Main Disc. Thread - DIAMOND ZP with / without ME [Now Available!]


Anyone with no-so-much control tried tried Diamond?

I’m using Libertine right now it’s working really well but I’m looking to replace it with Diamond since Diamond also assures arousal, and it will make the sex :fire::fire::fire:

… besides that, I want to know if it helped your stamina, for users who are young and less experienced?

Some have reported decreased stamina due to the arousal.

I’d appreciate any reviews or comments, thank you!!!

Looking to have a :fire::fire::fire: summer before I got into hibernate following winter… :innocent::sparkles::sweat_drops:

When I ran Diamond it instantly healed and triggered subconscious scripting related to Wanted… probably because it also has male enhancement in some form or another.


After one loop of this I literally feel like an indescribable mystery that peaks others’ interests and lures them into my sexual fantasies

Wanted…feeling so wanted :flushed:


6 months later update:

  • I’ve seen some growth from P-Shot (So that was from february till the end of may).
  • took a break of couple of weeks from subliminals then started using Paragon Sleep on 1 day on (1x), 2 days off.
  • 5 days ago I changed it to 1 day Paragon Sleep (1x), 1 day Diamond ZP with ME (1x), 1 day off.

Yesterday was the Diamond ZP day so I listened to it around noon, while my girlfriend came at around 11 PM. She got down first and said “Did it get wider?”, so there’s about ME. We had sex a bit later, and twice this morning. It’s something that I wasn’t able to do since I was 20. I guess it works. It might be that he just needs normal sleep, too.


Whaaat? That’s great!

:laughing::laughing::laughing: I’m dead and can relate…

It has been 9 months. I used it but was not consistent. Stopped for 3 moths (busy with life). I did not see change in my premature Ejaculation. But I do see a lot of improvement in our sexual activity. I became better at foreplay and my wife looks forward to have sex with me all the time. While it did not cure my PE, it helped me gain something else.

I still am working to cure my Premature ejaculation. This came from Porn overuse. Guess i have to run it as my main Sub for few more months consistently until I see the results.

Is there a newer version of Diamond available. I have not downloaded any new version since last year?


Yes, check your download section

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Thanks, What is the difference?

Better quality


Your statement about Subclub titles all being spiritual in their respective ways comes to mind whenever I see this post :joy:

All titles will eventually lead to you one day waking up and realizing you’ve grown.



Greetings, my friends. I wanted to make a general inquiry. I have been using DIAMOND for the past 5 months and can attest that it is a digital aphrodisiac. My query pertains to my recent encounters with a certain woman, during which I was unable to engage in sexual activity on three separate occasions due to a lack of penile virility. However, after leaving her at her residence, I promptly sought out another woman and was once again ablaze with carnal pleasure thanks to DIAMOND. Despite engaging in multiple relations with various women, I am experiencing this issue of penile impotence solely with this particular individual.

Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon solely with one person? @SaintSovereign

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Probably cut down on the loops or the time. Diamond is real sensitive (for me) and easily able to be overexposed. Once you find your sweet spot you’re good to go

I am not sure who exactly said that maybe Saint himself, that for Diamond it is ok to listen only once a week or something like that. Just listen to it less than usual.

Hello friends, thank you for your response. I only listen on Fridays and 2 hours prior to the appointment, as suggested by Subclub, and for only 7 minutes. Today, I will have another encounter with the same woman and we will see what happens. The last time I listened to Diamond was on March 4th, and now at this very moment, I am listening to it again and have lowered it to 5 minutes. Let’s see what happens. Additionally, I only listen to Libertine and Diamond, as recommended by Subclub.

@Deadpool @millyx @SaintSovereign

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Being honest, I have no idea how to answer that question. It’s certainly not being caused by anything in the Diamond script, as it doesn’t contain anything that “filters” individuals like this. If I had to guess, it’s some kind of emotional energy linked to this specific person. You’d need to analyze any rising emotions when you’re with her (if that’s not possible, try to imagine an encounter with her and note any issues) to see if there’s something you need to work through there.

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Note: If you downloaded the updated Diamond last night, please download it again. I accidentally linked to ZP v1. The proper files have been uploaded.

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Please continue conversation this new thread: Main Disc. Thread - Diamond ZP v2