Main Disc.Thread - Chosen: The Way of Nature [Now Available!]

Maybe it’s in the term.

Obviously very much interested in confidence but not leadership (except herself) or status.


@Fusion running Mogul + CWON


CWoN generates lots of dreams every night and that reminds me of Qv2. It seems to me it’s based on a bit different technology than ZP. Does anyone experience the same thing on CWoN?


ANy other feedback on CWON and productivity? Any idea what would give a Wanted + CWON or Khan + CWON stack?


Alpha, Omega, masculine and feminine.

Like Malkuth said.

The feminine is in flow. It’s definitely in the term as it’s understood (or sorely misrepresented) in today’s world.

If you have a woman that has found a hill she’s willing to die on, well, that’s masculine. Which is ABSOLUTELY natural.

The law of Polarity and Gender are very clear in this as is EVERYTHING in nature.


Oh sorry I missed this, but yes, it works in a similar style to ME, and maybe Sage.


That’s alright, I just thought it wasn’t something that you didn’t want to go into details about. I was never interested in running Sage. I’ve been really interested in running it since I started using CWON.

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Nobody running CWON with an alpha title?

Yes - in situations where I might have had a nightmare CWON changes the dream in a subtle way.


CWON manifestation this morning.

Like many of my manifestations I didn’t even recognize it until some time later.

This one’s small, but memorable.

So, I woke up early today and did my meditation (which included one loop of CWON).

After that since it was still quite early and I felt relatively energized, I chose to go out for an early morning hike. From about 6:30 to 8:30.

When I was just getting underway, I passed through a covered bus terminus kind of area, and I turned the corner onto the street that would take me through the park.

As I turned the corner, I noticed a movement and felt a soft brushing against my lower leg. I looked down to see that it was a bird which had flown next to me and made contact. It flew in a circle and then flew on ahead of me in the direction in which I was walking. So we got to hang out together for 5 to 10 seconds or so.

“Nice”, I thought.

Then I made a phone call and in the midst of the conversation was telling what had just happened, and as I described it aloud I realized, ‘Wait a minute. That was a thing.’ So I dutifully filed it in my mental ‘Things’ category.

But then about 2.5 hours later as I was showering, I realized, ‘Wait a minute. This morning’s subliminal was Chosen: The Way of Nature. Oh!’

So that was a cool manifestation today.

This current play period that I just started on Tuesday 21 June seems to be quite assertive. Definitely making its presence felt.


Decided to hop on the CWON train as well and it was a smooth transition

So far I’m feeling great, real calm and relaxed. Very hopeful and like 0 anxiety

Nothing is bothering me at work like it normally does too. I wonder if it’s the improved scripting that’s causing it.

Will try it with other subs and see if it help their results


The way society wants us to be:

The way we’re meant to be:

Musings on CWoN. :sunglasses:


Anyone feel like they started to do random things whilst on CWON?

Like I just got a sudden urge to start drawing something out of no where (not had that urge in a very long time lol) and I just went and got some paper and a pencil and began drawing whatever was on the screen infront of me.

Does CWON help unlock abilities or aptitudes towards things. I ran RM in the past (not for very long)

Is CWON activating something hidden buried in that script?


Consider that you are part of nature. We all are.

Understanding and developing your relationship to nature is also understanding and developing your relationship to yourself.

And there’s an added benefit. When you recognize and connect to nature, not only do you connect to yourself; you also connect to a vast reservoir of continuous energy and inspiration.


The synergy with RM would be incredible.


(Those images are of Alex Grey’s psychedelic art.)


Added CWON to my stack this week alongside khan and wanted. man oh man as an infp this sub is ME…

where do i begin? The overwhelming olfactory sensations? The experience of being hypnotized by a tree/pond and getting lost in the water until all sense of separation vanished? Feeling an irresistible sense of calming soothing gratitude grow stronger and stronger every second? My neighbors cat rubbing herself against my leg non stop when I went by on my walk? The eagle which flew directly across from me staring me in the eyes while chilling at the park yesterday? The sensation that my sight(and other senses) have an HD filter on them these past few days? The profound experience of love mixing with khan/wanted to deliver some of the most connected intimate connection with women this past week?

By far my favorite benefit is how EASY it is to stay immersed in the present moment. Hands down the best sub for that particular benefit I have gotten from a subclub product yet.


How is productivity with CWON for you in that stack combination?

@Fire how does the concept of the Vortex Dive Crucible module differ from the script included in CWON quoted above? Or is the approach very similar?

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Captain Kirk from Star Trek is a good example, an Alpha or leader.

He is compassionate, caring, loving, understanding as a leader he knows his responsibility towards his crew, and can make decisions from the heart absent from fear and other derogatory feelings that cloud our mind and thinking.

The Chosen line feels way more in alignment with leadership from the heart, love, and compassion.

People are willing to follow your lead because they trust in your capabilities, and they are inspired by your own innate self-mastery, willingness to do what’s required and above all else because they are compelled by your loving nature.

Imagine feeling empty within, and meeting a person who emanates such love that even the little time you interacted with him filled you up what kind of devotion and compulsion would that inspire within a person to listen and be guided or lead?

You can tell others what to do from sheer dominance which is another approach, but this other form of leadership is akin to almost a compulsive feeling because of the positive feelings that draw one towards the action.

I love this!


2 loops in total so far and started to experience some of the external effects @Malkuth reported as well

Women being more receptive towards me and even head turning and giving attention etc.

Not sure so far if it’s CWON itself or effecting other subs in the stack