Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

This sub seems to transform people around me. Even people with whom I have relations through Zoom. But if I stop listening to it, will these people going back to their “former selves” @SaintSovereign ?


I’m strongly tempted to give it a try just before tomorrow’s interview via Zoom even though my washout starts on the morrow.


Give it a try


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Yes do it @Sub.Zero it really works (at least for me)

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I got a bunch of external effects of course.

But I do notice a lot of internal recon, or rather healing. It seems to me there is either A LOT I still need tro heal when it comes to love (could make sense if I look to my childhood where I never TRULY received love) or, there are a bunch of things in the way of it.

Either way, I see my wife being madly in love, but I am a bit irrascible internally. Weird glitch, but I know it will resolve.

And actually, I am LOVING it lol
I truly enjoy this process because I know how great the other side is. AND, the healing is MUCH nicer than on DR, for example.

But I wanted to share this for good measure.

Plus, what I notice is a PROFOUND new way of looking at myself.
Truly loving myself in a different light. Not just for what I achieved already. That’s status.
But just ME for BEING ME.
My true self.
My deeper quirks I hid from people for so long.

I am TRULY expressive in a new way.

My wife is reacting (by making it) HARD to it. Which is, of course, lovely, but that’snot even the driving force.

I dont care if I get results by being more of myself, I just enjoy THAT.


Status = Serotonin ! Very nice :sunglasses:

I can feel internal healing needed still but I am on the DR journey lol (deep internal recon)

This addition will be very helpful for me ~ I have faith :pray:


How is this aura different from Wanted?

I noticed teenagers and impressionable adults staring at me wide eyed as if they were seeing a big fountain of abundance. Others would head turn and stare. Then there was one couple who would stare, look away, and look again and again and again. lol I also got compliments from strangers.


With Wanted it is much more sexual. With LBH it is curiosity and love (there is no sexuality involved)


Exept you love being sexual


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Not exactly, only with my wife :rofl::sweat_smile::wink:


Ran this alongside ascension a couple times since its release (I like the true sell/rich combo, but once I actually got on the phone to sell I realized that I dislike my main job so much now, that I don’t even care how I perform anymore).

I’m experiencing people (family, friends and strangers alike), staring at me, a LOT. My daughter as usual gets clingy when she senses I have an aura full of love, but instead of being annoyed I’m actually engaging her excessive want for my attention and enjoying it.

People who usually hug me in my social circle have been holding me like they don’t wanna let go. I even find the armor I put over my emotions long ago softening up. My sense of self love and care are clearly growing. I can see it in my thought patterns and actions too.

One thing I’ll say is that LBH does make me tired when I use it though. Usually I end up napping by accident after the loop but I see steady results once I wake up and go out into the world.

Edit: Forgot to add that wherever I’m going, I am noticing people’s mood boosting.


How long do you run LBH? (3 min, 5 min, 7 min, full 15?)

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Usually I get annoyed with the excessive want for my attention from my kids, which I don’t enjoy and want to demolish. I am hopeful this new addition to my stack will aid with this goal!

Since these subs, I also noticed less enjoyment in my career with much less efforts with my performance.

I am off for the summer with a lot of contemplation happening for me!

I’d love to be all in with business but not sure how that’ll happen as of yet. I hold on to my career for security and familiarity.

What’s secure and familiar isnt always comfortable though. More discomfort.


after listening to one loop of LBH i just want to hug somebody and tell them that i love them sincerely.


I have been there a few times. I can tell you’re ready for a major growth. I know exactly the feeling you’re describing. That could also be Ascension telling you ”You’re better than this”.


Ok, I volunteer.

I definitely feel more relaxed with this and yet dealing with some minor external frustration with being curious as to why people around me seem to have to make so many things unnecessarily difficult?

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I did the full 15.


I feel like this sub really allows you to sit with yourself and be within yourself. I don’t feel that inner disconnect as much that makes me feel like I don’t want to be me. It’s still early but it’s a very grounding sub.


Core available on the Q store (the core is priced normally): Love Bomb For Humanity Core – Quintessence by Subliminal Club