Main Disc.Thread - Chosen: The Way of Nature [Now Available!]

Go talk to the martial arts tai chi practioners in the park! Maybe they’re sifu’s with karate empires! :wink:

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Since I started this file, I dream of wild animals who sometimes become my friends ! The first time it was a big brown bear. Very aggressive at the beginning, people around were telling to run away. But I talked to it patiently and he started to calm and then became my friend, following me everywhere ! people were nervous at the beginning but became calm and considered it as a nice big pet :joy:
Last night, it was an eagle, a beautiful large eagle. Super nervous both of us but after I talked to it again, he accepted that I climb on his back ! super beautiful landscapes of forest, mountains, waterfalls etc. I wanted to continue but he told me next time after a diet because I am too heavy :rofl: :joy: they have some humor, I woke up laughing !


Not cool.

Sounds like his parents don’t really know any better.

But that’s programming him for the typical American metabolic issues later on.


I think this applies to 80% of all parents out there :slight_smile:

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Back on topic, ya’ll. I keep looking for new reviews and it’s just chatter. :wink:

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ahahhaha @SaintSovereign apologies i natter to much sometimes :slight_smile:

the inner peace is huge, constant and can be amplified consciously


all anxiety totally eradicated


I feel rooted, totally in the moment for already 6 hours ! I am interested what modules will come from this sub


@Avengers68 Wow, blessed be. May you have a quick and happy recovery.:pray::+1:

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Thanks so much @TheSunlightCaller

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Is anyone stacking this title with any of the wealth or productivity subs? Anyone who knows me knows I’m always looking for inner peace…
I assume it would stack with QL very nicely since going for walks and quietly pondering stuff is something I frequently do already… but how about Emperor? or Executive?

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Give me a few weeks or months and I"ll be doing this

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As I wrote yesterday my dreams are now about animals : Bear, eagle and today a cat ! A very aggressive cat at the beginning and nicer and nicer after talking to him. It is funny this file. I stopped all my stack to focus on this Way of Nature so I know these dreams come from it. I normally dont dream of animals and even less talk to them :rofl:


Mistake, it happened that I dream of animals but they frightened me, like a snake, crocodile etc they are in a nightmare. In this case it is the opposite, they are nervous with me, aggressive and then we become friends . In the nightmare, I wake up, no need to be friends :rofl:


@SaintSovereign The Way of Nature is also a pain killer ! I stopped my pain killer medicine (in accord with my Doc). If I feel pain I just go to the garden and stay near the tree. I feel a wave of inner peace and the pain disappears ! Of course, it is not big pain !


Finished a loop 2 hours ago, and feel burst of bliss and euphoria, OMG !


For any one running Chosen: The Way of Nature who wants 90 minutes of meditative inspiration, I recommend the following:

There are a few uploads of it on YouTube, but they’ve all got the audio-reversed so that it’s playing backwards.

But here is an audio-correct version of the first 10 minutes or so: