Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

Very interesting.

In my case, I am not sure if this is from Wanted, module Fusion Optimized, or maybe from something else which I am not aware of but I am forced to abandon some sweets and add more vegetables and also lower meat consumption, and increase legumes.

Overall eat more let’s say healthy in general.

Actually, I have started to read the book The Blue Zones which is about places with centenarians and their diet.


what different emperor vs chosen?

i wonder custom chosen + ql st 4 VS emperor + ql st 4

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Emperor is more of solo entrepreuner subliminal while CHOSEN is focused on inspirational leadership.


An alpha to me is a being who knows and realises its creative powers and uses it willingly to attain greater mastership over his life and reality.

Being therefore evolved above others to the extend of his “alphaness” or godliness.

In his own unique way expressing this creative power to govern his reality whether that be dominantly, charmingly, graciously, adoringly, etc but one thing is certain, that person leads his contemporaries towards a greater life and fuller life of meaning.

I think my subconscious just had this whole dialogue to process, integrate and reconcile the scripting from Chosen lol.

This Custom I got is so dense in one week I integrated so much scripting from both Stark, Chosen and the modules I chose that I still feel like my brain is about to explode. Hopefully a lot of clarity is around the corner as I already gone through most modules and a lot of the scripting regarding Stark.

The last part did not belong here did it?

Anyhow I better take this to my private journal.

Chosen is crazy, feels so malleable, that’s for all ZP though it works with the information already stored in the subconscious to find solutions and answers to the questions it poses.

I find it so interesting and curious how the human mind has become a being of it’s own we call the ego. It’s more like a disease or virus if this ego creates a destructive reality for the soul it encapsulates were it becomes more of a prison.

Yea yea zp is no joke I can understand why people start to distort reality around them, you are literally being reeducated by your own mind as to what life is and means to you. No wonder society starts to wonder the potential that is unlocked within the few earthlings effectively using these programs to increase their propensity for more and better life.

I like and I think it is more than suggested once but a few loops can go a long long way especially when reigniting a new program in your stack because it is literally installing the whole thing and your mind has to adjust to the shift until it has become grounded in that new reality. I can see how sticking to a program without alterations grounds you deeper and deeper and makes the changes more profound (after the initial reconciliation phase until full execution).

Great stuff.

This custom will take a solid year


The lower lashes have now regrown so fast in a couple days.

Has anyone else experienced this with Chosen I’m not sure whether it had direct scripting related to the lashes or whether it was just a subconscious desire from the eye-related scripting in Chosen.

It quite potent and interesting.


That’s great that your lashes are growing! Mine did not grow while I was on Chosen, but they began to curl perfectly all by themselves.

I’m on other programs now, and my lashes have gotten darker, longer, and are curling again.

I did not have lashes because they were burned completely. They REgrew.

Also bigger and more curly than before.

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That is an amazing result. Sad to hear that your eye lashes were burned. Do you have eye damage?

No, when I was young I fooled around with deodorant and fire and the expanding fire burned my facial hair lol. Like a quick burst of fire and the tiny hairs burned into nothingness.

With Chosen the lashes regrew rather quickly.

Fuller, thicker and longer as before I also notice the curling.

It was a long time ago. The lashes never regrew but I suspect my DNA had it encoded and the subliminal’s triggered the regrowth.


That’s even more amazing of a story

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Would Ethereal Presence give you similar appearance were others perceive you as Angelic?

Many have commented on this effect from Chosen.


I suspect Ethereal Presence is in Chosen. If so the answer i believe would be yes.


Do you have any experience with this combo?

Chosen had the opposite effect on me, it felt grounded, calm and warm.

Not your experience?

You tried this?

Not yet.

I had both the dreamy and the angelic appearance while I was on Chosen. I do believe that if you were to get these two looks in the store, that it would require two different modules. I have Ethereal Presence and while this gives me the dreamy appearance and makes my features appear to be better, it does not give me the angelic look I had while I was running Chosen.

I haven’t tried Divine Self-Image yet, but if I had to guess, I would think that this module gives the angelic look. While I was using Chosen, first, my own perception of my self image changed to see myself as so beautiful I thought I looked like an angel, then about a week later my partner told me that I looked like an angel. I had never shared with him my thoughts about my appearance. He just came out and started seeing me that way after I saw myself that way.

The only times he ever told me I had the angelic look was when I was on Chosen and once after I ran Love Bomb zp. Maybe the angelic look is also in Chosen of Venus.


I know perfectly what you are talking about because I was taking pictures and adding the caption “Looking Angelic again today”.

So, I was most surprised that others were having a very similar effect.

Currently, I have a Custom with Stark and Chosen, also Divine Self-Image and not having nor seeing that effect YET.

I’m gonna remove Stark though.

Those are some powerful enchantments.

If you can portray from your own subconscious others will see them as such too… ancient spell craft.

I must admit subs make it a lot easier because otherwise you’d have to draw a sigil on a metal and use an incantation to charge it on a full moon lol.

But it will work!



What is your take on how to achieve the “angelic look” you got while you were on Chosen? Are you still seeing this?


I prefer the “devilish” look from WANTED instead haha :wink:

As for the how to achieve it, well, wouldn’t the simplest answer be “listen to Chosen” :thinking::joy:?

Anyways, I don’t think that look is achievable without the sub, as it was a combination of Aura, perceptual changes and inner positivity + love being projected, so I would say that the look is a result of the different aspects of Chosen coming together, just like how the Devilish look on WANTED results from the mystery embodiment + self acceptance + positive narcissism + coquettish behavior.