Main Disc. Thread - ? (A Contest)

Eager to add this into my stack once it’s released.

Anyone here got any plans to run it? Any ideas if it’ll differ from Dreams Zp?


First of, congrats @Fractal_Explorer and @Nemesis for figuring this out. Well played! :smiley:

And ohmygod @SaintSovereign will you marry me!?!?!

If you only knew how many “revelation of dreams” customs I have theorycrafted to this date, but never felt quite satisfied with any of them… and then you drop this…?! My mind is melting from excitement…!

Oh, if you only knew… You’ll hate it compared to how much I’ll love it :joy:

Some argue that “manifestation” occurs when you get your subconscious on board with your wishes. And dreaming is as consciously close to your subconscious “as you can get” (broadly speaking), and to manifest through dreams is not only a sound idea, it’s a profound one. And an old one :wink:

I feel and think that the heightening of intuition and “intuitive understanding” regarding dreams makes sense in a “revelation of dreams” -title. I think/hope that it will be included.

And lastly, you can rehearse things in your dreams which will improve your real-life skills in the waking state. Think of it like you are a professional sports athlete that’s visualizing the motions and outcomes that will bring you the gold. It’s the same thing, but even closer to your subconscious mind and (I would argue) thus even more powerful than wide-awake visualization techniques.

I would love that. When you take a closer look at the subject of dreams, some of the world’s greatest pieces of art and innovations were sparked by someone dreaming about it. Or dreaming about solving a complicated mathematical equation, and then proceeding to solve it in real life. You all know the idiom to “sleep on it” when trying to solve a problem. Even science proves it.

Not to mention the use of dreams as a mirror to your waking life. Getting to know your dreams and understand your personal dream signs is to get to know you, but on one of the deepest levels possible. Like understanding what it means when you are in your childhood home hiding from the T-rex prowling just outside the house.

And this is just the first-floor stuff. We haven’t even touched on the more woo-woo subjects of healing and radical remissions, remote healing o others, modern dream incubation as well as ancient greek dream incubation, shared dreams, prescient dreams, and using dreams as a challenge to level up your courage and determination. And meditating while dreaming or meta-dreaming is a mind-blowing experience that everyone should get a chance to try!

All this is why I am so damn excited about Revelation of Dreams becoming a thing. Indeed, after RoM and RoS, RoD felt like the logical next step in the exploration of the cosmic realities. And if RoD will be anything at all like RoM or RoS…

Oneiromancy is not just about understanding dreams or triggering lucidity.

It’s the exploration of the Materium-Immaterium-connection itself.

I think my excitement above speaks for itself here :sweat_smile: :laughing:


@Athanaxos - damn son!

Since you know a bit about dreams, I have a question.

Whenever I dream, there are rare times when I am lucid and can control the outcome of my dreams. But this usually happens a very few times. Maybe 1 time in a 100.

And it does feel frustrating when I wake up. Wondering why I can’t make out it is a dream.

So does this relate to manifesting what we want in real life? As in the lack of control of a dream reflects lack of control in reality?

Basically not being able to make your dreams come true?

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Excellent question!

TLDR: I would say no. Lack of conscious control in your dreams is the “default mode” for most if not all people, and it’s not a signifier of lack of control in real life. However, the contents of the dream scenes themselves can give you some hints about it. Mapping out your personal dream signs and “scares” can give you more insight into it over time.

*** THE RANT ***

Deliberately triggering lucid dreaming is a skill that one has to practice for, and even then it can be difficult to achieve on a regular basis. It can happen naturally without training but happens only a handful of times over the lifespan for most people. I’ve tried on and off in periods for the past 5 years, with plenty of dream recall, but only a handful of lucid dream experiences where I had full or semi-full control.

So I would say your experience is not a reflection of control in reality or not making dreams come true, as your experience is the “default mode” so to speak.

My personal experience is that whenever I feel fear, anxiety, worry, stuckness, loss of control, or overwhelm in the dream regardless of lucidity, then I take that as a sign and reflection of the “status” of my waking life. As if my subconsciousness is trying to solve the “waking real-life issue” by putting me in a simulated situation.

For instance, one of my dream scares is meeting bears, because I perceive them as a powerful force and a wild and untamed (ie uncontrollable), potentially lethal threat to my well-being. If I am stressed or overwhelmed or out of control or fearful of the (“dangerous”) unknown in my waking life, then the dream encounter with the bears will most likely reflect that.

On the other hand, if I feel in control in my waking life, with agency and love, and gratefulness, then my dream encounter with them will be radically different. Two examples to further illustrate →

Bear Recall 2017-09-14

So, I had a dream about bears…

They have essentially replaced my wolves as the scares of my dreams. I don’t fear wolves anymore. But bears? Now that’s a real fear that I have.

Completely irrational.

When would I ever meet one in real life?

But in my dreams, they appear scary to me. Deadly. A certain Death. And I know that this is just a figment of my imagination and a play on my fears. They represent what I don’t want to face. Funny enough, the bears of my dreams are actually the shadows that would haunt the dreams of others instead. Hah, and I get bears… (a funny side note is that I did dream about a big wolf, but I wasn’t afraid of it. In fact I faced it and fought it off)

Anyway, I will have to find a way to mentally (and emotionally) face them. Either overcoming them with power - or with love as in accepting them. If and when I accept them in my dreams (and approach them without the expectation to be hunted) they simply won’t… since they are my own creation. An expression of my mind. And well enough, they do represent the things I fear to face. So by facing them, I am accepting that I do have these fears, and it will make me stronger, and soon enough I will be strong enough to really face them in my own life.

So… bears.

Bear Recall 2017-09-27

So, I had a dream again. About bears. Or more specifically, just one bear. A grizzly.
And it was a magical sort of. He had white-ish eyes, like he was blind but could still see with them. And he was old. Very old.

Anyway, I and someone else were out hiking, I think, and there was snow and stuff. And then we came to a place free from snow, with bare pine trees and rocks and dried pine needles covering the ground. And there I met him (it?). It looked hostile, and I did feel threatened and scared at first. But then something changed. I am not sure exactly what, but I did decide to approach the bear in a friendly way. And suddenly I was not afraid of it anymore.

I think I woke up after that. But still! I did dream about a huge (and scary) seemingly ancient and magical grizzly bear, and I approached it without fear! Now this is significant! Not only had bears replaced wolves as the scares of my dreams, but now one very scary bear appeared, and I became friends with it. Well, at least friendly.

But I overcame that scare, and that’s amazing! I am finally taking control over my life, and I feel like my subconscious (dreams) is reflecting that. And also, were he (it?) an Other, I might just have made a powerful ally.

I am becoming more and more powerful. This is amazing. I am truly starting to take control. I suppose it means that I am becoming less and less frightened and scared in my waking life. I know I can take control, so I feel more relaxed.

Here in Sweden bear encounters are rare, especially with lethal outcomes. So to me, they are a merely dream-sign and a representation of the wild unpredictable force of the unknown. This and the past year I’ve had dreams of wolves prowling around the house, fearful of them getting my two chihuahuas - which funny enough results in me bum-rushing toward them wild doggos while screaming like I was in Braveheart. No fear for myself anymore. Only rage and determination to protect my smol bois. See how my relation to my “dream scares” changed over the years, as my personal development progressed?

And another dream-scare of mine is getting late to work or forgetting that I had to go to work, and me being unable to call my job to let them know. Still trying to figure out what that’s about though :joy: :rofl:

I find dreams to be soo fascinating for so many reasons. Not just for fun, but also for shadow work and personal development, problem-solving, and reaching into the unknown and the woo-woo… which is why I am so redonkulously excited about Revelations of Dreams :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I was reluctant if I should share this here in the open forum but felt intuitively inclined to do so, to showcase the awesomeness of a potential RoD title:

16th of May, 2022.

I had been running Alchemist st1 and Quantum Limitless st1 for some time. Some Mind’s Eye in my backpack too. In the dream, I was in the Ukrainian countryside. Mariupol, more specifically. And I dreamt about a certain military regiment being evacuated. And to my shock, I read in the news only days after that the very specific regiment I had dreamt about had been “evacuated”, on the 17th of May, 2022.

So, I had the dream the same night as it happened in real life.

Imagine that, and add some RoM and RoS on top of it. Just thinking about the possibilities blows my mind :exploding_head:

And lastly a final reflection on RoD:

We integrate and organize information during our REM sleep, and commit to long term memory things that we have learned. So, potentially, wouldn’t an “unfolding” Revelation of Dreams -title be a powerful tool for integrating subliminal scripts from other titles as well?

Basically using dreams as a mean to boost the results of other subs? :thinking:


Beautifully explained, @Athanaxos. I do appreciate the detail you went into. Got some clarity on things.

Thank you :pray:

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Interesting that you’ve been at this for a long time. Bears may be your biggest concern to your subconscious as it may be a big threat as you say. Maybe their characteristics are scary due to how big and powerful they are alongside how fast they can run (40mph some can run! D:)

A big concept of masculinity is based on strength and power. A bear (and a gorilla for that matter) easily outmatch us in that regard. It may be because Bears are wild and primitive compared to humans that it takes more than a societal check to ensure they don’t rip your limbs off and that’s what makes them scary. Using dreams to eliminate our fear or even train ourselves to fight this fear directly (like training a character in a video game to fight a boss) can give us the much needed kick to help us when we are awake.

Imagine turning our dreams into a hyperbolic time chamber (Dragon ballz) and spending what we treat as days/weeks/months of consolidating whatever useful information we obtain or integrating a new skill when in actuality it is just one night of sleep. Imagine going to bed setting the intention to learn a new language. You dream of waking up in say (Japan) and spend what feels like months there just absorbing the dialect and understanding the alphabets. Speaking the language like a local. Then…you wake up. All of that integration at it’s strongest so you flip open a pad and write like a maniac to help keep all that knowledge from being lost.

I am excited to see what ROD can do for us with other subluminals as well.


I am listening to
Matthew Walker why we sleep
And right now I am on a chapter about REM and we have the most time in the REM phase from the animal kingdom and from an evolutionary standpoint it is very advantageous to have it. Thanks to that we can think more creatively etc.

Forgot to mention just to maybe inspire others, that the next cycle will start with Paragon sleep because by bettering the REM phase and sleeping overall, you will have more energy, better health, and better integration of subs.


RoB? Maybe some out of body remote viewing sub?

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I hope ROD will be some kind of fusion of Paragon Sleep and Dreams :slight_smile:


And they climb trees… But yes I think your assessment is accurate, especially so regarding masculinity based strength and power, along with the wild and primitive aspect. Tells from my Shadow that these are aspects that I must integrate.

There is more utility to this than what one might first consider. I find myself regularly fighting in dreams, and I’ve found that my attitude in these dream fights very much reflects my waking state, and vice versa my progress in waking life reflect on my capacity in these dream fight scenarios. Indeed, I even wanted to make a “Nehpalem rift” sort of custom to this end, though that was some time ago.


But why limit yourself to just a day or week or months? Why not entire lifetimes? After all, time is not an issue here. I read a book about that some time ago… but recall fails me which one it was. Will have to check my notes again, maybe I’ve saved a reference to it somewhere… Imagine RoD, with RoM unfolding elements and Quantum Limitless’ Time Dilution or even Khronos Key, for extended dream time experience?

The possibilities both excite me and flabbergasts me at the same time. The dreaming mind and sub/un/consciousness is indeed one of the greatest and most elusive frontiers of all time.

I absolutely adore Mathew Walker. Such a gentle soul, and what a soothing voice, too! If you haven’t already you should definitely check out Rich Roll’s Podcast episode Sleep Is Non-Negotiable with Walker.. It is a bit long, but its an excellent episode. I watched it in 1-hour segments, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Which is why I think that part of Paragon: Sleep ought to be included in a RoD title :slight_smile:


@SubliminalUser I still remember our excitement over lucid dreaming.


@SaintSovereign could we get a small script on daydream, it could help with focus and consolidating reality.

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Waiting for RoD to drop be like:



Am doing the same for Revelation of Body.


"Can’t stay awake much longer… been 8 days!.. :sleeping_bed: :sleeping: :sleeping: "



The wait won’t be long.


Tomorrow ? :laughing::sweat_smile::rofl:

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I think the 16th is when he said something will be released in a post the other day


It’s here:

Shutting down this thread. Thanks for participating, everyone. :wink: