Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Got to be dirty



More angel numbers, can someone tell me why do i see so many angel numbers since starting to listen to this one?

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Its one after another. 1111, 1717, 2121, 1818 etc

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And not only that I was recommended a video that called what to do when you see angel numbers

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recently i saw thsi one 1717 and the message is
Angel Number 1717 indicates that you have an important [soul mission] and life purpose that involves communicating, teaching, healing others and serving humanity in a manner that suits your personality and natural abilities and interests. You are to set a positive example for others and inspire them to seek their own passion and purpose. Do not allow any insecurities to hinder or hold you back from fulfilling your destiny as you have all that you need within you
And the thing is i a lot of witches and healers told me i was a healer and my life purpose was to heal.
Since a kid i have a gift in my hands that everybody told me which is with a massage i can heal anyone and nobody taught me that i was born knowing how to do it and how to heal others with my hands
another gift i have is writing
Since i was 9 i can write incredible poems and good songs without nobody teaching me
So comunication via writing and healing are my gifts
Im 20 and don’t have any studies because I WAS TRAUMATIZED by deaths in family members like biological and adoptive mom
Separated from my native country, culture and being bullied
So i have a lot of traumas
AND LEFT My studies to sumerge into depression
I am thinking about getting into a course of massage therapy which doesnt require any studies and maybe in my spare time write poems and maybe publish them but i still don’t know for sure what i want to do with my life

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I’m also seeing them now

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Why do we see them after listening to this one?

I think its because, this is my guess, in Dragon reborn there is spiritual healing, and angel numbers are spiritual, so i think it means that the spiritual healing is wworking


Follow your path.

Always learn.

Grow in strength, grow in skills, collect your tools.

May you heal as you spread healing.

May you grow in strength, in wisdom, in wellbeing.

Peace, sister :wolf:


Thank you <3 I hope everything works out for you for your greatest good

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another thing i realized is i feel ashamed of a lot of things from my past, present and future and i since listening to this, there are moments where i feel more ashamed, like why did i do that, say that type of shame. And since listening to this i see more frequently things that may have happened 1 minute ago that makes me feel ashamed
But i think what is happening is that the audio is making me realize them in a more profound way so i let them go permanently and so they never come back again so in that way i will never feel ashamed again of the thing i said or did unintentionally

Like i have a big problem about feeling ashamed of everything i do or say. And since listening to this audios sometimes i feel worthless like everybody has the cool skills i wish i had, friends, etc but its part of the journey if i never let it go by purging i will always be like this and think like this continously

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Hey guys by the way
Something cringey just happend
that usually i would feel a lot of shame
because it had to do with something i did
It was cringe for real
But usually i will think about it for a lot fo days
like i have ocd so i obsesses over little things
When i arrive home after that situation
I just laughed about it
But didn’t obsess much about it
Like just laugh it off
i’ll see what will happen next
Maybe the blocking of future conditioning is working
Or maybe its too son even though i listen to it almost all day since i have a lot of free time for now

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I’m glad you are having results. How about starting an online journal for yourself?


Okk. I Will do that. Thanks for the idea, i never made one so will see how it goes

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To all running Dragon Reborn:


I read that yesterday and could you expand a little more.
I thought that with healing subs such as Dragon (I’m running it) and Regeneration (run before) you will get past traumas, negativity, etc., resolved. Hence the need to “bring the past” back into the present. If that make sense…
So, what would be a good strategy for running healing subs such as above?

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DR has the potential to increase the power of other subliminals I might be listening to. Others have noticed this effect as they have listened to DR.

However I’ve decided to focus on DR for now 2 months, and perhaps another month.

My thought is after 3 months or so of focusing on DR, other subs should work better because there will be less mental baggage in the way. More room in my head so to speak.

Does that answer your inquiry?


Thank you for replying!

Considering that Dragon is 4 stages at least at 1 month each (I’m doing 1.5 each) it will take 4 months.
So eventually should we “stop” after that and start running other subs as they fit our goals? and bring back ex. Dragon whenever we want or need?

Also, if you don’t mind sharing from your experience?
What is stack rotation? How would you do that? What benefit does it bring to?