Main Disc. Thread - 12 is here

I don’t know about body morphing/recomposition. Beast within is supposed to be for recovery. The way I see it, it’s more for repairing the tears due to working out.

The Beast Within:

After pushing yourself past your limits using The Beast Unleashed, use the Beast Within to help your body recover even stronger than before. 

Using Beast Within, you will use your subconscious mind in an extremely effective way to affect your body and help it shape into your ideal leaner, stronger, faster, healthier, better body. 

Both of these Ultimas will work beautifully with Emperor Fitness. You will unleash your mind and remove any blocks you might have that stop you from achieving your dream physical state.

Which is why I liked what happened when I used both. Beast Unleashed before and during workout to push me while I workout. Beast Within after to help me recover.

Just limiting beliefs; and I am saying the Sanguine can make it easier to get your conscious mind to cooperate because it does not resist things so much. If you’ve noticed one problem we face when listening to too much is the stress; If you ever completely get out of your own way you see how fast things happen. I think sanguine helps with this.

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That’s true. Also, I think you’re probably right about Sanguine.

Actually, both points can be true at the same time.

strive to open to your highest, limitless potential


be prudent and proceed according to wise principles to avoid overwhelm and burnout

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Max Capacity ≠ Optimum for Performance

Everybody’s different.

@Malkuth has been doing great with Terminus, while I took a month to adjust to Ev4 (QT build, the version before Q).

I’ve resisted mentioning this, but I have gone back to New Dawns because I started stonewalling the Q subs. That is why I kept warning people who wanted to make their Customs in Terminus without significant experience with SQT.

Every time they made an Experimental new build Saint used to warn that “hey, it may do nothing, we don’t know”. I never understood this until it happened to me. :smile:


@malkuth is a power house for subs!

How did you get new dawn because all are Q now…

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Probably because he never deleted them in the first place


This is actually an issue for me:

“How long do you work with a product/build method before you understand that it’s not doing very much?”

all I can do is apply my intuition and try to make the best judgment call.

(I suspect, for example, that Mind’s Eye Terminus2 is having a significant beneficial impact; but there’s no extremely obvious result to which I can point and say, ‘see? that’s it.’ Almost thought of stopping in order to relieve some of the load and free up bandwidth, but in the end, I didn’t. Instead, I chose to ease back on the Ultima at this time. @DarkPhilosopher’s point led me to take more seriously how Ultima tracks could add to the subliminal load. This week, I did a meditation with As Above Ultima, and other than that haven’t run any others.)


I personally think one has to get accustomed to Q before adding ultima…
For some including myself ultima goes straight into reconcilliation or backed up processing

Thanks for the encouragement, @pacman. I think, though, that this might not be so.

As I see it, I’m basically running three programs. (This is my current spin. haha.)

I’ve got a wealth custom. I’ve got a mind-spirit custom. I’ve got a health and healing custom. Just three Terminus build customs.

It’s just that the mind-spirit custom does not yet technically exist.

When it does, it will contain the cores of Alchemist, Quantum Limitless, and Mind’s Eye.

Right now, I’m listening to those programs separately (and at a pretty gentle pace - 3 months per stage on the multi-stagers). Once I get to Stage 4, I’ll order the custom and it will vacuum up those 3 programs, leaving me with 3 customs. That’s all. Right now it makes my stack look packed, but next year, it’ll be pretty trim and slim.

While I am currently running two Terminus2 programs in my stack, it’s also true that I exclusively listen to those programs during meditation sessions. I’ve been combining meditation sessions with subliminals for 9+ months. At first, it was an experiment, but at this point I’m basically sold on it. If I’ve ever done okay running heavy stacks, I’d attribute it largely to that.

Now I’m learning to take better action. Always my weak point.

Like learning to walk again. Just need to look out for the proverbial ‘flying cats’. (okay, there’s no proverb. just a gif.)


(I’ll admit that I do not understand what’s going on in that picture at all.)

Anyway. Final 12 relevant conclusion:

Bandwidth is real. With Ultimas as with other programs.


The gif says it all…
I can relate to it :grinning:

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Only the ones I already had. We can’t get Stark, Medici, Survival, etc. in New Dawn. :blush:


I understand. Not all products have obvious effects from the very beginning. My problem though, was of a different nature. I gradually LOST my sense & effects of subs over time.

I’ve written about StarkQ, EmperorQ, and MediciQ; but these days I can barely tell what I’m running. Thoughts, manifestations, nudges that I used to have, don’t happen anymore.

And this is not the type of “oh you got accustomed to the script, so you think it’s doing nothing”.
NONE of the Q subs seem to be doing much. The effects are there, but VERY dulled/minor.

Increasing or decreasing loops, taking breaks, didn’t help either. Long flush break (15+ days) is the only thing I haven’t tested yet.
Who knows, it might just be an effect of the astrology these days. We’ll see. :slight_smile:


What is your other T2 besides the healing one?

I have found very high bandwith with Rebirth, BLU, medium with Libertine, and Commander, low with Elixer.

That’s very interesting, you can’t run Stark, HOM or any of the newer stuff anymore?

I know there was a time you were running them at least decently successfully from my understanding.

Have you asked Saint about this?

Or tried rebirth Ultima? That seems to reset my ability to perceive the strength of sub effects.

I can reach a point where I stop believing the sub is making a difference-or I feel it’s not enough-it feels like just another thing that failed and is muted, and I have to find a way out of that mentally/emotionally or my progress stalls. (not saying that’s the case with you but you may have your own version)

I felt a similar dulling/uncertainty on and off for my first month on Emperor Q. Part of me hated it. I saw the hints of it’s potential. But then it came seemingly like I was normal again. On V4 for the first time in my life I felt after the first listen, that I had and was everything I ever needed to be to accomplish anything.

In metrics and experience I’ve since seen Q-perform higher-but the state effect is still subtler even as its stronger.


The flush will be your friend.

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Could this be the power of Q or the mind needs more time to process the power of a Q title?

I think it’s the increase density of the script-or rather I should say the increased density of the information being taken it-the script density is likely only slighted modified-although EmperorQ/ V5 has a larger script than V4 if I remember correctly-
it makes it a stronger sub-but less quick to experience.
And more diffuse in experience over all

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While I do not entirely agree with @Simon here, he does have a point. Had a conversation with @Abu_Nasir the other day and he mentioned having very similar experiences. He as well returned to the New Dawn formats.

Kinda interesting is it not? Personally, I’m a curious person and I do spend quite a lot of time contemplating subliminal’s, the development of its technology here at Subliminal Club. Mainly because I can see how it may contribute to the healing and evolvement of mankind on a long-term scale. That’s what the whole purpose of experimenting and testing is for, is it not?

Having that said if anyone has had a similar experience it might be helpful to share it here. This way, we might come to a conclusion as to why this is happening. In the end, helping not only yourself but also the creators of this platform.

Your input is warmly appreciated!