Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici ZP

@Vinci are you still running chosen and HOM? What does Chosen bring to HOM?


I feel so but then again I never ran hom + chosen.
Currently doing stark + hom

@Invictus @Myster @Vesper are you still running HoM? Any new progress?

Thank you, gentlemen.


Yes sirr just not reporting on the forum a bit lazy in that front aha. HoM right now is my favourite sub.


What results have you seen from it if you don’t mind me asking?


So actually I found out that the effects are purely from HoM which is good because I’m running it solo right now and I’ve 5 - 10% improvements from my results that I reported last week. Like if last week I was social and people came to talk to me then this week it’s even more also I don’t there’s any scripting for romance (Might just be the increase in status) but I attract more girls on Hom and more touch/flirt with me like more then on Wanted which is a bit odd. Opportunities, if you want opportunities I would for sure recommend HoM I’ve gotten more on then Stark or Emperor.


I stopped it because it made me realize that I have a very unorthodox perception on wealth and money; I don’t mind it, but thinking about long term financial planning is not my thing, I like to get what I want, when I want, the way I want.

For example: in the last one week, I spent about 20k QAR (about 5.5k USD) just because I saw things I wanted and I got them without second thoughts (like getting a custom and then rebuilding it within the same week, randomly deciding to get an Apple Watch last night, more shoes, new laptop, new headset, etc.), and HoM would have given me recon with that due to my nature of living in opulence :stuck_out_tongue:.

It’s a beautiful sub though, gave me an opportunity to be the main chosen person for an event within 2 days (boss wanted a “right hand” and chose me, even though there are others who have been working with him for years).


After building a foundation of over 5+ months on Emperor and Chosen (and RICH much of the time), I’ve been inspired to start my journey on this beauty. Have ran only 2 total loops of HOM ZP so far with some pretty remarkable results:

  • Just started my new job this week and my boss loves me already. This week, I was able to meet him at a work conference he was attending in my city. We instantly connected and got to know each other very well. And I can immediately know that him and I are going to work very well together - by far better than any boss I’ve worked with before. We shared so many things in common, not just personally but also in our approach to success in the job. It felt like I was hanging out with a longtime friend. Keep in mind, we had only met previously during our interview.
  • I felt zero anxiety leading up to this work conference. In fact, I was genuinely thrilled by the fact that I would have networking opportunities right out of the gate. In the past I know I’d be anxious and worried about an event like this, especially during the first week of a new job, but HOM ZP helped me to remain completely calm, remove all social anxiety, and actually look forward to the event.
  • During the conference, I was very social and people were excited and open to talking to me. Even the other sales reps from competitive companies.
  • Even though I’m still early in training and the only expectation for me at the conference was to shadow my boss, I seized an opportunity and got us a very viable lead! It felt so natural to make this connection, and my boss was very proud.
  • Beyond work, old friends have been reaching out left and right. I’m actually excited to talk with them whereas before on Emperor I didn’t give much time for these types of interactions. Now, I’m loving them and they fill me with satisfaction. A very welcomed change and in perfect alignment with who I naturally am.
  • My whole financial landscape is changing before my eyes (for the better). Everything seems to be rearranging itself towards long term financial success, and I truly haven’t ever been this financially secure before. I must give Emperor credit for laying the groundwork and positive habits such as awareness around spending habits, and spending less than I earn. That being said, HOM completely expands upon this and has enabled me to look up at a bird’s eye view of how my actions today are leading to a more prosperous tomorrow :slight_smile:
  • This weekend, I have devoured various books on money. Finished 2 books so far, and have started a third. It’s like I can’t put them down. You remember when you were a kid reading a fantasy novel and you were so fascinated by what you were reading that you couldn’t stop? That’s how I feel reading money related books on HOM ZP
  • I have developed a detailed financial plan, and investment strategy which I know will cultivate abundance.
  • My relationship with my family has been deepened, despite us living many miles apart. I’m thinking of them more and calling / texting them much more than usual.
  • For the first time in my life, I have invested in crypto “buying the dip” of the latest crash. I had always considered doing it, but never really took action on it until running HOM. My investments are doing well so far, as HOM seemed to guide me to making my crypto investments at the perfect time.
  • Speaking of HOM guiding investments, I’m convinced HOM legit protected me from a bad investment. You may have heard about $LUNA crypto that crashed and burned this past week. That was one I was looking at buying once I saw it had dropped to around $1.00. So I went to try and buy it, and the craziest thing happened. First, my computer froze and locked me out. Then I tried to go onto my phone and buy it, but it couldn’t verify me. And finally, I got back into my computer and the exchange was showing an error message when trying to purchase $LUNA. Well guys, I finally got the hint and lo and behold it is now trading at $0.00042 at the time of this posting :joy:

This one is a real gem you guys. I highly recommend it :wink:


You be cool @Ice :sunglasses: i remember back in 2021 and how things were back then… and looking at the posts you’re posting now… I feel you took a step back and looked at your life and decided what really needed to happen, and thus chose the right subs for the job :blush::heart:


Thanks @Tobyone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ZP certainly has helped in that process


It’s a great tool to have, for sure the best thing together with meditation to help in this discovery of truth and into what this little thing we call life is :blush:



  • You picked a good time to buy the dip.
  • The Terra LUNA crash and its ecosystem crash is insane. It is like as if the computer froze on you to guide you in avoiding a 99.99% loss on a position in LUNA.

Ok, I’ve only run one loop of this beast, and I’m already hype about it…

First, it changed how I communicated with a new business partner and literally saved the deal from crashing and burning. While with Stark I was able to create the vision, present the opportunity, and get buy-in almost flawlessly, I was on the verge of using the nuclear option after the deal was inked because he threw a curveball with a specific detail…and I wasn’t going to give him the control he wanted.

Enter HOM.

I was able to pivot the deal and guide the conversation in a productive direction that completely bypassed and removed the perceived obstacle.

Going to toot my own horn here, but it was a perfect reframe and delivery as now things are moving forward faster and more smoothly.

During the conversation I was calm, composed, and confident I’d find the path forward.

One loop.



Might this be a miracle sub for sales @Billions ?



It’s a beast-in-a-bottle and I’m afraid to unleash the beast, which is why I haven’t ran it yet.

Focusing on extensive EOG Stage 1 to rewrite money beliefs, so that when HOM gets me chasing @Billions aka my namesake, I don’t trip up and freak out.

Will probably run EOG 4 before HOM, because I’m pretty committed to documenting a solo EOG stack… but I almost impulsively ran HOM last night anyways, so, we’ll see about the timeline.


I’ve been thinking about EoG4+HOM+Heartsong…would hit on all the wealth, family and legacy angles


Haha, so you want to attract a wealthy wife to take an empire over?


I think it would bring out those qualities in an existing partner or find one with the empire qualities yeah.


It’s certainly easier to build an empire if you have the support of your immediate family/partner.

I speak from (past) experience when I say it’s soul-crushingly hard to try to build something while your significant other is yelling at you to “stop being a dreamer and just get a real job”. It’s been 12 years and I’d still jump at the chance to snap (Thanos style…) the particular person who repeatedly said that to me…

recon? what recon… :sweat_smile:


Since I’m starting to use Emperor: The House of Medici again (Probably from my old custom or the main title). I wanna take a moment of the results I got from it back when I used it:

  • Got 3 job interviews and 1 job offer for a position I’ve been dreaming to have for the past 3 years

  • Built many deep friendships with people I’m still friends with now

  • On it girls felt in love with me even more. It wasn’t jut sexual attraction, they love me with the pure desire of love and wanting to be in a relationship with me which interesting since hom isn’t a romance sub.

  • Way better social skills compared to Stark and much more persuasive. Extroverted socialness in a way that increase my love to people that I talk to compared to Stark where I’m just the guy who brings the fun.

  • Way better focus and motivation that was came on my wealth goals and fitness goals

  • People loved me on it and want to hang out with me more often or talked for hours at the gym whenever I would come (Some of my deepest conversations and most impactful to a persons life was on hom).

  • People see me as a leader on it and an inspiration that is willing to help someone no matter what.

  • Communication skills we’re much better which includes persuasion.

  • Trading was bit better in some deals where I invested in them I got really lucky and got 100% if not more return of investment on them.

  • Became more popular in real life and on social media.

  • Used social media less and procrastinated less which gave time and energy that I used to focus on my goals.

  • Cognitively speaking things we’re much easier to learn, visualizations skills we’re better. Much more analytical and improved math skills.

  • Better decisions and wasted money on things that would improve my life and that would be assets (I feel like hom has components of The Way Of ROI module)

Honestly I don’t know why people don’t use this sub more often it’s basically Stark + Emperor + RICH and is my favorite wealth sub that I’ve used and will continue using long term. It’s basically an extroverted version of Emperor what’s there not to love?