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that makes sense, I don’t know the nature of how this works to truly comment with any accuracy.
(if there was a $10,000 course to become a subliminal producer here-I would take it though :wink: )

However a light workout helps heavy workout recovery :slight_smile: the question is, is Sanguine a light workout, or just feels good from the temporary adrenaline of box squatting 500.

Well, I know of a course on how to make $10,000 easy that costs $10,000. It’s quite short. :wink:

The light workout increases blood flow without causing any more stress, that’s probably why. To be certain I’d have to tag Fire, but I’ve already poked a bear, not gonna poke a sleeping dragon as well.

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It would be the same. You’re welcome to experiment and report back, however. We don’t have all the answers because not everyone is the same. There are some sub stacks with 3-4 titles and I can handle it just fine. Other stacks, more than two subs and I become a mean recluse. Start with the recommendation, then expand and let us know what happens.


Maybe later. I’m maxed-out with the experiments I’m already running now.

Two it is.

Was Spartan Apex Warrior not upgraded to Ultima ? Looks like also Aura is still at Q level.

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The number of people online who are making money by teaching a course on how to make money by teaching a course is becoming ridiculous. :rofl:



My sense is-if you (impersonal you) want to make money teaching an online course and you can offer something of value -go for it, but if you wan’t to make money teaching an online course on making money, you better have made money in a completely different way first, otherwise it gets a little viral scammy.


Legacy was the supercharger and it was upgraded to Ultima, Spartan is still a major program in Q
Aura Q was not upgraded. .

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bingo. haha

Spartan wasn’t a supercharger. It was upgraded to Q-strength. The fate of Aura is still on the table.


That sounds like the title of a YA fantasy novel. :wink:


@BLACKICE Shhhh !!! That’s @SaintSovereign side hustle

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I actually knew that. haha :upside_down_face:

AFAIK our unconscious mind is pretty much limitless, it can handle so much data that this is like a piece of cake.

The problem is we get in our own way; I can imagine sanguine somehow helps with that by helping you accept things and go from there instead of resisting.

What is your opinion?

Seems to me that Dark Philosopher’s point still stands.

Subliminals work with the mind as a whole: unconscious, subconscious, conscious.

In order to experience a result, that result must be conducted from your subconscious into your conscious experience. That’s the difference between Potential and Active. The ocean holds limitless water :ocean: but when you’re getting some of that water, you access it through a water faucet :potable_water: .

I’ve thought about Philosopher’s point. It’s basic and sound. It comes down to this: More script, more processing.

(oh god, the Biggie Smalls jokes off that are hurting.)

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Did someone tryed the beast within to change their body?

@GoldenTiger Tomorrow I am going to start running Beast Unleashed to motivate myself to work out and stick with it along with Executive. Not sure I will run anything other than that . Maybe Regeneration and Elixir or Total Breakdown and Elixir.

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I used both Beast Unleashed and Within last night. Was a really great combo. Will use both whenever I work out.


Beast within I used before it was upgraded to ultima with great results in the gym. Never used beast unleashed for long period of time :muscle:

@d1gz do you think beast within could be used to do a body recomposition? :thinking:

We have an ultima for workout boosting, an ultima for healing, an ultima for mind-body connection and beast within could be for body morphing?