Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Great to hear James keep all of us informed of how things. We the community are here to support you.


I had great results with this formula.

When I got to st4 I added Rebirth.


It’s going to be a great ride. I would think about running it along with LD or Sanguine if you have no other sub to run.


I would include The Elixir Zp
So you can deal consciously with your problems faster.


Here are some Dragon intuitions from a (currently somewhat disoriented) human being.

Desire is a bridge between The Soul & The Ego

When the Soul is growing towards greater connection, the Ego feels loneliness (The desire for connection)

When the Soul is growing into greater wisdom and discernment, the Ego feels confusion and vagueness (The desire for wisdom and discernment)

When the Soul is growing into greater stability, the Ego feels lost (The desire for stability and place)


The ego desires what the Soul is currently preparing.

The Merger of Worlds

When the ego is more blind to the Soul, the natural and reasonable reaction is to project these desires completely into the world and to seek desperately for external solutions and resolutions.

As the ego develops more connection to and trust in the Soul, the deep developmental transitions that are the actual source of the ego’s experienced desires can start to be appreciated. Desires can be experienced not as a desperate lack of some external condition, but as an intimation of what is to come—of what is even now growing from deep within.

The same feelings and perceptions that were originally causes for anxiety and fear can become messages of encouragement and markers of evolution. Maybe not precisely “easy”, but inspiring and even exciting.


Dragon Reborn ZP definitely hits differently
Yesterday I started a 21 day cycle of Dragon Reborn St 1 & St 2
I discovered today that one of my main goals with not just Dragon Reborn but life in general is to do everything I can not to be a toxic person


The hardest battles we fight are those we fight against ourselves…


Hear hear! But they are also the most rewarding :blush:


You should try to taste the blood of your enemies then… :sunglasses:

For now, it looks like DR and Emperor team up pretty well for me. Let’s see what Day 5 brings on the morrow.


I’m running two cycles of stages 1 & 2 then two cycles of stages 3 & 4, then run two cycles of Emperor or Emperor with RICH , the run EOG the way I’m running Dragon Reborn


I think I’ve had pretty good DR team-ups as well. Previously Dragon Reborn ZP and Mogul ZP. And now Dragon Reborn ZP and my custom Naissance Qv2.

At the same time, there’s a definite distinct feel to it (for me). I feel that DR may be taking those other programs in more of a healing direction (although they’re still producing results).

So, so far, what’s your take on the idea of combining Healing programs with Other programs?

(Some people like to avoid that completely.)

I’ve kind of felt as if the healing program might work on the avenues and capacities associated with the other programs.

(In other words, combining Dragon Reborn with Mogul, for example, might direct some of the healing function towards one’s capacity for business-building, money-making, etc.)


That’s been the case with combining DR with Emperor so far as it seems to be addressing, especially, these issues Emperor was designed to resolve like getting rid of societal programming or the negative conditioning we experienced as children. On the other hand. it may be just because I started listening to Emperor just recently and it’s the very first thing it does to you. Either way, so far both programs have been working in beautiful synergy in that regard. I assume that that aspect of Emperor may remain prevalent till the end of DR Stage 2 ride but let’s wait and see.


Have any of you had manifestations with DR before?
I now have a development in my private life that I didn’t foresee. This all came as a bit of a surprise.
It’s not good, but if it stays like this it will solve a big problem in my life in the long run. However, it is a hard way that shows up there.


I will say this about Dragon Reborn and especially ZP is that all these things I thought I cared about or got guilted or shamed into caring about I couldn’t give a f*** about anymore
I’m not willing to expend the mental and emotional energy


Keep going @James I’m rooting for you, great insight :+1:


Way to go JCast! That’s so awesome! :blush:

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God dammit @SaintSovereign I say this jokingly but yesterday I decided to run Dragon Reborn ZP St 1 with my bone conduction headphones and now today I feel calmer and weirdly wiser than I have in a long time


To add to that I last night I told my Wife I am going to work on myself continuously so I can be as supportive , positive , and loving as possible without going into toxic positivity territory.
Ominous Positivity


I always run my subs with my Aeropex. I like them better than my studio phones.


After today’s revelations and emotional highs, I’m wishing I could do my loops tomorrow. Much of what @James spoke of is happening in my life too. To avoid (more) recon, I’ll wait another day. Using 2 rest days has allowed DR to lock in more, and recon has been minimal.