Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

So which is which? For me, I think the Mogul and R.I.C.H subliminals I had been running for the past few months were overshadowed by Dragon Reborn.


I understand… It’s both man!

I stopped listening much to other subliminals because DR seemed to be taking priority.

There were more results from DR, so I figured DR was being prioritized.

However when other subs showed results, they were in greater magnitude than what I would expect.


Thank you for clarifying. What I plan on doing is prioritizing DR st4 for about 3 months. Then listen to it only 2 times a week. Personally I plan on listening to DR “forever” as I think there are many unpleasant influences in the world and I want to undo their effect on me, and prevent any negative influences from them, and I think DR will do just that. So at some point maybe I will run DR at 1 loop 1 time per week.

As for a more detailed reply,

@SaintSovereign or @Fire will have more insight than me.

DR has given me the worst reconciliation and yet the greatest rewards. I’m prioritizing DR and an Ultima booster for Healing, and another Ultima for sleep. If I listen to something else, it’s not consistent. The benefit is that many of my self-doubts, insecurities, issues are just gone. They’re just not there any more.

I don’t want to say what all is in my Ultimas right now because I’m still evaluating. But if you wanted to get a booster with DR, I’d say to read about Elixir at the main shop.


I’d say if DR is going to be in a non-healing stack, use DR U. But only once one has gone through all 4 stages.

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That is an intriguing thought.

@SaintSovereign @Fire what are your thoughts on the above post?

I’m curious if using a multi-stage program for a year (3 months each stage) is the way to go cause in the pdf it says

As a general rule of thumb though, you should expect to see minor changes around day 30, strong changes around day 90, and MAJOR changes at six months.

So i’m curious how that applies to multi-stage programs?

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I am doing exactly that with DR
1 solo custom for each stage.
I am 38 days in st 2

What a powerful program

Highly recommended

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Oh i see, thanks!

2 months per each stage of DR = 8 months of healing. Going through the ringer now. It’s month 4, with this being the second month of ST2.

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@RVconsultant Thank you!
Now I understand more!

My stack since over a month has been: Dragon-Limitless-Paragone/LoveB (alternating) Blu/LimitExec (alternating).

What I’ve seen is definitely Dragon work. Love B and LimitExec, I will say they do help me. I guess I’m not seeing results from Limitless and Paragone C.

The past month has been rough. That includes even this week and today. And I’m not sure if it’s my stack as whole or Dragon alone. Any thoughts on that?

Now you’re making me thinking even more @RVconsultant that maybe I should take out of the stack Limitless, Blu and LimitExc. as perhaps they have been overshadowed by Dragon?
I’ve been running that stack thinking, based on other comments, that Dragon would overcharge them.

Maybe I could introduce Elixir, as I own it, and in the past along with Regeneration worked wonders.

It’s Dragon, definitely. Dragon Blood has made things rough for me.


Do you think that might be the reason I don’t see results from Limitless and Paragone C?

Theres nothing minor in the changes Ive experienced in DR st1 in 30 days.
Im almost 2 weeks in st2 and its already profound.

I think so. It’s possible that DR is working on the foundation that would even enable these subs to work for you.

But if you keep going after 8 months…

My guess is that DR tells your mind to channel its energy to healing. I’m thinking that makes other programs overshadowed. Yes I have seen results with other SC programs as I’ve run DR, but I set them aside. DR is now starting to feel easier.

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I still don’t understand this. Some people combine DR with major programs/customs and some people don’t.

Some people say that playing DR seems to strengthen and bring out the buried effects of their past subliminals and maximize the potential of their current subliminals.

Others suggest that the powerful healing focus may overpower other programs and cause them not to be expressed very strongly.

Is this another case of ‘figure it out for yourself’?


Well, then I’d be running DR U. Beyond the main healing phase, I see DR U as a long term use with the rest of my stack.

@Malkuth this probably depends on where people stand in terms of their beliefs, energy system, etc. if a person is in need of lots of social healing it’s possible DR will overshadow the social sub. But if they’re fine socially but not financially then dr could amplify khan but overshadow ecstasy of gold or rich.


Understood. Thank you for the idea!