Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

:musical_note:Girls… Just wanna have fun :notes:


I saw some video of Robert Greene. He was talking about in the work situation you don’t want it to be based on love. You want it to be based on need. If they love you or like you they’ll still get rid of you for some reason, if they need you, it’s too much hassle to get rid of you.

But since LBFH I think it brings something new to the table. It’s like we didn’t know we needed this! If you see someone as the source of good and positivity and morale I think that’s a need. If you’re the guy or gal who gets rid of the light source, well you’re bringing the scorn of everyone down upon yourself.


Yes, did someone try this?

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What do you mean by this?
Edit: Where do you go/live in Thailand?

For me I think Love is really interesting. Even the ones with the “bad” guys are still taken in by this love stuff. It’s just like yea, you have an aura that can surprise them.

And sometimes I find I have to ignore them because I don’t want any of that weirndess or tension when they’re with their man. So it’s good for me because it just helps me mind my own business even more, and that way I can stay outta trouble.

I can’t wait to have a few months of LBFH under my belt to find out all the goodies and surprises of this one.


Currently washing out since yesterday from my stack including LBfH.

Something I have noticed, which may or not be a thing, is the order of my manifesting ‘routine’. I personally like to go with the flow, I hate structure unless it’s specific things (such as working out or going live).

People say to affirm, visualise, script or whatever it is for certain amounts of time in the day and it just feels like an absolute chore to me. Like, why, if I’ve manifested everything else in my life so easily (both the negatives and positives), do I need to affirm and do all this stuff to manifest my desires?

Well…I feel like LBfH is giving me the strength to be secure in knowing what I want and my desires. KNOWING that it’s mine already, because it is, right? It’s like its getting me to affirm for things I want when I think about them, and when doubts come up rather than doing the things that feel like a chore. I feel like I’m manifesting easier, I feel like it’s becoming easier.

I know someone spoke upon manifesting being boosted by this sub, this is how it feels like for me. Like it’s becoming effortless, in a positive way for my desires. As I should.


I mean women who are nice (by nature) tend to get attracted to you on LBfH. How do I know that? I’m an empath and I can easily sense the girl is “good” or nice because that’s the way she is.

It’s yet to be decided but it’s going to be the countryside.

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oh yea! that’s what it is just put into words. I can sense that even in many of the “bad” people they’ve been shifted in some way. Years ago when things first started happening to me and was starting to rise in awareness/consciousness, i was getting the unwanted attention of like these narcissist types. But one some level it changed them I can’t explain how but I could tell their was a shift maybe it brought up their own inner conflicts or something. But I never stayed around long enough to find out how that went for them.


Which probably means you’re ready for Void of Creation.


Funnily enough I still haven’t made my Manifesting custom yet and wanted to put that and possibly Victory’s Call in it.

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Same here.

Building two customs: Victory’s Call is in the first. Void of Creation is in the other. (the VC’s!)

And it’s so interesting to hear that LBfH has facilitated an evolutionary leap in your Manifestation-related will, integratedness/integrity, and ease.

That makes sense to me, since love really involves the capacity to include and accept more and more aspects of our experiences and qualities. As these parts of ourselves get included and ‘come online’, they do bring pain and challenge, but, more importantly, they also bring enhanced insight, functionality, and resources.


I know Greene is big over here and especially these days in general.

But the more I dive into humanity and our needs, especially after running LBFH and seeing how approaching peope with a positive and love attitude works MUCH better, it seems to me that the root for power is a childish endeavour.

Like humanity as a whole is still in its infant state.

Controlling people is easy. Just gotta learn 48 laws.

LOVING people means opening your heart for potential abuse and still survive it. Better, don’t lose your love because of it.
THAT is real strength. REAL power. But it’s not easy, hence why nobody does it (although LBFH makes it easy lol)

Either way, as soon as humanity as a collective moves into the era of love and understanding, we will rise to new heights as a collective.

And no, not in a hippie kind of manner.

A mature, understanding, giving from heart-strength manner.

Greene, therefore, imo, is outdated.

If you see life through a filter, you will gain life through a filter.
If you accept fully and wholly, you will receive fully and wholly.



Same outcome
Same place of origin

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Does anyone using this notice improvment in honesty/sincerity?

I’m assuming that improving self-love → less self-judgmental → sincerity/honesty


Wow i am just blown away by all the great efects of the sub.

I decided once i came back from vacation i am doing to do a 2 year minimum sub with LFH , Emperor , Rich and maybe GOD Like masculinity.

Im hoping this sub softens my anger problems that might arise with Emperor, making the ride smoother.

I was looking for a substitute for Sex Mastery, found it.

Thank you guys @Fire @SaintSovereign


Absolutely. Always speaking my mind no problem!


I was mainly referring to self-honesty meaning been honest to yourself, not decive your self.
Often is exactly your mind deceiving yourself (about your weakness, value etc…)


I had this thought, about being most honest, but I assumed it was because I have Godlike Masculinity in my custom/stack.


Godlike Masculinity is definitely a factor in honest expression, no doubt. And I can see how LBFH is enhancing that.

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Yes, key point.

Its a lot about self love, isn’t it? But before you can love yourself and who you TRULY are, you first need to be honest with yourself.

This, for example, was what made me realize the lies of the Red Pill I told myself, etc.