Main Disc. Thread: Aegis Initiative: COVID-19

I’m a black man in the U.S.

Just 30 mins ago going to Target 2 white men flashed the white power symbol at me, as if they were trying to open their car doors with their car key.

I’ve had a cop do the same when he passed by me on an empty street.

So far I’ve had to report a doctor, I’ve had a run in with security who threatened to mace me because he had been following me around the grocery store like I was a criminal although I had just gone to buy light bulbs.

This isn’t to mention the white power propaganda I’m seeing very clearly on our presidents twitter.

I have children, family and friends who are all affected by what’s happening and I simply want to keep them safe.

Is there anyway we could get an Aegis for general protection in these times? I’m not sure what the political leanings of the staff are here but I’m just asking for protection, not justice if that’s beyond the scope of what you can provide.

I’m ready and willing to pay or create a fundraiser if that will get the ball rolling.

Thank you.


Paging @Fire

He’s actually wanted to create a protection subliminal for quite some time now, but we’ve been afraid of doing so due to the litigious nature of the United States. We’ll see what we can do.

In the meantime, consider running Spartan: Apex Warrior and joining a martial arts gym or another intense fitness program. Cowards like that tend to prey on those who they believe appear fearful. When you appear physically intimidating (and your aura conveys a sense of power), they’ll back off.

For the record, while we strive to keep our company (and forum) apolitical in its messaging and products, we have zero tolerance for racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination. Subliminal Club has a global customer base, with patrons from all around the globe.


Thank you for the quick, detailed response, it means a lot to me.
I’m actually going to a Krav Maga gym in 30 mins to speak to the instructor as my fighting skills will likely need an upgrade


Krav Maga is an awesome art form. If you can, try and also find some Systema classes (not necessarily now if you don’t want to take on too much, but down the road). Both those disciplines combined are a force to be reckoned with


What about Boxing / Muay Thai mastery for someone looking to improve fighting skills?

Unfortunately there isn’t any Systema close by. I may end up adding Muay Thai as well, we’ll see.

I do want to reiterate that as much as I’m learning to protect myself, that this isn’t only a matter of appearing weak.

The security guard, doctor and police officer are all in positions of authority and felt they could abuse such against me. Nothing I could do against the police officer, the security guard backed down quite quickly and the doctor may lose his job. The white power symbol was just some idiots in the parking lot.

What I’m concerned about is that there’s a massive uptick in these situations in a very short period of time. What used to be the odd racist remark or action is becoming more and more common.

What I mention are specific examples, but that doesn’t include the stares, and general shifty behavior that has been exhibited towards me in this period of time.

It’s difficult to have this conversation without bringing up race but I would be out of integrity if I didn’t.

Between the White Power propaganda, mentions of manifest destiny (killing of Native Americans), summoning his base to attack protestors, referring to the pandemic as the “Chinese Virus,” and just this morning punishing millions of foreign students during a pandemic, amongst a huge list of other things.

We still have another 4 months until someone can be voted in, and 6 months before the current president steps down, IF he steps down.

I anticipate it will get a lot worse before it gets better.

Stay safe everyone.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with this. This is a profoundly corrupt government that won’t give up power easily, irrespective of the results of the election. Too many opportunities for inflicting damage to our society and many hateful and fanatical supporters to enable it. So I’m also putting forward my vote for a protection oriented Aegis.

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Yes. The trick and the genius lie in exactly how to position it and construct it to be of the greatest value. @SaintSovereign and @Fire have done it before. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

I see elements of:

  • Power Can Corrupt (to quickly and skillfully discern social dynamics)
  • Alpha elements (to hold one’s dignity in the face of challenge),
  • Warrior (to respond effectively to unavoidable escalations),
  • Breadth of Mind and Vision (to transcend ignorance within and around oneself rather than responding from an inferior mental level)
  • Common Sense, Charisma, Emperor’s Voice, Discernment of Commonalities, and Intellectual Quickness (for effective alliance building and/or conflict mediation)
  • Stealth and Aura Control (for NOT BEING NOTICED when that is advantageous)
  • Self-Love/Love (to combat implicit and explicit derogatory messages and intentions and block them from undermining and subverting one’s healthy self-image and self-concept



Not sure what your gym is like, but you gotta be careful with Krav Maga. Make sure they do sparring both soft and hard. I say this because I took it years back and later learned it was basically a mcdojo. Lots of BS krav maga gyms that instill a false sense of confidence in people which is arguably worse. And beware of ones that try to put an MMA twist on it, then you’re sitting in between not exactly a legit MMA gym and not a real reality based self defense gym.

You might be good, just wanted to drop my experience here. Wish someone told me that when I got into it at first.

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As much as you know I love to express my opinion on stuff, I suppose we should leave the politics where it belongs. Saint and Fire are aware and taking the request seriously. I think lots of people from all origins could be helped with a protection sub.

I do second Krav Maga (and Systema). Do read up on it though. They tend to be linked to an association, and some of those are watered down too much to be very effective. Still effective, just not up to the potential. Plus, you can learn it fast. Heck, the Israelis learn it in 21 hours I believe. Doesn’t mean mastery, obviously.


I set up Aegis for my mom, running as set it and forget it on an mp3 player and computer speakers. It has been running a week and she says she has had “crazy dreams” each night.

This is the first subliminal she has ever listened to. She was most interested in it for the masking sound to help her sleep, but I explained to her what it was about, and now having had it for about a week she seems pretty excited about it.


@fire @SaintSovereign that would be a strong contender for a standalone Q sub.

Just checking in. You good?

Hope you and your whole family are all safe and well.

I’m fine now, and I used all the energy of the dilemma to create a lot of positive change.

I signed up for Krav Maga and go 4 times a week. Later it will be more but this is my starting point.

I bought a dash cam as well, learned about my rights and am using more awareness in my daily surroundings.

Furthermore I used these events to destroy a lot of negative programming in my life.

I still had some weird issues with authority and my father which made me not want to learn to fight it seems.

I’m taking complete responsibility for my safety from now on and it feels refreshing.

Thank you for checking up on me, it truly means a lot @Malkuth


That’s incredible!

Just out of curiosity, what programs are you running right now? That was an impressive amount of effective action in a 2 week period.

Anyway, good to hear that you’re well. May good things continually come to you.


I run StarkQ-T, Minds Eye Q2 1x a week, and a custom containing Ultimate Artist, Regeneration, and StarkQ with Blue Skies, New Beginnings and a few other modules. I can post the full list if you’d like.

This has been boiling up within me since May, so it’s possible that either the subliminal or the universe thought it was time for me to address this through all these events.

I feel that I’ve had to contend with a lot of evil that could be lurking in the hearts of man very quickly. There’s been no change in my objective behavior in this period of time, yet all of a sudden I’m smacked with bullshit.

I’ve had to do a lot of adaptation to contend with all of this and it’s quickened my growth immensely.


My mom continues to be very thankful I set this up so she could listen. She feels like it has helped her to worry less.


I don’t know if you guys saw my question post before on “Question and Updates” here @SaintSovereign and @Fire, but in case you haven’t due to the recent scrambling and overhauling, are there plans to update this title to Qv2 as well?


Just curious - any reason you wouldn’t just get vaccinated?

There’s multiple, but the biggest one that pops into mind would be the Johnson and Johnson thing that occurred.

That, and I don’t particularly care for the theory behind vaccines personally.

Granted, I’m not well educated in vaccines and how they work. My beliefs are influenced by reading things written by people that behind their computer screen may or may not be wearing tin foil hats, so were anyone to debate it with me, we wouldn’t go very far, lol.

I do welcome insight and wisdom, though.