Main Disc. / Dev. Thread - Love Bomb Ultima Mk. II Prototype

I can confirm that.

They both have their motives to run it. In my case Love Bomb is a excellent mood enhancer, maybe more spiritual than the other. Seems to me this test was a success, there’s no doubt in that. It enchances the mood very quickly but doesn’t make Sanguine obsolete though.

However, in Sanguine for me takes an hour or two to kick in and then the benefits flow through. It brings back my cheerful, jovial and optimistic mood in a rough day. But it’s more close to my personality, while Love Bomb’s effects feel a bit distant to me in feeling so… pacifist.

Basically, Love Bomb = Monk Peace n’ Love
Sanguine = Optimistic Self


Nothing too much in-person (I’m unable to ascertain if random acts of kindness – though they have occurred --are due to Love-Bomb).

But I have noticed some long-range stuff.
Examples: sister calling me up offering to cook for me, friend who I hadn’t talk with in a while hitting me up a cryptocurrency he thinks is taking off and wanting me to know about it, friend offering me some side work this week (and specifically today he gave me a raise an hour after I listened to Love-Bomb – ok I guess this one counts as in-person).

P.S. The only major I am running is Stark (StarkQ>StarkUltima>Stark Terminus in order if frequency. No specific schedule, but I am listening pretty minimally with 2 break days per week).


I ran Love Bomb the other night with my BILLionaire custom after LB. My thinking there was to flood myself with “love” or gratitude or whatever prior to invoking the custom sub.

I dreamed stuff as usual about the house I dream about lol.
I’ll give it another go tonight to see what happens.

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great stuff would be nice to be have a custom version


I only run it once and it was powerful as heaven.
Do it again this week with an update

I’m gonna run it in repeat tonight. Tomorrow I plan to contact an old friend, who’s friendship I lost. Will be interesting

I would love this to be in the Q shop.

TBH I think this has been a really good experiment, and I think one of your better ones because of the potential which I elaborate on below.

I didn’t have a profoundly emotional experience. I didn’t feel like the embodiment of love. I didn’t feel as @Leandros did… but I did notice something important.

People who might have a tendency to act disrespectfully towards me, suddenly were nicer and more respectful to me and others around them. It was that what got my attention.

I never really felt this overwhelming blissful love. I also was not surprised that cranky, angry people were being nicer to me. What really impressed me was that they became nicer to others around them. It changed their mood. I guess it changed how they felt, and/or their perception of others, themself, and/or the world.

Why do I think this is one of your better ones?

I think there is the potential to listen to Love Bomb before going into the office, and perhaps cheer up those around you. A better work environment.

More harmony in the home. Couples and families could get along better.

How about just getting treated better when you are out doing your shopping, and making other people’s day better simply by your presence?

All because you @SaintSovereign had a thought, perhaps partially inspired with a drink or two…

(Please note: Subliminal Club doesn’t necessarily endorse getting inspiration via alcohol.:champagne::clinking_glasses:)

Yes, I do want Love Bomb in the Q store. There are over 520 post as I write this now for Love Bomb. There is interest in this.


Here you go @SaintSovereign:

The Stack

Dream 1:

I’m living in a house. Surprisingly it doesn’t “feel” like the same house I’ve kept dreaming about before in my journal.
I work at home in this dream (as I do IRL) and live with 2 other people who work for the same company.
One of them is a lady I actually work with IRL, and another is someone I don’t know IRL but knew quite well in the dream.

The office (of the one I don’t know IRL) is in a separate room and the curtain on her door before is now off the door. It seems this door had a glass window which was huge. A ridiculously large window. Enough so I said “Man, all this time, that door has been there and I never realized how big the window is. it’s HUGE!”

I went outside for something, and this somehow transitioned into Dream 2 by me taking my backpack and bag (mentioned in Dream 2) and “teleporting myself” to Hawaii.

Dream 2:
I’m teleported to the Pearl Harbor Naval Base (where I was first stationed on submarines IRL)
I’m on the base, it’s present time, so I’ve been out of the Navy for 15+ years now.

I’m walking to leave the base via the Makalapa Gate (the main access gate that enters the base from Kamehameha Highway) and as I’m getting closer to Kam Highway, I notice there is an increasing number of stacks of logs and firewood. I have the sense this is a sort of security measure because all the wood leaves barely a car-width of space for vehicles to get in and out, so this will keep people from trying to get on base illegally. lol

It’s getting harder and harder to walk, because of all the piles of wood. I decide to try and squeeze through one of the piles by maneuvering between the logs. I got caught up and stuck in the big pile I was in. The guards notice me and start harassing me. There are 5 of them.

“Who are you? Show me some ID?” those sorts of questions.

I say “My name is Bill, and I’m just trying to leave the base and go for a walk.”

“What’s in the backpack and the bag?”

Me: “Well, that’s kinda personal. Again, I’m just leaving the base. Don’t want any trouble.”

“Well, you GOT trouble, Mutherfucker!”

They draw guns on me, and scream how they’re reporting me to the “General of the Base”…weird for a Navy base. Whatever. I’m like “OK. Let’s get it over with. I have place to go.”

“Not anymore, you don’t!”

I somehow manage to talk them down and I’m hanging out inside this big pile of logs.

They keep insisting on knowing where I’m going after I leave base.

I refuse to tell them out of principle. I really didn’t have anywhere I was planning to go. I’d just wanted to test my teleporting powers from the first dream lol.

One of the guards seems easiest to talk to. Almost as if he’s reluctantly there.

I talk to him and ignore the rest and I say “Look, you know the Hale Moku housing area?”

He says “Yeah”.

(Hale Moku is a housing area right next to the base where I actually lived when there IRL)

I tell him “I just heard that area got demolished and rebuilt since I was here before, and I wanna go check it out.”

He says “I understand man, but why don’t you tell (X)?” Apparently, X is the leader of the guards of the 5. I don’t remember his name, just that he was a Hispanic guy who was quite muscularly built lol.

I said “Because he never once asked nicely.”

Fast forward after some waiting, I pull my Kindle Paperwhite from my backpack. It’s broken into 2 pieces and I can only get it to work by holding the pieces together. As long as I hold the pieces together, it works, and I can read books. but if the pieces come apart, it grays out until back together.

At some point, I realize I can will myself to fly straight up as I can do in Lucid Dreams

I discreetly pick up my backpack and bag and fly straight up and start surveying O’ahu from the sky. seeing how much has changed since I left there in 1999.

I never do find Hale Moku, even though I know exactly where it is iRL, but I did decide to find the very first apartment the wife and I shared there. I found that easily. It’s right outside another gate there called Halawa Gate. Which is a mile or so down Kamehameha Highway from the main gate.

I fly there…see the building.

I land.
as I land, there are several beautiful women there and I notice that I’m able to “beam” a feeling of love/attraction into them, and they come up to me one after the other in different situations and start kissing.

Literally the best kissing ever.

The last one, she seems very reluctant to kiss me. Like when I beam the love/attraction into her, she gets visibly upset and resistant. I just say “Relax” and I reach around, gently cup my hand around her head and touch the back of her neck and use the physical contact and flow the love/attraction feeling into her.

She then is into it and kissing her was even better than kissing all the others who were into it without any issues.

Then I woke up. I’m assuming stacking LB with Libertine V2 was the cause of that part of the dream.


This, exactly. I haven’t used Love Bomb but the part about family and couples is what I would use this for, if and when it is updated and no longer experimental.

Why would you want to do that?

Your dream recall is amazing.

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It seems far more so when I have subs playing during sleep. I’m wondering if it’s the processing of subs that keeps more “awake”. With normal sleep, I sleep far deeper and my recall isn’t as vivid.


I’m sorta tempted to run Limitless during sleep to see how that affects me dreaming/recall.


Or possibly “Dreams”.

Don’t have that one yet. You could be right though. As for Love Bomb, I personally suspect it could help with any of the manifestation-focused titles since Love might go hand-in-hand with gratitude. Or at least Love would mean less “resistance”.

I’ll be playing with this idea in detail for a bit.


I’m repeating the experiment again tonight and will use Libertine V1 instead of V2. I’m curious to see what the differences will be, if any, in my dreaming.

WIth LB + V2 + BILLionaire, the part of my dream with the women wasn’t my usual horndawg-infused dreaming sex consciousness. It was less about getting my rocks off (wasn’t about that at ALL actually) and it was more just about the sensual kissing. Making out was my only agenda.

Tomorrow night I’ll use either Primal Seduction Q or PS: IT Ultima in place of Libertine. I’m really just curious how Love Bomb supercharges these different titles.

I MEANT to add Aura Q last night and totally forgot! I’ll hold off on that tonight since I want to just change one piece of the puzzle at a time.


I’ve found if you combine Dreams with BLU I get answers to complex questions I have when I’m dreaming. And they work.


Interesting ive been trying to figure out what would make a great dreams custom ultima, am hoping there are thing in the new module pack that can help

These are good ideas. Would you please move the discussion to another thread to stay on track with Love Bomb