Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

No offense man, but this is exactly what I’m talking about. Healing isn’t always the universal answer. And to piss away a year or more in hopes of things getting better is not the way to go. I’m just providing a counter argument to this often recommended advice. Just because it’s popular and said a lot doesn’t mean it’s always the optimal way.


@Fractal_Explorer I don’t feel dropping DR is the answer as much as running it along something like Ascension , Ascend Mogul, or Renaissance Man. I see DR as a gateway for someone to get their shit together


That’s right.
On the other side how do you know if it’s the right or wrong way for somebody else?

@Leandros and @James I understand your points.

I’m also probably one of the most biased people as I love DR!

I also realize people have to make their own decisions and DR is very strong. I sympathize with @Fractal_Explorer as there were times I felt very uncomfortable running DR.

I also know that elementary_vision is someone who thinks a lot, and has probably given this a lot of thought. If you, elementary_vision want to discontinue DR, I support your decision. Another subliminal might work better for you now, or even taking a few weeks off might help.

You are welcome to continue to post, and I’ve been enjoying reading your insights.


Can you explain your standpoint?

How long did you DR?
What has changed?
What not?
What was healed?
What not?

Also did you do DR solo or mix it up with other products the whole time?
Did you try the V2 of DR?
Or did you do a custom of DR?
Or just the Q version?

That’s the thing, while others who run DR feel at least something (pain of some sorts, difficulty emotionally, or something else) I don’t feel anything. Since running it from December up to now, each stage for 45-60 days I have not felt anything. I will take what @Fractal_Explorer said into account and if this continues like this up untill st4 I won’t bother with DR anymore.

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@James That’s also an avenue he can take. It’s up to him really. I was just lending my thoughts on the matter and based on what he’s experiencing might benefit him. Dropping DR really isn’t the end of the world, I think there’s sometimes a lot of pressure to continue programs on here and I get it because reconciliation can rear its ugly head. But I think it’s equally important to consider sometimes it’s not reconciliation and putting everything under that umbrella can be equally detrimental to growth.

@Leandros I don’t know if it’s right or wrong. I was just lending my advice to someone. It’s not about who’s right or wrong, it’s about having a variety of perspectives and opinions. If everyone agrees on everything and it’s all one big echo chamber that’s never good.

But to answer your questions

Roughly 103 days, I capped out at stage 3 and went back to stage 1

The most noticeable change is emotional honesty with myself and no longer suppressing as much. Building more authenticity and being more steadfast in my own beliefs.

Gonna condense these. I have a lot issues. I fully acknowledge that under 3 months is not enough time to be considered an expert on DR. But my life started going the opposite direction. Social anxiety got really bad, my isolationist tendencies got out of control, depression worsened. And I could have fought through all that and kept going but I made a conscious decision to explore a different avenue for the sake of my own mental health. Pushing through all that with some tiny hope that one day in the future I’d be past all of it or have some breakthrough was just way too desperate of a mentality.

That’s the healing hell I’m talking about, someone can assume they’ll get past it the longer they keep at it but you can’t 100% know for certain. I’m just saying from my past experiences I’ve been stuck many times and it’s made my life worse. Could it have been different this time? Definitely. But it felt like a gamble with how much energy was being drained from me and the emotional pain I was going through.


You give it a shot. If it doesn’t work try something else. As long as you’re doing something you’re still moving forward. If DR doesn’t seem to work for you that’s fine. That’s why there are so many options with this company. At the end of the day it’s about improving your life, if you’re not seeing improvements change the strategy. No shame in that. You can always revisit DR at a later time.



Thank you for your honesty

Its a known phenomenon that things get worse before they can heal.
Most times to heal/overcome something it has to get slammed in your face until you don’t want it anymore on al levels.

I had the same with some traumatic fears and what I did was: I exposed myself into situations that makes then even worse and then on top of it smoking weed for the overkill
so I ended up for 2 months into the woods every day, alone and at night, I was Screaming like a madman sometimes, crying like women, I lost orientation sometimes, I fought trauma, fear, paranoia, suicide and more until I get domination over these states and then evict them. I know trauma since I am 2 years old and I realy needed to evict them.
So I did what I had to do:face them full on and decide that I don’t need this anymore. Then your subconscious helps you and find instantly ways to realease them.
I am not completely trough all of them but when today something pops up I am laying in the hamoc gretting it, smoking a cigar and saying : Oh hello, let’s feel that intensely and then letting it drop out of me, or integrate the parts I splittet away from me, whatever is necessary.

AL the best to you Buddy


I understand this. I relate.
My life has gotten worse both times I’ve used DR. I’ve journalled the first time and realised that the second time I noticed my life was worse now that I started using it again.

Now, I’m still using it as personally I feel like I need that healing and that the manifestations of a bad life are coming from the emotions I’ve been surpressing that have been bought to the surface due to DR - if that makes sense?

I can completely understand why someone wouldn’t want to go through that hell. The amount of negative and sucidial thoughts I’ve felt whilst on DR, personally - not for everyone and there’s other factors too, are unbelievable but again, I truly believe I need the healing for sure. I need to get out of that rut and those thoughts that are holding me back and I believe DR is the answer - but it won’t be the answer for everyone.

I’m glad you chose what was best for you, please don’t let anyone else tell you different. You do what’s best.

Keep pushing tho.



You Wil evict them that’s fore sure
Just be prepared and proceed
I saw it with myself, 5 months after starting DR most of my underlying problems are gone and it will get better to a point where you realy love life.

I admit that I am going back to st1 and repeat the process, it’s like washing ships, some ships need to be scrubed repetitive until they shine :wink:

Totally get the manifestation coming out like that. And I understand the desire to push through that hell. About two years ago I was willing to subject myself to that kind of pain. This past year something changed in me, I couldn’t do it anymore. Maybe it’s increased self compassion for myself and understanding my own personal limits and thresholds and respecting those vs feeling some sense of obligation to “prove myself”.

In any case I’m definitely not giving up. I’ve got a new custom I’ve put together for myself that hits things from a different angle.


Thanks man!
How did you run the stages for the last 5 months?


Just as a reality check:

This is an Internet discussion forum


Couldn’t agree more. I overestimated where I was at and let my insecurity of being strong enough to handle something like DR get the best of me. I’ve had a lot of difficulties in my own life, some of them really embarrassing. So I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew a lot of the time. But I’m getting better.


Can’t wait for the other enhancements to make DR even more effective.

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I did 3 months this custom before DR.

Regeneration Q Core

Energetic Development XI
Growth Through Pain
Information Releaser
Limit Destroyer
Negativity Shifter
Spiritual Abundance
Spiritual Freedom
The Flow
Intuition Enhancer
Blue Skies
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Inner Voice
Gratitude Embodiment

Then 2 Months St 1 and 3 months st 2 both as a separate solo main core custom.

Now getting back to st1 to heal what ST2 brought up.
Specialy since the QV2 came out, DR hits me on such Deep levels, it’s unbelievable potent.
One of the realy cool things is, what I thought is hard to overcome is now EASY.

Also after my fist loop of DR St 1 I needed 3-5days a break from subs.
And this pattern holded for 5 weeks.
After 5 weeks I Coud lisen to 2 loops per week
Then 3 loops, then 5 and the last 2 weeks every day 2 - 3 loops.
And then I did the mistake to jump to st 2 to early where I was confronted with retreat or Grow trough shit.
And I choose the later

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Same, I have no idea how long it would have taken to make this much progress without DR Qv2.


Same here Buddy
Be strong :cowboy_hat_face: