Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Definitely scary in some ways for sure. I question so many things in my life. Present and past. I realize I wasn’t anywhere near as emotionally mature as I am now but I do get very curious at times as to how I thought certain things were OK or how I expected things to turn out differently than they did.


@Malkuth mentioned this already here but i wanted to touch up on it using personal experiences on dragon so far. I think dragon is such a good booster for future programs especially in the ZP format because it lays out exactly what you need to do/take action on to become your ideal self. I was thinking today even if i stopped playing subs along my self improvement journey the things ive organized for myself while playing dragon alone will carry me to where i need to be. My diet/supplement regiment is pinpoint perfect now, my workout and stretch routine is perfect now, i have a list of self sabotaging habits that im aware of and stopped doing which were holding me back, and i know exactly what subs i need to run after to hit every single one of my goals/work along side what im doing right now. Its amazing how this sub really does direct you in whatever direction you need to go to get to your ideal self you want to become


I suppose the outcomes also depend on how much actual healing you need. If you’re really broken inside DR is much more focused on internal changes although what’s inside comes out sooner or later.

I also agree that DR helps you go in the “right direction” when it comes to your self-development. That was the case with the old technology and that’s the case on ZP as well.


I always appreciate your DR reflections. They seem really spot on to me.


If I’m not mistaken you’re still running DR. Could you elaborate on how that deep healing DR provides us with works for you, please?


Yes, I’m still running DR.

I’ve told myself, “Don’t make any major dramatic choices until this is done”.

And I think the same holds true for making any dramatic evaluations.

Things are happening, but there are a lot of moving parts. And I think I’m going to need some time to get a sense of who I am and where I am when this current run of Dragon Reborn is complete. It’s easier for me to observe external changes than it is to evaluate internal ones.


I get a lot of feedback on my " switching goals" so often but Dragon Reborn has made me question so much about myself and my life
It’s not an excuse. Just something I have been thinking about a lot
Yesterday I started reading " The Courage to Be Disliked" which is based on the psychology and philosophy of Alfred Adler. It’s an incredibly fascinating book so far



Mixing other programs or modules with Dragon Reborn

I think you’ve reflected and written about this topic.

There’s something I’ve wondered about. I think it could be possible.

It all comes down to what I’m thinking of as 'The Dragon Reborn Effect’. I don’t know how accurate this is, but it’s a thought I’ve been having.

The Dragon Reborn Effect (DRE) is a kind of internally directed, healing and transformational effect. It’s special because it’s pointed inwards rather than outwards. So it tends to have a kind of indirect power that is tricky to observe and so can be missed.

The Dragon Reborn Effect is a powerful manifester, but it manifests through the ‘removal of obstacles to the result’ more than through the active attraction or building of the result. It eliminates all obstructions and blockages to a particular development. As a result, that development can seem to come almost ‘effortlessly’.

But ‘effortless’ may not be the best word because the DRE actually requires a lot of energy. It’s just that it’s not externally-directed energy that is specifically focused on a particular goal. Rather, it’s an internally directed energy that is focused on processing issues, feelings, and internal development. Like when you’re facing difficult, hard truths about yourself or processing challenging experiences or messages.


So here’s the idea.

When you combine another program with Dragon Reborn, it provides ‘an avenue’ for Dragon Reborn to have its effect.

So, while playing Dragon Reborn, you may not feel the usual effects and manifestations from your other programs


you can rest assured that, beneath the surface, tremendous development–related to those other programs–is occurring

Similar to how an ant colony looks like this from above ground:


and like this from beneath the ground:


I’ve been wondering if Dragon Reborn might drive that kind of Development of Internal Architecture related to the other programs and modules with which it is combined.

Just want to type out the idea.


So do you listen to DR once every other day?

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I’ve noticed that the “DR development” is effortless when it comes to taking action since not much of it (if any at all) is required to make it happen but when it comes to the energy consumption level it’s really demanding and it may really knock you off mentally. It manifests in me mainly by waking up really groggy and by trying to save up my energy during the day as much as I can. I would sit and relax only or at most limit myself to some really necessary “movements”. Most of that energy you would use up on taking action is being rechanneled to resolving your issues and destroying your limitations.

When it comes to pairing up DR with other subs I’ve noticed it forces the healing part of them to work in synergy with it, therefore, taking away from you that energy that should be fuel for external results. For example, when I started running GLM, at first it was manifesting beautifully in my energy, aura, body language, and confidence but soon enough DR forced it to work on my issues related to masculinity, and instantly I felt that the outer “processing energy” got rechanneled towards my very core and was giving me a recon-like experience.


That sounds like you’re describing the same or a similar dynamic to what I described.

I’m really wondering about this; particularly now that I’m drawing close to the end of this run with DR.

How, I wonder, will the transition from primarily internal-directedness to primarily external-directedness be expressed and experienced?

How will that be expressed through Bloom Effects?

I’m interested to observe this upcoming washout period that I’m planning to undergo.


Lucky you! I wish I was towards the end of this purgatory. :sunglasses:

It’s going to give us some answers.

There are 2-4 cycles on DR ahead of me and I will get my answers as well since they may be different, however, the dynamics should be pretty much the same or at least very similar.


I know what you mean.

But a part of me predicts a day when I’ll deeply appreciate the process of Dragon Reborn as much as the result. I’ve been trying to attain that insight. But it’s a little slippery for me.

One method I used was to go back to the Objectives list and to really think about them.

After that I really noticed how much DR was manifesting changes. It’s funny because I’d feel tired and a little discouraged and then I’d get another piece of good news or find another area of progress. Dragon Reborn is really incredible. I will definitely be back. But at this point, it’s been a whole entire year, and I’ll appreciate changing the channel for a bit.

I will look forward to your reflections.


I think this is directed to me, right?

My exact listening frequencies have varied from play-period to play-period. I’ve followed the recommended guidelines pretty much.

So, if I was only running two ZP programs (as I have been much of the time) then they got played every other day.

If I had three programs, then I’d play Dragon Reborn (which then became my Dragon Reborn ZP Custom) once every 4 days.

Last two play periods it was every other day. But then I added in Chosen: The Way of Nature.

So it’s Day 1: Dragon Reborn ZP Custom and Paragon ZP Custom, Day 2: Rest, Day 3: Chosen: The Way of Nature, Day 4: Rest. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

Hope that’s clear.


Great thanks. So do you have to have 4 separate customs for each stage? @Malkuth

No. I listen to the standard major program version until I reach the final stage. I tend to play that final stage for 1-2 months and to then design a custom in order to further integrate its functions into my personal vision.

(An exception to this pattern would be Emperor Fitness. That multi-stage program seemed a bit less strictly sequential in structure. So I once (around 2 years ago) built a custom that included EF stage 4, although I had not listened to the previous three stages. But, you know, I probably wouldn’t do that today.)


Okay :heart::blush:

I feel this !!!

I’m on day 4 of DR ST1

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First time with DR3 320k file. This is strong!
Felt like I had been hit by a train. The new files are truly phenomenal and I’m excited to see the long-term effects.


Yeah, I had a hard time getting off bed in the morning. :rofl: