyone and everything it meets on it’s way. That’s how Captain Flint was

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Emperor makes me very horny. What can I do to solve this problem?

Have sex. It’s part of the title. :joy:


I feel like if i have sex I would still be horny as hell and would like to have it every hour.

If you don’t want sex stuff, Emperor ain’t the way to go. It’s a powerhouse.

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well, the true problem is I’m prohibited to have pre-marriage sex.

Tell us what you’ve tried already.

Dive in a little more.

How horny were you before you played Emperor? Was the sex drive really very low? How did you deal with it before Emperor?

And what kinds of ways are you using to deal with it now?

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Emperor is, for me, primarily about learning how to be effective and how to feel effective.

Hmm…this makes me think back to this:

I don’t think Emperor will result in men who feel enslaved to their sexual desires and physical impulses. That’s clearly not the nature of an Emperor.

But I think that probably what you need is to find ways to act on the visions, ideas, and goals that you value. The point is to plug your energy into what you choose to create.

You are being empowered to take your life in the direction of your choice.

I think that the more you do that, the more your various physical energies and desires will become resources rather than distractions or vexations.

What do you truly want to do that you can do, but are not doing?

Standing where you are right now, what is a great next step for you?

The ultimate goal is to be living in and creating in the life of your dreams. But what are the first practical, tangible steps in the direction of that life?

Take the first steps in that direction, and then keep taking more steps in that direction, and you’ll find that your body and your impulses are becoming your best friends.

This is what I believe and what I’m working to do myself.


I wasn’t so horny and the sex drive was normal - neither too low, nor too high.

I used the ancient method which is supposed to use hands only, lol.

The same as before but twice more frequently.


Actually, you caught the point. I have a lot of things to do but I’m procrastinating and I don’t know why. I must learn iOS development, but instead of doing my studies I just waste my time. Perhaps, the problem derives deep into my inner voice which says I’m not ready for such tasks or something, who knows. But the point is that as soon as I learn iOS dev enough to find a payed job or, at least, get a trainee job, my mature life journey will start. There is a wall between me and this - I want to know how to break the wall.
I also found Emperor + The Commander custom and Limitless can’t be handled by me for now, thus I’ve decided to run Ascended Mogul and Limitless Executive for 6 months minimum to build a foundation that is very recommended for every newbie here but cause of my some ignorance I ignored that recommendation.


AM will help. I look forward to hearing of your good fortune.

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Thank you. Will run RICH when start my careers. Planning to do this in 6 months.

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I am still not exactly clear on this:

Has Emperor ZP (the standing file in our downloads for those who have it) been updated since the new test version of Emperor ZP?

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I work remotely. Outside of my wife and children, most of my interactions are online. I actually enjoy the fact that I don’t have to drive and battle through traffic to go to work. At this point, I barely leave my house. I’m still building my marketing agency and I have a couple of other entrepreneurial ideas. Things that I can mostly do online anyway.
In my situation, is it useful that I run Emperor?


Yes it did I guess

22nd July…

2nd August…

11th September…

What’s goin’ on man? You ok?


Last I remember, you had downloaded the FLAC file as well. The MP3 at the time was final. No tech updates since then.

If you’re still using the Test version, replace it with the one currently in your Downloads.

I promise to personally inform you next time SC updates Emperor. Cool?


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That’s what I wanted to hear

I run ‘rebirth’ :upside_down_face: alot- it comes with the clearing

For real though- Two things

  1. I didn’t have the experience of being left with a clear definitive answer in regards to this at all, although appreciate all the responses/feedback

  2. Because I didn’t have the experience of being clear on it- it never clicked so the question kept arising. We all ask some question over and over again, just usually to ourselves :kissing_closed_eyes:

Look at the responses after each of the times you quoted my question

Test version most up to date- not regular in download version

Not new version -new format

Flac- not regular format newest upgrade

Flac version newest- no answer on regular Emperor download being up to date after test version


Again- So you’ve given me the closest thing to a definite answer - although I appreciate everyone’s responses.

And yes, I would love any personal updates from you on Emperor upgrades or really any personal updates from @Simon in general :relaxed: :purple_heart: Always happy to connect


Please continue conversation in this topic: Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v2

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