Main Disc. Thread - Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct

It was!
I played them with a VERY bad headphone, the sound was very low so I played the ultrasonic at the max.
Mehhhn, I got soo fearles to the point I was…let it be unsaid
We played two games(that is what they call it) and the border cops were there waiting for us. So mission failed for today :slight_smile:
But the communjty support was incredible.
@SaintSovereign I honestly did not want to post that topic, but I felt an urgency.
Another thing I observed is that sometimes when your MIND does not wanna accept sth, nothing can make it, I READ in SI description that it’d be perfect for cops and firefighters, but I was still afraid that it would make me NOT go to the border and I was not telling myself that BRO! Cops GO in the danger and come back(those who ran SI :wink:
And SI does not necessarily make you NOT take risks for greatness. So it has a VERY special spot in my custom.
Amd I hope it helps me with being a good military commander.
And I guess by weapons in SI description you mean EVERY type of weapon.

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The general guideline is to NOT use headphones with ultrasonics.

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I thought we were allowed to use 20%

For further guidance, please enter a support ticket for a specific answer to this.

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It’s written in sales page

Would you please post a link in a reply to this message?

(I did find it here:

“If you’re going to use headphones, please be sure to turn it down to the lowest volume levels for your phone (25% or less). If you begin to experience tinnitus, stop using earbuds or headphones immediately and use speakers.”)

[But please, not fully volume.]

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I stated my reason up there

Can aegis survival instinct help onself get to and take others to safety during an earthquake? @SaintSovereign @Lion @Malkuth ?


Yes based on its following objectives:

  • Calm, composed, courageous and focused during stressful situations, allowing for the optimal and most effective response

  • Healing of injuries and damage to the body

  • Learning of survival abilities

  • Leadership and the ability to take charge, helping you protect those close to you as well as yourself

  • Mental and spiritual fortitude, courage and protection

  • Growth of courage, fearlessness and calm

  • Rapid learning of skills that will help your health, survival or fighting skills

  • Situational awareness, guidance for the correct action to take in a high-stress situation

  • Development of the ability to heal, help and protect others especially in stressful situations

  • Physical shifting for strength, dexterity, agility, endurance as well as improvement of mental characteristics in order to help overall safety

I think all these skills are valuable in a situation like that.

Have been thinking about the Turkey - Syria tragedy. Are you in that area, my friend?


This seems like a title one should own just in case emergencies happen - war, famine, drought, disease, etc. Or more local disasters, like earthquakes, forest fires, shootings.

Or an A.I. uprising, with the way things are going :joy: .


Or war between followers of Spiritual SC titles and followers of Alpha and Seductions SC titles :slight_smile:


I know this was written in jest but, it caused a thought…

If a @Malkuth or say @sid or @Athanaxos were to run this title solo…

And say @Yazooneh or another long term Spartan were to run this solo…

If they bump into each other in the street and somebody forgot to say excuse me…


Topical memes for topical themes…

I wonder about how the individual, respective subconsciouses would respond? Of course, I’m assuming there would be no conflict; a person in touch with their inner being isn’t liable to respond with physical retaliation (stereotypically).

And a fighter that has actually trained isn’t likely to respond to a silly thing like that, unless he’s a bully…

Just thinking out loud, I guess. Haven’t done that on here for awhile :face_with_hand_over_mouth:




Friend i am from a neighbouring area which is pedicted to be hit by an earthquake worse than turkey.


If you haven’t already, do consider getting :hospital: Paragon Complete as well.

Hope all is well brother :pray:


The clash would be non-physical, wordless, and very still. Eyes would clash with smoldering intensity. A battle of wills would ensue, and one’s level of inner power would be instinctively measured against the other - with no external action necessary. It would all be over within seconds :sweat_smile:

I got Survival Instinct some time ago… and to be honest… It’s actually a title that everyone ought to run at least a few loops of. Things around the world are not gonna get more safe and stable over the next couple of years, if I can put it like that :laughing:

Actually, I think SI would do wonderful with RoM and CWON for crisis awareness and survival.

EDIT: Now that I think about it… Survival Instinct may be the ultimate alpha title. What is more alpha than the ability to safely guide the pack through the dangers and perils of the world?


Be safe, brother :pray:.

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Ah, I forgot to mention… I wish you safety for you and yours, as well! :raised_hands:


Have any martial artist/combat sports athletes tried this? I’m wondering if the part of “avoiding danger” in that context would become an oxymoron, or one would become better at evasion/deflection techniques

Survival Instinct X