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It’ll take time. The way I did it was getting exposure to Terminus. Stonewalled, then realized it works when I get out of my own way as I was stopping. When I went back to it (my custom) works perfectly. Kinda like with fitness this is one way, push yourself, rest, then it becomes normal next time you go in. Probably if you revisit now all is different because your reaction to it is different.


It’s Mind’s Eye Terminus2. I’ve used it since May 24 2020. Might be the first day it came out, but I don’t know. 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

I think my major program stack as a whole takes up a lot of real estate and bandwidth.

It is my own doing. And, basically, I love it.

But it also seems wise to hold back on adding more.

For a little while there, I was starting to see my tires bulge and my rims get close to scraping the ground. It was getting harder to pedal (i.e., take action). Now I’m seeing it start to get easier again. But it taught me that just because I’m feeling alright that does not mean I’m not being affected by the load.

At first I was starting to see Sanguine as a Get Out Of Jail Free card. But it doesn’t make your load lighter, although as @ALMIGHTY points out, it may enhance your ability to gracefully handle that load. Dark made a similar point about Sanguine to be fair, though it wasn’t his main point.

Action turns out to be useful on both ends. On the Results end, if your actions are effective and successful, well that’s why you’re using the thing, so clearly it’s working. On the Process end (the middle ‘end’?), your ability to engage in action at all is a sign that you’re not currently being overwhelmed by reconciliation.

For that matter, Action is even important on the front end (i.e., before you’ve started the subliminal and when you’re just choosing which program to run): your willingness to take action in a certain area (whether objectively ‘successful’ or not) is a sign that you’re ready for the related subliminal and that you’ll probably be able to work well with it.


Personally, I believe Q was a huge jump in terms of efficiency, power level and as Saint & Fire mentioned should be listened to with caution. Especially regarding newcomers as they’ve not been exposed to these scripts before.

Now, @Simon is not a newcomer on the flip side, I believe his been here from somewhere in the beginning.

For me Q is more efficient, powerful, gives more instantaneous results compared to New Dawn, and it’s also way more smooth. There may be many components as to why users have mentioned New Dawn to be more effective. One thing I like to point out is that they never said New Dawn to be more effective compared to Q, rather they said Q to never give them results at all. Which makes me believe that it’s a usage problem, or it might also be an awareness problem, yet in @Simon’s case I doubt that.

Q subliminal’s are extremely smooth and I must admit I’ve also been caught up in the “I don’t see any results” sickness, however when I quit listening I noticed how much I’ve actually changed and I actually BECAME the scripts. In the beginning, there will be a lot of obvious contrast, yet after a certain period of listening you’ve actually become that person and changes become less apparent. It becomes your new baseline, your new normal.

Then there’s also overexposure, stonewalling, a counter-results listening pattern, etc. A wide range of possibilities as to why some are getting the results they’re getting, however, I’d say it is mostly accounted for what I’ve mentioned above.

Nowadays people are literally running so many encyclopedia dense scripts, not one, not two but even three or more of those programs and expecting not to stonewall. That’s your mistake right there. Our brains can only handle so much, in terms of scripting and processing not to mention the change orchestrated by the scripts themselves.

Luckily we’ve got @Malkuth to share his insightful metaphors to have some of us, who haven’t yet gone Quantum to be able to comprehend.


I actually find that @Simon is one who often helps me to get perspective on using subliminals. That’s the Quantum thinker. Observes super-carefully. Applies intuition and experimentation creatively. And analyzes logically and systematically. He frequently ends up with thorough but also unique understandings.

I’m sure this latest set of experiences he’s having will be no exception.

Remember when Q titles were first released, before the Q store? We were all trying to deal with the fact that what used to take 4-8 hours of exposure could now be accomplished in 1 hour. I guess the truth is that we are still struggling to digest this point.

When you were originally prepared to listen for 12 hours a day, it’s quite an adjustment. It’s tempting to just fill in the empty space with additional programs.

and on another completely different note, where the hell is @Magneto?


He probably changed so much that he forgot the forum


Thanks for all the comments guys. :slight_smile:

The main reason I did not bring it up is because my life is going through tremendous changes over the last few weeks – my own bout with covid, a couple deaths, the whole of my extended family moving together into an apartment complex, new job/projects, stupid laptop keyboard giving errors, etc. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Under these transitions, the ND subs like Ev3 & Lv2 have been more effective than any vQ sub.
Maybe LIFE is using up a lot more brain bandwidth than I realize. :wink:

We’ll talk about subliminal builds after life stabilizes a bit. :smile:


I know from experience that things like that aren’t easy to deal with especially in bulk. Best of luck brother. Keep us updated.

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That’s kind of my experience too. Q didn’t work for me and I returned to the initial versions. The difference in effects are pretty notable.

Now, as the subliminals only comes with Q version, people that doesn’t have the “new dawn” subs won’t be able to test, compare and, at the end, see for themselves which one performs better.