Main Disc.Thread - Chosen: The Way of Nature [Now Available!]

Well, in this case I’d rather advocate for GLM.
This gave me exactly the vibes you’re mentioning and/or seeking. Imo.


Hmmmm I shall give this method a read

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Can someone compare CWON with CHOSEN?

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Why did you drop this stack? how can you describe it?
Anyone ran Stark with CWON?

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I ran CWON only to experience what it was. Wasn’t planning to run it for too long.

It has a very “man in the wild” feel about it. You want to be outside, feel the sun, experience nature. And heal from being disconnected from the natural world due to spending too much time indoors and in digital environments.

I haven’t run this stack but hopefully someone else will chime in.


Just started a cycle where I added in CWON together with my custom (Khan/Chosen) and LBfH :point_down:

I was still feeling the effects from my custom I played earlier, but as soon as I played my first loop of CWON, I became more loose. The tension in my jaws (earlier recon) almost disappeared and my whole body relaxed. Other things I noticed straight away was better vision, increased sensations through touch, and feeling very emotionally stable and strong.

OMG, it just dawned upon me after the loop that I experience literally everyday here the sunrise and the sunset already, it’s amazing! That awareness is something that I love with subliminals, and it leads to more gratitude also just by becoming consciously aware of it.

I took a shower about an hour after the loop and it felt like I had been to a spa or something. My body was all soft and mushy, and I fell asleep like a little baby :baby: :sleeping_bed: :zzz:


I was actually thinking about this one yesterday, that nobody is probably listening to it. Btw me neither.

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You have a very unusual combination.
Khan + Chosen + CWON.
You would like to dominate with your kindness, positivity, and towards nature.
Or you like to have love sessions in nature :smiley:


Yep it’s a bit OP in a way :grinning: I gel very well with CHosen and Khan combined, and CWON I believe will add dimensions on top of that :metal:


Love-making orgy in the heart of a forest, right?

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That or just simply making love to the universe out in the forest :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yeah, you do you :slight_smile:

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Mother nature do be kinda tempting


I wonder what would happen if someone ran CWON and EMP B. I mean some members started disconnecting from social life, getting annoyed at people etc(during EB). But what if these two Bombs start working together ? I wish someone is experimenting this rn :wink:


I am in the jungel of peru right now.

I have run one loop of my CWON/Daredevil custom.

2days later we took the smal boat and going deeeeeper into the jungel to find some plants. On the way back i sat on the boat and absorbed nature and then it hit me for good.

This energy is sacred,the plants generate lifeforce for the planet,its of utmost importance to keep nature alive. Its completley wrong to destroy nature/life.the goal is to protect and grow life. All lifeforms are included,every lifeform is life.

This got straight into my psyche



You have turned your back on the forces of involution, and positioned your soul to evolution of consciousness and unity.


Right now i am in the hamoc doing evolutionary stuff


Your aura is affecting the focus of the picture at the lower part of the picture. :grin: