Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

I notice people in general treating me a lot better and women checking me out more than usual. Not trying to turn those into dates since I’m married, but I get the feeling that it wouldn’t take much effort on my part :wink:


Haven’t run Khan yet.

But my sense of it is that it works with people on the instinctual, “gut” level. I bet it balances, strengthens, and clears that level of a person’s functioning, so that they’re at home on a more primal level of interaction.

Whether that is expressed around fear and intimidation will probably depend on the overall development and preferences of the individual.

CHOSEN? I don’t know yet.

I don’t think it’s that it would ignore or ‘shut down’ the instinctual centers; but I feel that it definitely integrates the heart and the head. (One category of frameworks says that we are organized around our head, heart, and gut centers. Different people are more or less developed in each of them.)

I’d see Chosen as being less about one particular center or level, and more about a kind of systemic synergy. The various parts and levels of you being coordinated optimally so that you can increasingly move, communicate, and lead from a place of integrity. I think this is what would produce an inspiring, charismatic person.

I’d guess that Khan is likely to remain centered around the instinctual, gut level; while Chosen is likely to evolve over time to include various levels of the person as they “come online” over the course of your life.


I think that CHOSEN has a big ‘being yourself’ component to it.

This could be one of the places where ‘recon’ effects might arise if, for example, a person played way too many loops.

Usually at any given point in life, we’re compromising in some area(s). We may, in the short-term (hopefully), be doing something that we don’t quite believe in or feel comfortable with in order to help us to get to where we wan to be in the long-term.

I think that it’s possible with CHOSEN we might find it easier to let some of those areas go. But if a person blasts CHOSEN, they might find that they’re ‘wasting time’ or ignoring some of those non-valued tasks.

That may not always be the most convenient or best way to do things.

I think that if a person stays within the guidelines, then that probably wouldn’t happen.

This is only a theory.

But when a living system changes too rapidly or abruptly, it causes disruptions in smooth functioning. I think that’s another good reason to really respect the guidelines.


I haven’t tried steering it in a romantic direction, but I think that it could be steered that way easily. Some guys feel special when I smile at them or just look at them. My partner has been telling me that I look amazing, glamorous, that I have a light on my face. I see guys staring at my face like they don’t want to stop looking at it. The same guys I see looking at other women’s body parts, stare at my face instead. I’ve seen an increase of cute guys around me. I think that the sub has the potential to turn you into a very popular person.


Now that I think about it some more, I kind of steered it in a romantic direction. There were these two guys who I wanted to see that morning, and I saw both of them that same morning. These were very unusual manifestations where everything had to line up perfectly to see them. One of them was driving on the same road as me, going the opposite direction. He was late for work and decided to park in an area where he normally doesn’t park. The other one I just walked into because something happened and I had to go there unexpectedly. This guy was so glad to see me and I had never seen him so relaxed before. I had to be at the right place at the right time to see both of them.


Chosen is filled to the brim with positivity, joy, love, happiness, etc. – all things that the subconscious mind / brain craves anyway. That makes Chosen exceptionally easy to run, especially in the ZP format.


There’s a small amount of romantic scripting in it. Wouldn’t be an alpha title without attraction. It’s minimal scripting, though.


@SaintSovereign could you please add this kind of information in the future to the subliminal description next to the marketing text? this is something I was looking for and makes the decision what to stack much easier.


That’s also what we need AND what makes manifestations much easier!

I feel like Chosen is a great addition to anyone into LOA, Magick, Manifestations, or with Sage Immortal.


when you say easier to run would you say that it is also safe to run 2 loops of it instead of just one loop compared to something like WANTED?

this information would also make it easier to decide which subliminal to run it with. if you got a heavier sub it is better to combine it with a lighter one instead of running two heavy ones on the same day.


I think a similar point has come up in the past.

There’s the Happy Feels piece. A program high in this can be more enjoyable to run. Sanguine was the example in the past.

But there are also the Cognitive Load and Systemic Processing pieces. Got to remember that too.

Every program loads your system and needs to be processed whether it’s happy or not.

In fact, theoretically, there could be a Happy program with intensive load and there could be an Unhappy program that’s really light. The emotional experience is only one part of the entire equation.


Running Chosen with emperor is a good they work together well.


Very interesting, thank you. Being a title about leadership that’s not the first thing that comes to mind, although I see now how important it is. No one wants to follow a negative person. Very smart of you guys to take this perspective when scripting it. Thanks again!


That’s my stack at the moment. Working great so far.

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Ran CHOSEN yesterday morning during meditation.

Magic moment came about 12 hours later while showering at night.

An insight and a phrase popped into my mind. Simple, but it was an indication that I’m feeling significantly more aware of my own value. It’s prompting me to think, to plan, and to move in a new way. Still feels tenuous and new so I’ll keep the specific details to myself for now, but it feels like a Result.


It has been said that character of a person is built upon virtues, which forms a persons ethical and moral beliefs.

Does Chosen cover all Seven virtues? These virtues are chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility — each one relating to a specific colour and chakra.

I feel this is important for anyone striving the become a true leader (probably answering the subliminally imposed question of the script here).

Is it so that Zero Points contains specified virtues or does it simply urge us to seek virtues and embody them?

In one week I’ve seen the craziest things with Chosen and how my perception shifted. Mind you I’ve done only 3 loops since release…

Of course each of these virtues have their opposing vices… lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Will these too get eradicated while slowly and gradually getting embodied with mirroring virtues?


For all that you have Wanted, specifically focused on that area…

For 10 days I have been mostly silent on this forum. Since I listen to Chosen ZP, Wanted ZP and Spartan ZP, I have been the Chosen and Wanted one in many activities/groups. It is totally incredible ! Few days ago I had to go to a government agency to ask for something sensitive. The frontline employee looked at me, a woman, seemed very confused, hesitating and told me that I have to ask the big boss. Oops ! I did not expect it would be so problematic, and I started to have stressful thoughts, feeling anxious. When waiting for the boss, I told myself “I am the Chosen one, I am the Wanted one” and suddenly my mood brightened, feeling good, all stress and anxiety disappeared and the boss arrived ! The boss was a man who was for a while suspicious but then my eyes locked on his eyes, talked to him and he became friendly. After 10 -15 minutes of interview he called the employee and told her to accommodate me. The lady was all smile and started to flirt with me, straight telling me you are so cute, are you married etc ? Then she gave the doc and told me that I was really lucky because it is really rare that her boss will accept a request like mine ! Then 2 days later I was promoted to a higher position in my organization, starting 2022. Yesterday, I received a mail inviting to a very selective group which help me in my job/public relations.

Wanted and Chosen are in working in synergy and influence all genders. The old habit of stressing when facing an event/people is still there but can be overshadowed by the 2 ZP files by remembering the subconscious of the programming. Probably with a long period of use, the old habit can be totally erased. After the event of the boss/employee, I decided to use Spartan ZP (instead of Paragon) to reinforce the mental fortitude, Iron steel mental !


I noticed a lot of attraction yesterday and I could have gotten phone numbers if I wanted to.


@lrw is really working well for you did the women approach you ?