Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

If this is the case, would you do anything actively before/during listening or just sit down and listen and let the sub (and your subconscious) take you where it wants to?


Can you elaborate please ?


I chose to do something actively during listening. And the clarification happened anyway.


I think next time I run AC (this Sunday), I’ll get into SATS (Stake Akin to Sleep…meditation basically)…and just imagine something specific. This last week, I ran it during sleep after my normal stack.


Thanks :slight_smile:

Just wanted to know whether there was visualization or something similar involved in the process for you.

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Technically … that’s what “manifestation tools” are for!
All the song and dance is us sending the message. SM handles the how-to part.

Around here, we call this Conscious Guidance.



The other direction is stuff like:

A) The Zero Point True Self Alignment Introspections and Clarity.
(Who Am I? What Do I Want?)

B) The Nudges & Ideas you get from your Mind – actions/behaviours/habits, plans, books & youtube videos, et al.
(What I CAN Do To Progress Towards What I Want?)

C) Ease at Conscious Reconciliation – clearing conflicts and making decisions.
(I’ve Never Done It Before, How Can I Do It?)


The communication in BOTH these directions is executing WAY faster & clearer on Ascension Chamber.



This could be the reason why I’ve started taking test days intuitively, like my other side telling me that I have leveled up to the point where I could probably do 1 loop every other week per program and get consistent results like the majority of people do on the guidelines pattern, and now with AsC in play, I can get the same intensity of results (if not higher) by adding in a rest day after every 2 days.

If my subconscious backed off from 6 days on 1 day off, while i was already executing so fast, then we can tell for sure something changed inside once AsC was introduced to my brain :thinking:, because my results feel like they leveled up.

And I know Simon, you’re probably gonna say something along the lines of “and that’s why the majority is leaning towards less exposure”, but what I’m trying to say is:

2 days on, 1 day off with AsC > 2 days on, 1 day off without AsC

2 days on, 1 day off with AsC > 6 days on, 1 day off without AsC

It’s strange but it feels like the area between the CM and SM has been modified, like it was a bridge made of rubber before, but AsC upgraded it to silver.


Gotcha! Valuable info. Thanks again.

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No problem

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Same. Did not expect that but I’m truly enjoying this benefit.

Like the merger of worlds module on supercharged.

Had exactly the same feeling after my oobe years ago. Never happened ever since tho :smirk:


Can we run this and two other titles in a single day?

yes. if you run it same day, put it at the end of the stack. Can also run by itself of course.
I just put it at the end for convenience.

On a slightly different note… what abbreviation should we use for Ascension Chamber?

I’ve seen both AC, AsC, and AsCh being used… I mean none of them is wrong but it would be nice to settle on one :slight_smile:

I’ve already settled on AC. lol.


Ok so the manifestations are insanely quick.

Like, when I think I don’t want to do something or go somewhere and I FEEL that way strongly, then something happens and I don’t have to, or it unfolds differently.

I also realised when I notice this happening, I can guide my mind in a direction I want.

This is, however, also a two-edged sword. If you have many negative beliefs or your mind is set up negatively, then things won’t unfold. I notice the prevent-negative manifestations scripting working, but it virtually just stops the manifestation right away. At least for me.

It doesn’t turn it positive. I need to have a positive mindset first.
Healing comes in powerful here. Or any of the love subs.

Either way, manifestations supercharged. It happens almost right away, whatever is on my mind.


I forgot to update :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • After the loop, I was noticeably tired and could not push myself to do work unrelated to what I visualized as my goal.

  • 8 hours later, I have had a HUGE MANIFESTATION. Something which I was not imagining to get in my wildest dreams, now suddenly got manifested. It is a TOTAL GAME CHANGER for my goal and might be the most important pillar in achieving it. All it took was a little message I dropped after getting frustrated with myself for not making any improvements.

  • 6 days later, I have encountered another INCREDIBLE manifestation, suddenly finding a peace of knowledge (two books to be specific) which changed everything for me…


Makes it easier to identify where someone may need a positive shift.

Same thing happens in normal life, but takes a lot longer.


Just did my 2nd loop before bed (last night) and I love how much of a good mood Ascension chamber puts you in. I feel real good today when yesterday I was lethargic and irritable.

I think this is one of the keys to manifesting big things, you need to be feeling it strongly and on a good vibration if you will.


Can you elaborate on these manifestations?


No, sorry — I do not want that (yet).

But let’s say I have both manifested the right knowledge and a tool for achieving my goal.