Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

Ran CHOSEN yesterday morning during meditation.

Magic moment came about 12 hours later while showering at night.

An insight and a phrase popped into my mind. Simple, but it was an indication that I’m feeling significantly more aware of my own value. It’s prompting me to think, to plan, and to move in a new way. Still feels tenuous and new so I’ll keep the specific details to myself for now, but it feels like a Result.


It has been said that character of a person is built upon virtues, which forms a persons ethical and moral beliefs.

Does Chosen cover all Seven virtues? These virtues are chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility — each one relating to a specific colour and chakra.

I feel this is important for anyone striving the become a true leader (probably answering the subliminally imposed question of the script here).

Is it so that Zero Points contains specified virtues or does it simply urge us to seek virtues and embody them?

In one week I’ve seen the craziest things with Chosen and how my perception shifted. Mind you I’ve done only 3 loops since release…

Of course each of these virtues have their opposing vices… lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Will these too get eradicated while slowly and gradually getting embodied with mirroring virtues?


For all that you have Wanted, specifically focused on that area…

For 10 days I have been mostly silent on this forum. Since I listen to Chosen ZP, Wanted ZP and Spartan ZP, I have been the Chosen and Wanted one in many activities/groups. It is totally incredible ! Few days ago I had to go to a government agency to ask for something sensitive. The frontline employee looked at me, a woman, seemed very confused, hesitating and told me that I have to ask the big boss. Oops ! I did not expect it would be so problematic, and I started to have stressful thoughts, feeling anxious. When waiting for the boss, I told myself “I am the Chosen one, I am the Wanted one” and suddenly my mood brightened, feeling good, all stress and anxiety disappeared and the boss arrived ! The boss was a man who was for a while suspicious but then my eyes locked on his eyes, talked to him and he became friendly. After 10 -15 minutes of interview he called the employee and told her to accommodate me. The lady was all smile and started to flirt with me, straight telling me you are so cute, are you married etc ? Then she gave the doc and told me that I was really lucky because it is really rare that her boss will accept a request like mine ! Then 2 days later I was promoted to a higher position in my organization, starting 2022. Yesterday, I received a mail inviting to a very selective group which help me in my job/public relations.

Wanted and Chosen are in working in synergy and influence all genders. The old habit of stressing when facing an event/people is still there but can be overshadowed by the 2 ZP files by remembering the subconscious of the programming. Probably with a long period of use, the old habit can be totally erased. After the event of the boss/employee, I decided to use Spartan ZP (instead of Paragon) to reinforce the mental fortitude, Iron steel mental !


I noticed a lot of attraction yesterday and I could have gotten phone numbers if I wanted to.


@lrw is really working well for you did the women approach you ?


@TheBoxingScientist pretty sure @lrw is not a guy :sweat_smile:


Apologies i thought she was a guy.


haha, I know I’m like the oddball around here. It’s interesting because I did notice that some girls were getting flattered, turning shy suddenly, and so happy and giggly that I was talking to them. lol This surprised me because some of these girls were gorgeous and I thought that they had better confidence than that. Other girls were not like this right away, but ended up acting like this when I had to interact with them a little longer. I didn’t get the feeling that they were attracted to me physically although they did check me out :thinking: :thinking:, and I was not attracted to them. I could have steered it in a physical direction if I had wanted to. This sub does make the people around you feel special. I noticed yesterday that there is a lot of power that can be had over someone when your eye contact makes them feel special.


from what I can tell (from my experience on it solo and other people’s reports) it seems like Chosen’s aura is like a combination of the following:

lovebomb’s “halo-effect” aura + Wanted’s attraction aura + emperor’s respect aura + daredevil’s approachability aura.


That’s very informative. I can see how Chosen has the qualities of the subs you mentioned now that I’ve used it about 4 times. It just keeps getting better for me and it just keeps on surprising me. I can see the social aspects and I am also beginning to see how the sub would be helpful for building wealth. They did a great job with Chosen.


I think that the most effective stacks for women would be Chosen + RICH + Seductress (all ZP), just like the male one, I would add RICH in my stack, but Spartan too crucial for my goals.

Ahhhh Saint why only 3 :sob:


@Invictus please correct me if i am wrong i thought the maximum in any ZP stack was 2

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Basically the maximum number of subs is 3, but only if you have at least 1 ZP title in your stack.

So your choices are as follows:

1 ZP title + 1 or 2 Qv2 or Ultima title(s),
2 ZP titles + 1 Qv2 or Ultima title,
3 ZP titles.


Thanks again for the clarification bruv

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Anytime ma man, I think you would really like Chosen + Wanted ZP stack, and then throw in Emperor ZP whenever it comes out :wink:.

But Chosen can honestly rival many of the “top alpha” subs on the catalog, and if you want my honest opinion, if you’re the type who vibes more with Stark, then Chosen will suit you even more.

It’s like a good balance between emperor and StarkQ, something I noticed many people on the forum wanted to achieve by stacking them, but often felt like they were being pulled in 2 directions, but alas, we got Chosen, which feels like it’s the sweet spot in the middle of those 2 (excluding the “extras” like sex mastery, QL lite, etc.)


I think that the alpha component of Chosen for guys would be like a Ryan Gosling type. For women, it might be like an “America’s Sweetheart”.


I haven’t really seen him outside of movies (as in interviews and stuff), but I was leaning more towards Dwayne Johnson, he has the type of charisma that makes everyone love him, he’s also one of the few celebrities that I don’t see getting into drama and has a very nice reputation, plus he’s extremely considerate of others too (like his stance on guns on movie sets out of concern for everyone), as well as kind hearted.

I see him being a good face for Chosen :sunglasses:


Yeah, everybody loves him. He’s not intimidating even with the body building physique.

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That’s how I want to be, which is why I think my stack fits with how he is, except when HERO comes out, I think it would be a better replacement for WZP so that there’s no more of that cockiness :joy:

Even Chosen in the stack can’t neutralize it unless I remove WZP :joy:

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