Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

We were just going to change the price to $34.99. But… I think I’m going to make it permanently free.


SC just keeps on giving!


I’ve been using healing titles so long that LBFH is a pleasant reprieve from this singular aim. I’ve going on my second week using it with Ascension, and I’m noticing and feeling welcome changes happen that I’ve only read about before.

Like, actually caring about others without some exit plan in place. I normally am trying to save my ass most days, prompted by fears of reliving a childhood abandonment I experienced. My days often have some internal feeling of “when can I escape?” to hold on to some illusion of control in my life.

I found myself enjoying my time with a coworker yesterday, unprompted by that constant reminder to run. I actually worked my tail off yesterday, which is often associated with complaining and bitching of some sort.

But…I felt good. I even kind of surprised my manager upon returning to the shop. I said spontaneously “It was a good day” with a cheerful smile on my face, after 11 hours in the summer heat. She did a doubletake, looking at me silently for a moment.

When I think of my personal “why” for this, I’m simply valuing myself more day by day. I’ve had small rounds of recon, but it’s usually battling/challenging some old beliefs of not feeling worthy of good things.

I’m also seeing deeper connections, referring to @Fire’s journal posting about seeing that eventually with subliminal use. I’ve seen some truths before, but habitually dismissed them–thinking such good things just weren’t possible in my life. This is new to me, and I’m just allowing these possibilities to surface. I’ll notice something…and allow it to stay in my face for a bit. Such experiences have been very pleasant lately.

Life doesn’t feel so dangerous and fear-ridden since using LBFH. …and just being honest here, I dealt with some dismissal of things I wrote throughout this sharing. But LBFH’s message and memories stand right next to them, saying softly “really?”

Hope lives.


:+1: :firecracker: :fireworks:


They gonna love you


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Nice one :ok_hand: I believe LBFH is a special one and can definitly change lives.

I only run 5 minutes per listening day, but I can tell the difference in my life and over the long term can accomplish incredible growth in someone (and in humanity).


Do ZP titles have modules?

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Can’t find the post right now, but no. Saint and/or Fire said in the past that major titles do NOT have modules. They might have parts of similar scripting, but all major titles are standalone scripting in general.



Subliminals are all basically scripts.

So ultimately the idea of ‘modules’ is just a framing convention for thinking about how the writers are organizing those scripts.

You could apply the same concept to how you write an e-mail.

Modular approach:

I have a ‘bucket of pre-written sentence bits’ and depending on the purpose of the e-mail, I just choose and combine the bits that will get the job done.

Non-modular approach:

I just create a fresh e-mail each time. There are similarities between my different e-mails because I do have a memory, and there aren’t that many different ways to say “Good morning” or “Do you want to get dinner?”

But even though there are similarities between my e-mails, I wouldn’t say I’m using a ‘module’ approach to writing e-mails because, mostly, I’m kind of spontaneously pulling the words out of my mind each time, rather than referring to a ‘module bank’ of pre-made sentences and pulling my words from that.

So again:

Ultimately the idea of ‘modules’ is just a framing convention for thinking about how the writers are creating the scripts.

But, “Modules” or not, there is still going to be a script for each subliminal. Each script is still going to have sentences in it. And two scripts can potentially still have some parts that are very similar, whether or not they were created using ‘modules’.


Thanks for your explanation.

I think the same about difference between modules and scripting.

I remember past emphasis in the non-modular aspect of ZP titles, for this same reason Sovereign’s paragraph about LBFH modules grabbed my attention.


Yes, I saw that too.

I figured that, as someone who actually writes scripts, Saint might sometimes think of the different sections of a script as modules; even though the ZP scripts are not formally designed based on modules.

I just thought of it as another word for ‘sections’ or ‘parts’.


This title, subliminal, or whatever has done so much for my mental and emotional health. I’m still dealing with some burn out from my job that I am not sure yet how I am going to resolve because it’s very much tied to my living situation but I have been able to step back far more often and not allow myself to be dragged into other people’s shit.
I allow myself to not care. For my own sanity. I have made my mental health a priority.
In the past I was just a mess 24/7 because I allowed myself to care about people and situations I couldn’t give a **** about and now I realize that this is ok. If people don’t like it they don’t have to be around me.




Are you referring to my post?

Si Señor

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It’s a subtle healing title. Yesterday’s rest day showed me that.

I felt my emotions on and off yesterday. Nothing was glaring. I didn’t feel like isolating. Nothing major at all.

But I met a new tech at our shop in the afternoon, and the look on his face showed he cared and was willing for me to open up. And I did. Sharing I’d missed some self-love early on in life, and I was learning to do so now. That it was a responsibility to myself, and I was seeing and accepting I’d dodged it a long time. I went on for a couple of minutes.

I didn’t stun him, and I felt this stuff flowing out of me, which is very unlike my norm. We departed, and I began beating myself up. What the hell had I just done? I’d just met him, and I’d opened up, sharing personal stuff I’ve not aired frequently at all.

I felt like crap and headed home, trying to put my steel guard up again. “Show this. Do this. Don’t let people close”. I got home, turned on my computer, looked through some emails…you know…avoid, avoid, avoid.

Then my miner sent me a simple email: “what’s up with you?” We’re both using LBFH. I dumped on to him much like I’d done with the shop tech earlier. I noticed that while writing and told him about it.

Still trying to avoid, I looked through some movie trailers. I watched one about a family healing together after their mother’s passing, and for some reason, I just broke down. I felt soft, and oh so open to having people in my life once again. I even tried avoiding more by eating, but I kept feeling it

I’m still feeling it this morning, ever since I woke up. I did one loop this morning, but I still feel kind of sad and open. Like a door’s been opened.

P.S. This is my 3rd or 4th full posting of LBFH effects on me here in the discussion thread. I don’t have a journal presently. I considered one this morning…but remembered isolating so much on DR. I had huge walls up. There’s regret and pain in that memory, so I chose to write here to not do that to myself.


This GLM + LBFH combo is a potent one. Since I started it, I have been having dreams every night. Not just at night but literally every single time I doze off, even for a few minutes, dreams would start. Today is my 10th day of washout but dreams haven’t stopped. Basically, 10 days into the washout, the subs are still being processed. Last night was the second time I dreamed about people (that I know and love) dying or killing someone else. I woke up shaken to the core. The subs are supposed to help me release trauma, not traumatize me further.:laughing:
At this rate, I’m going to need another sub to heal the trauma those “GLM + LBFH”-driven dreams are creating. 🤦😂


May I ask what is your LBH custom included?

BTW, I was thinking why not LB core and LBH core be united? because there is AM and LE?

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Here it is

Love Bomb for Humanity
Paragon Sleep core

Divine Self image
Energetic Development XI
Enchanting Smile
Gratitude Embodiment
Inner Gasoline
Joie de Vivre
Khronos Key
Song of Joy
Spiritual Freedom
Stress Displacement
The Wonder
Voice Master


Supreme Love combo

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