Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Running DR St 2 solo. Spacing out the loops more with one every two days. It feels like it delves in deeper with the extra time off.
I feel that I am finally learning to accept and embrace my self worth


And, once more, with feeling

Dragon Reborn ZP

  • Achieve overall success in all areas due to the intense transformational effect of Dragon Reborn
  • Destroy, heal and transcend any and all societal or self-created limitations, traumas, negative beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals
  • Free yourself from your misconceptions and the limitations others placed upon you
  • Become more assertive and prevent others from abusing or misusing you
  • Create strong boundaries against those who habitually and intentionally attempts to “cross the line” with you
  • Detach from the views of others — be true to yourself
  • Discover exactly “who you are,” what you believe your life mission is, and how to overcome all obstacles preventing you from reaching those goals.
  • Develop your inner child from that of a “kid” to that of a mature, powerful “adult”
  • Develop your internal self-image from negative to positive, and from unattractive to incredibly attractive
  • Release all physical tension in your muscles, promote total relaxation
  • Eliminate, dissolve and overcome all sense of fear, especially those preventing you from living an emotionally healthy life
  • Generate a profound, incredibly potent energetic and physical aura of power, respect, status and strength
  • Cultivate a strong sense of wisdom
  • Cultivate a strong sense of self
  • Cultivate a strong sense of internal power and structure
  • Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice
  • Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking
  • Manifest friends, colleagues, partners, etc. who will help you achieve all of your self-development goals
  • Manifest mentors, books, courses and other sources of information that will help you achieve your self-development goals
  • Develop an extreme sense of internal power and strength
  • General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin
  • Develop a relentless sense of power, ambition and motivation, with automatic harnessing of this power to achieve all your goals
  • Body shifting — muscles, physical shifting, fat burning, increasing overall toughness
  • Reframing of past adversities as learning moments—giving you insight on how to overcome all future challenges (replacing the “manifest challenges” scripting).
  • Energetically and physically release trauma as it happens, remaining unaffected by negativity
  • Shield yourself against future trauma, making it harder to be affected by hurtful or toxic events, people and environments
  • Grow your wisdom
  • Develop and unleash your true power the charisma hidden deep within yourself
  • Attract better and better situations and people
  • Run future subliminals with a clearer, more advanced mindset
  • … and much more.


  • While you could listen to Dragon Reborn right away (like any other four stage subliminal), it is recommended to go through the previous three stages first. By doing so, your mind will be better prepared to take on the powerful effects of Dragon Reborn.
  • Give yourself time for relaxation while listening to Dragon Reborn. Reconciliation is common on it, and you may need to ensure plenty of time to engage in relaxation (even if that’s exercise or another physical activity).
  • Sometimes, “less is more” with Dragon Reborn ZP. If the reconciliation grows to become too much, cut back on the loops or listen to only 5 minutes of a loop.

I’m curious, for all those who ran DR.

How many ran 2 cycles each stage and how many 3 cycles per stage? Was there a noticeable effect running a 3rd cycle?

I’m wondering what might yield greater results in a 12 month run of DR.

  1. 3 cycles per stage that totals 1 year.

  2. 2 cycles for stages 1, 2 and 3. But 6 cycles of stage 4 that totals 1 year.

Seeing as stage 4 is the cumulative script, one would think extra time with stage 4 vs. Extra cycle each stage would yield greater benefit? Or am I just overthinking and none of this really matters in the end.

Any opinions?


I think after you have worked through the three stages with two cycles, the basis for stage 4 is there. Many things have already been dealt with and then no longer have to be processed in stage 4. I’ll use my feelings to decide how long I’ll stay in stage 4, but I think it makes more sense to allow extra time for stage 4. I prefer two cycles and then stay longer at stage 4. However, this will also vary from person to person and some people need three cycles for the first three stages. When is enough? That’s a very personal question.

I think extra time with stage 4 would yield greater benefit because there is less after the three stages stage 4 have to deal with. So Stage 4 takes care of the rest, so to speak.


Truth is, if you run 3 play periods of each stage, it’s still only going to equal about 10 months and 1 week.

1 play period (21 days + 5 processing days) = 26 days.

12 play periods = 312 days

Anyway, that’s a small point.

Dragon Reborn is such a deep diving program that I don’t really follow the results on such a day-to-day basis.

I feel like I could play this for 2 or 3 years and it would still continue to elicit and drive growth and transformation in me. I don’t, however, need to do that. My goal with this first playthrough is to get a substantive and sufficient foundation. Back in 2021, I felt that there might be some real internal blocks and obstructions that I could dissolve and break through in order to move my life more effectively how and where I want it to go.

So that was the context for me in choosing to play it. I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that Dragon Reborn does not only ‘heal’ and dissolve inner blocks, it also actively manifests desired conditions and realities. But it never stops feeling like growth and evolution.

And I feel that the path and possibilities of learning and evolution are limitless. So, yeah, one could play this perpetually, I think. But I’m not gonna.

Here are my timeframes:

(stage 1) Dragon Fire Qv2: July 11 2021 to September 9 2021. (Was planning to run it for 3 months, but then I applied to join the ZP trial).

(stage 2) Dragon Blood Qv2: November 8 2021 to January 28 2022.
Dragon Blood ZP: January 28 2022 to February 10 2022

(stage 3) Dragon Fire ZP: February 11 2022 to April 24 2022 (3 play periods)

(stage 4) Dragon Reborn ZP: April 30 2022 to June 15 2022 (2 play periods)
as part of Drakari TRANSCEND ZP Terminus custom: May 16 2022 to July 11 2022

So, other than an unanticipated 2-month run with Dragon Fire (stage 1), the rest have been either 3 months or 3 play periods.

And the growth has been continuous. Independently of whichever stage I happened to be in at the time.

It’s futile to quantify this kind of comprehensive transformational process, but there are developments to which one can point.

For example, manifestations have become more external and concrete during this past year.

But I think when talking about evolution, it’s important to remember that it’s very personal and idiosyncratic.


What you’re going to evolve into, depends on what you are, and what your experiences, goals, and influences are. Someone else is very likely going to follow a different evolutionary path that’s right for her or him.

With every previous multi-stager that I’ve run (i.e., EoG, QL, and Alchemist) once I’ve gotten to stage 4, I’ve built a custom designed for longer term play and for meaningful application and integration into my life plans. Dragon Reborn is similar but a little different.

With Dragon Reborn, I’ve created a custom, Drakari TRANSCEND, that I’m currently playing. But I plan to play this custom, every 3-6 months, for 1-2 play periods, during what I’m calling ‘Healing Retreats’. These are times when I step back from active building projects and take time to restore and refine my energy and mind.

You’ll remember that with the original Dragon Reborn release, there was a Dragon Reborn Ultima track. This was for those who had completed the program. It would re-evoke the growth-facilitating power of DR, but from a lighter and more compact program. ZP has rendered Ultima tracks obsolete because it can provide the same functionality.

So once the Dragon Reborn program is complete, you can always throw on stage 4 whenever you feel ready for another jet of evolution-driving energy in your life.

Alright, that’s already a lot.


I did exactly the same

:+1: To you

1 Like

@Geoff I was going to run 1 cycle of one and two. I did run 1 cycle of one and one cycle of two but, my intuition told me to run another cycle of two and tomorrow I will start my second cycle of two. I plan to also do two cycles each of DR3 and DR4. I’ll see what my intuition tells me.

@FireDragon That makes sense. I will see how I feel after the 2nd session of DR4. By then I will have seven months of DR under my belt.


The important thing is how you will feel. If there is an urge to move forward just do it. Dont get stucked in healing subs. 7 months is a long time and you can always go back to DR4 if necessary.


What you mean with “less stable”?
Easily having mood swings?

The consistency of the results. Heling subs tend to cause more recon and recon diminishes your results. With the new ani-recon technology, however, it’s not as severe when it comes to “regular” subs. Healing subs like DR are yet to be put to the test in that regard, however.


Sorry I still dont get it.
Isn’t recon temporary? A “passage” to arrive to results?
Why it diminshes results?

I meant the results you’re getting during recon. They are diminished but it doesn’t mean the “ultimate” results are going to get diminished too, but as I said before, the new tech decreases recon a lot or I would rather say it changes its nature. The recon is more profound and hits you deeper yet it doesn’t diminish “current” results much. You stay calm and stable. At least, this is how I experience the new anti-recon tech on CWoN.


Understood. I’m curious to experience the new DR when it will be upgraded!


I am now on DR3 first cycle and i am also realy curious about the updated DR.


May need to distinguish here between Objective Results and Subjective Results.

It may be that the ‘perceived results’ diminish during recon. But I’m not convinced that the actual results do.

Frankly, I tend to get lower feelings and perceived results in general. But then I get these powerful objective changes that are difficult to argue with. (For example, promotions, old friends contacting me, sudden jumps in physical performance, etc.)

I know research has shown that the same thing happens with meditation. When meditators’ subjective reports of meditative ‘depth’ are compared to some kind of objective index (like, EEG readings), they are often not correlated. The meditation session that felt ‘low quality’, ‘scattered’, and ‘busy and distracted’, may sometimes be the one that shows the strongest objective indicators of a powerful session.

I think subjective and objective indicators can both be very valuable. But it’s important to remain skeptical of transient evaluations and to do your best to keep steady with your practice. Sometimes it goes: Week 1 - nothing, Week 2 - nothing, Week 3 - nothing, Week 4 - ‘sudden’ leap. (Actually, it wasn’t sudden at all, but the preparation for that leap was just happening outside of what we were observing.)

[edited for grammar]


Yeah I’ve noticed this in meditation too (and in learning for example), making sudden shifts instead of a linear progression


For balance, I should mention that the external, ‘objective’ manifestations happen in both pleasant and unpleasant directions. Sometimes it feels like my recon manifests externally just like my results do.

There was once when I was walking the same route that I’d walked almost daily for 1.5 years. Suddenly I was approached and stopped by four police officers who forced me to show ID, etc.,

There was another time when I played my emotion healing stack and then was confronted in what led to an intense and painful argument with family member.

Felt connected and seemed like part of the process.


Dragon Reborn ZP hits different. Not better not worse just different.
I feel like I am constantly questioning everything about myself, who I am , and the choices I make.


I had this also very strong with DR ST2. Dont know with Stage you are but for me it was ST2. I was questioning everything i made and i will make. Horrifying but very educational on the other side.