Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

Im in recon since yesterday and what triggers me is anything I catalog as dishonesty.
Last night I had a pretty clear dream about it, how omission and evasion are symptomps of dishonesty I dislike.
The worst is when someone says something and then tries to gaslight you that things were not as you recall, that pisses me off way more than direct lying.


Has anyone else had the effect of being open to try new things, you never considered before and then when you do, you realize how enjoyable it is? It feels like a lot of internal limits are being shattered. I say shattered because this happens usually after an period of concentrated recon.

I am also running True Sell and EoG Stage 3 so those could have an effect as well.


Yup. Like washing all the dishes used right after I finish eating. Seriously, it feels really good to not have even a small pile in the sink. All those family members and old roommates were right…I should wash my dishes sooner. :laughing:


For a few days I was running my custom manifestation sub but it seems now I need a short break so I’m doing a 3-day washout and then using LBGH by itself again.

  • Got to my security job and accidentally greeted one of the bottle girls like she was MY girl. She approached me for a hug and I wrapped an arm around her, pulled her to me slowly and kissed her on the side of her head. When my lips landed on her I realize what I just did and thought to myself “wtf” I don’t even greet women like this casually. Although she’s beautiful I’m not even attracted to said woman so I surprised myself with that. She didn’t find it offensive though cause she hugged me goodbye at the end of the night too.

  • Had coworkers constantly comment on how smoothly I speak.

  • For several days in a row now I’ve had complete strangers, or ppl I barely know blurt out that they love me.


Not gonna lie, my run of LBFH is making me reconsider running khan, in fact I kind of don’t want to run any other programs right now besides LBFH (that includes my custom manifestation sub too


In my customer service job, we always had one who would mindlessly say “I love you” to customers when hanging up. This is even better than that :slight_smile:


Lol although I can be flirtatious as hell when I’m in the mood, me greeting a woman I barely know like that is out of character for me. But I didn’t make it a big deal which is why I’m guessing she didn’t either.


I hope he never told his boss :slight_smile:

She’s probably sitting somewhere right now swooning about it :joy:


The calls are all recorded :joy:

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The great thing about LBFH is that it seems to be well balanced.

I come from the nice guy side of things. Too nice, too loyal, put others first, offer up too much information and being too open. That’s brought me to subliminals though thankfully. I never got what I wanted and have no friends left because I decided the most important thing for me is to do my inner work, heal my self. So naturally people dropped away from my life and I got kind of outcasted because I wasn’t interested in playing to people’s egos.

So for me it’s not about being more honest or any of that. It’s about having better boundaries. It seems to just really help shore up whatever the holes in your boat are. The other side might be the people who need to be more honest and be more open and start to accept others, well it’s doing that for them too.

Like me I’m becoming more of my warrior self, putting myself first because that’s the balance I need to start experiencing the side of life where I get what I want instead of always ending up with nothing. Yet it’s not doing it from a selfish way, it’s from a place of self respect and having those healthy boundaries because I lacked that for so long.



I joined up to comment on how well this subliminal has worked for me. I have been a lot more introspective, considering what is truely important to me in life. I identified many false beliefs, learning that I act certain ways because I am afraid and feel inferior. As the walls come down, I can see people have a more loving attitude towards me. I don’t even need to try to impress, I feel more relaxed and connected with people.

I seem to be manifesting a nice girl type of female in day to day life and they all act gooey to some degree. Some looser girls still present themselves but now they seem to act more annoyed by me which is weird because this type is usually shows interest. I think it’s because I found out how much effort I put into making good impressions for other people’s approval and now two weeks into running this subliminal, that has greatly reduced. I also have more desire to eat healthy and workout moderately, rather than strict diets and hard workouts. I even want to meditate, something I have never had much success with due to lack of motivation to do it regularly enough.

It was not a good start with the subliminal, the first 5-6 days I was pretty angry. I’m glad I stuck with it because I know for sure that it’s working in a healing way. Initially, I had a lot of dreams where I was being chased and I think that had something to do with the anger I felt. Perhaps I was processing a lot of my hidden motives for behaving the way I do. The last loop I did, I reduced the time to 5 minutes which feels like it worked even better. It’s hard to tell though, but I’ll stick with 5 minute loops for now. Thanks for making this product for free, I think it’s just what I needed.


But thats is being self honest too…
e.g. "I need more boundries (even if for some kind of programming I have never set one) :slightly_smiling_face:

Self deceiving can be very very subtle sometimes, and can even take “positive” traits (the classical saviour syndrome for example)

Self-honesty is of outmost importance, expecially for true spiritual practice, that why I’ve asked in the first place


Lol she actually told me she loves me on the way outta work the next time I saw her

  • Having ppl randomly approach me for conversations and being friendly…also seeing ppl give me big warm smiles like seeing me makes them happy, this is happening with increasing frequency.

  • This past week, my best friend has been saying a lot of the things I been thinking right after I finish my thought.

  • The hookah girl at the club was unusually excited to see me when I arrived. Greeted me with a warm excitement.

  • Everyone around me at the club tonight showed super lovey dovey behavior to each other.

  • I keep catching random ppl staring at me, some even hold eye contact when I catch them.

  • A couple waitresses that were a bit cold towards me are now warming up a bit. One in particular reached out to touch me twice for no apparent reason.

  • @Palpatine The server girl I held and kissed the other night told me that she loves me as she left work for the night.

  • Women keep asking me to take pics of them.


From this morning: (chose to do 2 days of rest instead of a 3-day washout

  • Ran 2 loops of LBFH, 12 minutes into the 2nd loop I found myself directly addressing and apologizing to various aspects of my inner being for being so harsh before this point. Basically apologizing to myself for making decisions out of a lack of self love. It was in this moment that I also felt myself close to Source (what many call “the great creator”) and I apologized for the role I played in spreading darkness and negativity within the world. From this alone, I felt my link with the divine become strengthened.

  • Soon after, I felt my entire being not only start to emotionally heal, but shed significant amounts of negative energy. Not only was I healing in that moment, but my very soul was being cleansed I felt so free to just be “me”.

  • All of this was followed by a temporary mild sadness, I recognized this feeling for the emotional purge that it was, and also used my current invoking abilities to put myself back on the frequency of happiness to help it pass faster. Currently I feel grounded and joyful. I’m feeling profound joy and peace within my own existence and it feels like it’ll be easier to exist from here on out. Not necessarily because my life will get easier (although it may due to the way I’ve been manifesting since starting this sub), rather it’ll be easier to exist because each moment will be filled with more self love. This sub is Power and beauty synergistically wrapped together. This isn’t just a subliminal, it’s a masterpiece and one of the most important things in all of existence ever created. With proper listening of this sub, patience, introspection, self-awareness and the daily application and practice of self love within one’s own life, no one could ever be the same after running this. @Fire @SaintSovereign bravo gentleman. Job…well…done.


Im curious to know how did you felt that physically, would you describe it in more detail?


It was a tingling sensation and it felt like I had energy washing over me and clearing negativity away. I felt physically lighter in general after that.


I’m saying I’m already honest, too honest. honest to a fault I was. I actually built a custom with PCC in it that I’ve still got to get to at some point.

There’s doormat behavior and people take advantage of that generosity that kindness, that honesty, that openness, that goodness. So I’m saying I needed to take that down because it’s not about being more honest. It’s about being appropriately honest. It’s about being able to heal up those wounds, those traumas, those whatevers that cause that.

So whatever that is for anyone LBFH seems to be doing that. If you’re a selfish person who cheats and lies to get what you want, well LBFH seems to be able to make you more selfless without losing yourself. That’s what I’m saying.