Main Disc. Thread: Aegis Initiative: COVID-19

I think it helped overall and it’s likely I recovered in 3 days in part due to running the sub.


Thank you for providing this!

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Does the immunity scripting help with common cold too?

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It’s not scripted to do so, but who knows?

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I was feeling sick yesterday. Like the early feeling you get when you’re catching a cold.
I put the ultrasonic on my phone, took some panadol. The feeling went away today morning…

More over, I took a flu shot today and the clinical people told me that i will get fever.
I never got fever.

PS: masks and gloves are always provided.
cc @SaintSovereign
  • 21 March was the release date of AEGIS. Work cancelled, no prospect of earning for at least three months.

  • Five days later, opportunities for regular work appeared at numerous local hospitals.

  • Ten days later, working alongside frontline staff, never been prouder to be a part of the national effort.

If this isn’t the initial effects of this sub, I would be astonished.


hows this going for everyone?

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what is it scripted to do @SaintSovereign

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Repell COVID - 20 that Gwar is planning to unleash on humanity


stupid question…sorry :confused:

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The sales page has all the details. No secrets with this one, we just wanna help people protect themselves and their families.


@SaintSovereign :sunglasses:


I am continuing to run this as part of a stack with PSQ and SpartanQ. I have run it since it was released.

As far as know I don’t have the virus and am surviving isolation and social distancing so thus far good.

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I remembered these words when I got updated on what is happening in my country so far, since, as you may know from my journal, I don’t watch the news or videos from/about where I am living most of the time. Without going into too much detail, the government literally just hijacked the constitution and plans massive and outrageous initiatives to further take advantage of the situation in such a way that it really scares one how fast this escalated.

Will you update AEGIS?


Aegis Dose seem to have a effect, getting me to eat healthy take care of myself. Be running a loop of it with the other stuff. Nothing wrong with a little extra protection etc

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With all this civil unrest will a version of AEGIS be released to address things going on? Many of us have family members or live in dangerous areas ourselves, and with millions out of work, in debt… you get the point.


I’m a black man in the U.S.

Just 30 mins ago going to Target 2 white men flashed the white power symbol at me, as if they were trying to open their car doors with their car key.

I’ve had a cop do the same when he passed by me on an empty street.

So far I’ve had to report a doctor, I’ve had a run in with security who threatened to mace me because he had been following me around the grocery store like I was a criminal although I had just gone to buy light bulbs.

This isn’t to mention the white power propaganda I’m seeing very clearly on our presidents twitter.

I have children, family and friends who are all affected by what’s happening and I simply want to keep them safe.

Is there anyway we could get an Aegis for general protection in these times? I’m not sure what the political leanings of the staff are here but I’m just asking for protection, not justice if that’s beyond the scope of what you can provide.

I’m ready and willing to pay or create a fundraiser if that will get the ball rolling.

Thank you.


Paging @Fire

He’s actually wanted to create a protection subliminal for quite some time now, but we’ve been afraid of doing so due to the litigious nature of the United States. We’ll see what we can do.

In the meantime, consider running Spartan: Apex Warrior and joining a martial arts gym or another intense fitness program. Cowards like that tend to prey on those who they believe appear fearful. When you appear physically intimidating (and your aura conveys a sense of power), they’ll back off.

For the record, while we strive to keep our company (and forum) apolitical in its messaging and products, we have zero tolerance for racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination. Subliminal Club has a global customer base, with patrons from all around the globe.


Thank you for the quick, detailed response, it means a lot to me.
I’m actually going to a Krav Maga gym in 30 mins to speak to the instructor as my fighting skills will likely need an upgrade