Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I’m browsing this section every day looking forward to the ZP release of this magnificent piece of art and powerful chain-breaker.


What do you think the effect

Well wow, you just inspired me to run DR one day!


Dragon Reborn will always be my favorite sub no matter the iteration. That sub changed my life.


Can you elaborate or point me to where you’ve already done so?

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Sure. Read my testimonials on the sales page


How is dragon to do this all, I remember when it was released it completely changed the vibe of this forum.

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I just went back and read this. I don’t remember writing it and as proud as I am for who I was then I am no longer that person either. That happens a lot to me now. I think back to how I was at whatever period of my life and it just seems alien to me. A different reality or an alternate universe.


I remember that as well. That period where a bunch of us were running stage one at the same time and we all hit this weird point of apathy and just not wanting to do anything. That is how it felt for me anyway.

This is what makes me even more excited for the possibilities of Dragon Reborn ZP. I can’t relate to the people around me. It really intensified when I added Emperor ZP. I will run errands and as much as I try to ignore people it’s not always easy. Someone always has a need to be loud and obnoxious for attention and I just don’t get it. I don’t understand people that complain endlessly about how broke they are but will drop insane amounts of money on something that don’t need

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I just woke up sleepy and visited the forum
And saw this topic and thought dragon reborn ZP is released :grimacing::joy:

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I thought the same thing recently

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Wanted to post this here too


I can’t wait for Dragon Reborn ZP.


Plus Limit Destroyer and Elixir. :heart_eyes:

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I would drop everything and do a washout to run those three on ZP. So tired of allowing others mental issues to get to me


Why not stick with EmZP, add CFW to it and then DR ZP? shouldn’t be long since it’s already planned.


That is actually not a bad idea. I think I will do that

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