Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

More a combination of Dragon Reborn, Elixir, and Paragon Complete in my opinion

Hmm, I see what that stack is getting at, but I currently find DRU + DR ST1 to be good enough (that’s underselling it). I wouldn’t mind physical healing but at the same time there’s nothing truly outstanding there.

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This is another great book regarding trauma

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Only if you have some traumatic experiences to get rid off. Moreover, if that’s the case you have to be ready for emotional reading. The book gives an opportunity to revise your traumas and understand the mechanisms behind them. The author also provides you with some ideas on how to work on your traumas on the conscious level. The general recommendation for dealing with traumas is EMDR therapy and yoga. But I’ve read only 60% of the book so far and there is a bit more to learn from it.

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Check out a Youtuber called Matt D’Avella, he’s the producer/videographer for The Minimalists, and has a fantastic minimalism YT channel of his own.


I ran Executive this afternoon, and even though I had work that I could/should do, I resisted it very strongly. I just want to spend time with my family, not be stuck at my desk on weekends too.


Any idea if DR will tackle issues with the inner child like deep emotional inner work?

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I am hoping that DR can assist me in coming to terms with procrastination. I battle it daily and take action, but it is a tough monnkey to remove from one’s back.


Executive has been helping me with that


I have been running Executive for the last two days. I am hoping over time it helps me get better traction.


If you’re an INTP, it helps, but not as much as the other types experience. As INTPs, most of our work is done internally / mentally, and we live in a society that judges people by external action. It was an issue I had at my day job – I’d sit there for 3 days, appearing to do nothing. Then, on day four – boom, I’d just write everything down and turn it in. People would think I was being lazy, then rushing it and somehow pulling it off. In actuality, I was doing all the work in my head, then I’d just write my findings down.


I’m INTP too.

This was a problem for me too. I fought numerous times with my father because he did not understand what I was doing.

Now it’s different. Nobody bothers me anymore if I don’t seem to be doing anything. They know I’m working on stuff they have no idea about, which will grow the business faster than ever.


Extremely notable—this is the first time I heard of describing effects based on MBTI.

I believe one reason DR is making us lazy is because it is forcing us to reevaluate the MEANING and VALUE of action as it applies to ourselves.

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INFP here but this resonates a lot with me. This has been drilled down in my head for years that it has contributed greatly to my depression. DR is helping me to say f* off to these thoughts, on a deep level.


This tends to be how I work as well, as an INTJ.

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Yeah, especially Stage 1. I wrote about reconnecting with my inner child when doing St1. It felt as if I was a father embracing his crying little son… amazing experience.


In contrast, for the INFP types, that evaluation (and re-evaluation) of MEANING and VALUE is the primary orientation and the main activity in which we engage throughout life. That is the one thing I have always done; regardless of the state of mind or particular circumstances in which I might have been.

So that space of inertia, of contemplation, and of so-called ‘laziness’ is very old and very familiar for me.

My own journey of healing and growth seems to be in the opposite direction: of increasing trust and engagement with what is outside of me. Developing a relationship of connection with the ground beneath my feet.

With my relatively less-developed Sensing and Thinking functions, things like Sentiments, Metaphor, Meaning would stick in my mind very easily as a child, but the actual physical environment always felt pretty tenuous. I had trouble processing it. I had endless stamina for ingesting or expressing Stories or Ideas, but something like designing and building a birdhouse or even cleaning up a room felt hopelessly challenging to process.

Fortunately, growth continues to occur in all functions as we develop through life.

So far, Alchemist has been the program for me that has had the most noticeable, significant, and immediate impact. For some people, maybe Alchemist is mostly about catalyzing and inspiring internal processes. For me, it seems to help with building that bridge that allows inner process to be connected with and expressed in the outer world. That bridge is something that I truly need.

I wonder how the Merger of Worlds module will impact me once I add it to a Custom.

Now that I think of it, this seems generally applicable to Introverts/Introversion. I wonder if it is.

This, too, brings me back to Alchemist. I’m thinking that Alchemist probably adds energy and power to my primary engine of process which is 1) Internal and 2) Engagement-based. I posit that the same may be accurate of Quantum Limitless. I notice a similar dynamic with that program.

As an Introverted Feeler, Alchemist seems to charge and supercharge my dominant process.

If I were an Introverted Thinker (which to a lesser extent, I am), I think it might be Quantum Limitless.

Beyond Limitless is the Ultima counterpart to Limitless/Quantum Limitless.

What about the Ultima counterparts to Alchemist? So far, I’d mainly think those were: As Above and So Below.



Hmm…I’m not particularly focused on ‘energy’ at this time. But it’s possible that So Below might have some practical implications for me (or for people like me) that reach far beyond straight-forward ‘energy work’.

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ENTP here and totally relate. Same Introverted Thinking function. :blush:

The only difference is: my external action doesn’t always make sense either.
I don’t appear like I were Thinking, but Playing and CrazyTalking instead. :smile:


I can relate to that. Because my family doesn’'t understand what I am doing, they just come to the best conclusion that I am lazy and unwilling to find a proper job.