Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

:joy: You’re correct, I introduced the first usage of it. The influence scripting from my sub runs is working :joy:


Edit: Typo


Thank you @SaintSovereign

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Full 15, I pretty much stopped doing partial ZP runs altogether


Best of luck, I think what also helps me keep calm when my daughter is being clingy is that I know what a lack of reciprocated love feels like. I’ll still assert my need for privacy when it’s truly needed but I’m becoming much more tolerant to her displays of affection and desire for attention already.


Thank you, that’s a thought I’ve been having for a while now but you’re right, the feeling like I need to be doing something else, something more is growing for sure

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If you want a good way to get the right run time for yourself try this. I’ve been having good results.

Get relaxed and find a comfortable position. Start playing the sub, close your eyes and just let your mind drift. Don’t check the time on how long the sub has run for. Don’t make it your goal to complete the 15 minutes. Instead just relax and notice when it feels like you’ve had enough of listening…

I’ve found when I do this I’ll have a few minutes of internal recognition and emotional shifts inside of me. But eventually it stops, it feels like I’m pulled out of that deep inner focus. That’s when I know I’ve hit the threshold of what I can reasonably accommodate.

It won’t always be exact, but for example I felt like I was reaching the point of diminishing returns at about 4:30 so I rounded up to 5 minutes.


That’s really interesting… I’m gonna try that next time I have a listening day.

I have noticed something similar, think my time might be around 5 min as well.


Still feeling very chill and pretty happy, also had a lot more confidence for my test that I had today and I got an A. Stuff that usually stresses me out doesnt and when it does I am able to catch my self and calm down. People have been friendlier to me and I have been laughing more as well as making others laugh.

So far my theory has been proven to be true, that with self love comes self respect, and self trust. I am studying more and actually more focused on my workouts because I want to better myself and start taking care of my body.

Another possibility is that I am thinking about swapping out WANTED (for now) with Emp Fitness cause I want to start focusing more on my fitness and overall health again.



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I had the same effect with people that are close to me. Either family, close friends, co workers, and colleagues. Little things people would do that used to irritate me dont anymore or not so much and I am more accepting of these behaviors. Wanna specify that these are just small things not big things that would bother me. Honestly it is more of an issue on my end, that is healing and recalibrated


I would rather say it should be:
:heartpulse: :boom: :heart_eyes:

Thank you Subliminalclub for letting me build this incredible custom.

Thank you for all the Masterpieces you have created

You have enriched my life and it’s only the start.



I ran one loop in the morning and I instantly felt some warm and pleasant energies coursing throughout my body. When I got up and I started doing yoga as usual but I could feel that my movements were smoother. My energy level increased almost instantly after listening to the loop and now, seven hours later, it’s still high. My mood is excellent as well. During the online interview, my smile didn’t get off my face for a second. Later on, I went out to do the shopping and I met two people whose dog started barking at me and we got engaged in a short conversation and that woman didn’t want to stop talking to me… that man either but he was a bit negative towards me but I couldn’t care less about his attitude. I also feel more congruent, solid, and masculine but masculine not in the traditional way (raw, primal, “animal”) but in a divine way as if my presence was ethereal (Ethereal Presence module?). I’m also more in love with life today, enjoying simple things like the drizzle out the window. :slight_smile:


Horny ? thats crazy you mean love bomb H raised your libido ? woww :slight_smile:

@SaintSovereign did you add in libido scripts in love bomb ?

This is incredible how is everyone else feeling ?

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@Leandros your incredible but remember SC were the catalysts you did the heavy lifting and made the changes happen for yourself. So give yourself a pat on the shoulder.


I was super turned on yesterday evening out of nowhere! I didn’t act on it though because I don’t have a partner and not really sure about casual sex anymore.

I’ve listened to LBFH twice.


Great i think Saint added Sex mastery scripts in Love Bomb

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Has there been a response to this question?

The original LB? I was listening to that for about a week until replacing it for this one with DR.

I highly recommend DR with LBFH.

I am excited to see how the next stage goes for me pairing the two!


I believe both would be fantastic together, but I’m no expert. :crazy_face: