Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: House of Medici v2

Have found time to read through Part I of this excellent book.

Cosimo has just survived his perilous abduction to the tower of the Palazzo della Signoria orchestrated by Albizzi.

Strathern’s tongue-in-cheek oblique references to Medici’s possible fearfulness throughout the incident are both hilarious and (for me at least) highly relatable. Guy is a great weaver of narratives.

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However, if for example, you have a online hustle but it isn’t where you want it to be and you’re still broke due to bills, HoMs sales line of “build with what you have “ makes sense to me.

Get your point tho.


The book really shows how much Cosimo did lay the foundation for the Medici’s future successes with all of his political maneuvering. I think that’s why so much time and focus has always been dedicated to Cosimo.

The book just gets better and better, and man, it really works wonderfully with the sub as well. Kind of like, aligning the goals of the mind to the realities of the situations that we find ourselves in. Hard to explain, but, I’ll just say that that book is a goldmine of information.

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I’m running both EoG and HoM, and while I’m still in the early stages of both, second cycle of HoM and first of EoG St. 1, I can definitely see the synergies and also the differences of the subs.

HoM definitely has a very strong financial pull to it, but it also has a very strong strategic, analytical, and political play to it as well. Unlike something like Stark which is focused on fame, HoM doesn’t really work on making you famous, but it does work on making you very politically savvy. Knowing how to build your network of contacts and understanding the games of quid-pro-quo in business. I think this is also where it favors on dynasty wealth - which if many of you are not aware, is a type of financial trust that is meant to be generationally profitable. This type of focus really changes the game for HoM users, though I imagine that only with time will you really see the full weight and scale of what this sub is accomplishing.

With EoG, and what little experience I have with it currently, its focus is more on individual circumstances that are purely on the removal of your wealth barrier. The approach is completely different, and the goals are very different as well. EoG will get you rich, will even find avenues for you to get rich with that you never considered before. But, it won’t make you a statesman. It’s not the kind of sub, at least I don’t think, that will have you invited to private dinners with aristocracies. That’s what HoM will do for you.

I could very well be wrong across the board, but, in using these subs, this is personally what I’m experiencing and feeling at this early stage in the game. Give me a few more months and I’ll have something tangible and concrete to share.


I’m running them both together as well. As dual cores of a custom focused on wealth and lifestyle optimization. Even though, HoM is in there, I chose to include Dynasty as well; to reinforce that element. It’s a heavy but tightly-focused custom.

My stack contains two other customs as well. So my brain/mind is fully occupied with processing, integrating, and expressing everything that is confronting it.

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There is lot of overlap between EOG and HoM but EOG is more focused than HoM. It also has healing which HoM doesn’t. For example sake, EOG will help you start and develop a profitable E-Commerce business, HoM can do that as well but HoM will help build relationships with heavy hitters in the E-Commerce space so you can have access to information that is only available to a few.

HoM can help you befriend people who run E-Commerce platforms so you get invited to very private corporate events that most E-commerce sellers don’t know exist. Imagine having the opportunity to meet Jeff Bezos and he likes you. By the way, I only use E-Commerce as an example. Imagine being accepted in Tony Robbins’s circle of friends. Imagine Barack Obama calling you to pick your brain.

HoM is for networkers and people who want to build low-key yet powerful relationships that will help them take advantage of the market or other opportunities. I like the fact that HoM isn’t an attention and fame seeker as Stark is.

RICH is a money maker.
Mogul is a business builder.
Ascended Mogul is a career accelerator.
EOG is a healer, a fortifier and a money maker.
HoM is a money maker, a door opener, a business builder and a dealmaker.

EDIT : If we push archetypes to the extreme, Stark is Elon Musk. HoM is Bernard Arnault (currently richest man on the planet). Most people don’t even know who Bernard Arnault is. Much less what he looks like.


I’ve added HoM to my stack now. Still keeping Emperor in.

If I ever experience recon, HoM would be a great candidate for it. I simply do not like meeting new people. :sweat_smile:

EoG is great, but I have not returned to it since running through all stages back when it first was released. EoG St1 I consider mandatory for everyone to get rid of all the negative beliefs regarding money and wealth.


Seems like an interesting and possibly well-balanced program for you. The social aspects may expand you, and the wealth aspects will reinforce you.

Will be interested to see how it goes.

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@Malkuth : How long have you been running that stack and are having good results with it?

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I’m running 3 20-module ZP Terminus2 customs.

Thank goodness for @Invictus. Helps me to feel normal. haha. (Your subliminal stack is more intense than mine.)

One is about spiritual deepening and manifestation. I consider this ‘The Roots’. Introduced it September 7 2022.
One is about action taking and establishing (personal) Empire. I consider this ‘The Trunk’. Introduced it August 12 2022.
the last (containing EoG and HoM) is about weatlh and lifestyle optimization. I consider this the branches and fruits. Introduced it October 1 2022.

So, I’m over two months into the EoG and HoM custom. Due to my own choices, that last custom is sharing brain bandwidth with a lot of company. (The other thing I’m doing that’s experimental is playing them all back-to-back in each session).

So my results are possibly coming more gradually than they would be if I were running a lighter set-up.


  • On 21 November 2022, during my second (non-subliminal) Processing Phase, I was contacted personally (via e-mail) by an organization with whom I had no prior working relationship. They offered me an opportunity to be paid $320 USD per hour to deliver two talks related to my professional background. This is the busy year-end period, so I was ambivalent. But I also really wanted to honor the manifestation. I told them that I was busy at the moment, but if they had trouble finding anyone else, I could do it. They replied, ‘Yes, we are having trouble finding anyone else. Please do it.’ So, we arranged two dates and I conducted the talks last week.

That’s the most tangible and on-the-nose sub result that I’ve gotten to date.

  • That custom also has Organization Perfected and Purity Without in it. Yesterday and the day before I found myself spontaneously creating more order in my workspaces (office and home). The home space is pretty daunting, so I’ll be patient with it. But the office one was mostly sorted during that day.

Meanwhile, my subs, in general, are sending out subtle, gradual initial tendrils of change. I’m the one who opted for this set-up. I want them to exist together and to cross-fertilize. I’m willing to have a slower start-up.

One thing I’ve noticed is that during my previous two Processing Phases, by about day 4 or 5, I started noticing results popping up. In the first Processing Phase, I experienced results from the spiritual deepening custom. And during the second one, there was the dramatic result from RICH, Secret Source, and etc.,

We’ll see if that trend will continue. If so, then something may happen today or tomorrow.

Okay. Starvation urges me to cook now.


@Malkuth : Which stage of EOG do you have in that custom?

Stage 4, @ksub

I started running EoG stage 4 in March 2020 (started EOG 1 in September 2019–my very first sub here), and my very first Q store custom in June 2020 had EoG 4, Stark, and Power Can Corrupt. The custom I’m running now is a ZP “reboot” of that original custom.

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Damn!!! Two years on EOG 4. :exploding_head:
Congrats on the consistency.

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@Malkuth so you are at least a Millionaire rn, right?

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There was a year in there when I worked through the stages of Alchemist and Quantum Limitless (June 2020 to July 2021); followed by a year of Dragon Reborn (July 2021 to June 2022). During most of DR, I stopped EoG completely.

So for me, on the one hand, Ecstasy of Gold has always had to run in the background with some other programs taking the center stage and main focus. On the other hand, however, I’ve always felt that EoG had directly led me to those other programs.

If I’m going to build Wealth, I need to initiate and guide projects. And if I’m going to initiate and guide projects, I’m the kind of person who needs to do so from a place of personal conviction.

I think that EoG came into my brain, took a look around like a master artist, cracked its knuckles, and then said,


“Okay. Good news. We’ve got a plan. But…it’s going to take a little while.”

“I want to introduce you to the crew: a few very special friends of mine….”

[cue Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and Dragon Reborn to enter from stage left]


If you want to be successful with Emperor: House of medici…

Cultivate a mind for the affairs of man, not books.

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How do you think a sub such as EOG would help someone close to homelessness? I’m not being critical I am actually very curious on your input.
I have always been fascinated how beliefs and mindset can radically alter or sabotage a person’s entire life

I am also incredibly curious as to how something such as EOG would assist in salary in a job or career search although I do see ROM being beneficial in career advancement especially when potentially working in teams or with other departments or divisions within a company or corporation

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Causes and Factors.

10 people ‘have a headache’. But the causes and factors beneath that ‘similar’ experience may be very different. One person has stress. One person had too much to drink. One person slept with the heat turned too high.

Often, not always, the path to resolving the issue may involve changing some of those factors.

This is the question of strategizing change:

Toss the Labels. Deal with the Factors.

“Homeless” is the label. The Factors underlying that label can be very diverse.

The subs (and the strategy in general) should address the key factors, not necessarily the label.

The tricky part is, we’re kind of wired to focus on Labels more than on Factors. The brain takes its shortcuts (its so-called Heuristics). And that works a lot of the time. But then there are times when you’ve got to do a Manual Override. The GPS has you stuck in a dead-end, and it’s telling you to drive straight through somebody’s house.

“Okay. Manual Override.”

At the same time, our deep mind (or subconscious mind) is amazing at responding to hundreds of factors that we haven’t even noticed, not to mention labelled. In order for the mind to do that, it needs good feeding, good support, good energy, and so on.

And that’s where the subs come in.

More Flexible. More attentive. More responsive. Better at making connections.

All of those things happen when we cultivate our mind.

I don’t know bro. Hope this works. :wink:


@ksub @Malkuth A big part of why I am fascinated with all of this is partially because of things I have gone through in the past as well as my continued frustration with it being nearly impossible for me to run EOG for some reason. I try and almost immediately switch subs


Have you tried a 3-minute loop yet?

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